1876: Texas declared itself as a "free and independent state" under the U.S. Constitution
Jim Crow Laws: laws discriminating against African Americans
These laws segregated, separated, whites from black in schools, stores, and hotels
Prevented blacks from voting using fear and intimidation
State Government at Work
1870s: Violence and lawlessness broke out in Texas
Communities had vigilantly groups take the law in their own hands
1874: Texas Rangers are reorganized to stop crime
The Salt War
When: 1877-1878
Where: San Elizario/ El Paso County
Who: Mexicans, Mexican Americans, a white lawyer
What: The white lawyer filed claim on the salt, enraging the Mexican faction. When he arrested two men who threatened to get salt, rioting broke out, resulting in Howard being held prisoner for 3 days. Texas Rangers were sent but surrendered to the Mexican crowd
Starting Over
Fighting for Equality
Women in Texas After Reconstruction
Under the new Constitution, women did not have very many rights
White women worked to gain the right to vote
Hope to fix social problems
Many white women joined organizations to work on social problems, women's issues, and women's rights
Some worked in the temperance movement to end or reduce drinking alcoholic beverages
The Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) worked to keep kids from jail and in school
WCTU also worked in the women's suffrage movement
Changes in Transportation and Communication
1870s: State government provided land grants to railroad builders
By 1875, 1,650 miles of track had been constructed, including a transcontinental line
Essential understandings
Texas Industry develops
Farmers Face Problems
A New Way of Talking
Texas Industry
With the onset of refrigerated rail cars, industry grew in Texas
Mining and lumbering were needed jobs for the railroad industry
Farmers used the railroad to ship goods, but cost was high and farmers lost profits
Rail companies could charge whatever they wanted
Governor James Hogg passed a law to regulate the price of railroad travel
1878: Colonel A.H. Belo became the first owner of the telephone in Texas
Telephone lines were connected transferred at a central switchboard