
Prezi AI.




IB PYP Assessment

Created by Yustina Rostyaningtyas

The PYP's Essentials Learning

  • acquisition of knowledge
  • the understanding of concepts
  • the mastering of skills
  • the development of attitudes
  • the decision to take action

5 essential elements learning

Assessment component

Assessing - how we discover what the students know and have learned

Recording - how we choose to collect and analyse data

Reporting - how we choose to communicate information

assessment component


Summative assessment

  • culmination of teaching and learning process
  • give teacher and students a clear insight into students' understanding

Formative assessment

  • provide information that is used for planning next stage in learning

Effective assessments allow students to:


  • share their learning and understanding with others
  • demonstrate a range of knowledge, conceptual understanding and skills
  • use a variety of learning styles, multiple intelligences and abilities to express their understanding
  • know and understand in advance the criteria for producing a quality product or performance
  • participate in reflection, self- and peer-assessment
  • base their learning on real-life experiences that can lead to further inquiries
  • express different points of view and interpretations
  • analyse their learning and understand what needs to be improved

Effective assessment allow teacher to:


  • inform every stage of the teaching and learning process
  • plan in response to student and teacher inquiries
  • develop criteria for producing a quality product or performance
  • gather evidence from which sound conclusions can be drawn
  • provide evidence that can be effectively reported and understood by the whole school community
  • collaboratively review and reflect on student performance and progress
  • take into account a variety of learning styles, multiple intelligences and abilities including different
  • cultural contexts use scoring that is both
  • analytical (separate scores for different aspects of the work) and holistic (single scores).

Effective assessment allow parents to:


  • see evidence of student learning and development
  • develop an understanding of the student’s progress
  • provide opportunities to support and celebrate student learning



  • Schools provide evidence of student learning.
  • As an example, schools can use portfolios.
  • It can be used as a tool for assessment and reporting purposes for students and parents.


Effective reporting

Schools need to involve parents, students, and teachers as partners through conferences and reporting so all parties get a clear and understandable progress and feedback.

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