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It stems from zero tolerance policies put in place at public schools.
These policies lead students to deal with law enforcement at young ages and result in more suspensions and time out of class.
Only 8 percent of students female and male were African American but they represent 14 and 25 percent of out of school suspensions
System racism leads to black students being more likely than white peers to be suspended, expelled and arrested in school
More likely to not finish high school thus more likely to be in prison after school.
Why is a Criminal Record so bad?
Having a criminal record out of high school can make it more difficult to get a job, build credit, attain housing and more.
Students convicted of felony offenses may lose their right to vote and future financial aid.
Dealing with police negatively at a young age leads to trauma and mistrust of law enforcement
Students who are considered bad are seperated from other students leading to feeling of alienation and bad grades
The book Pushout focuses on the school to prison pipeline in african american girls.
Morris talks about how black girls are most susceptiple to harmful sterotypes being more likely to be seen as "ghetto". They are marginalized more than other races in the school system.
Education is not funded equally. Black students more likely to attend high poverty schools
Black girls who end up in juvenile schools only see education get worse. These schools are known for poor teaching and abusive disciplinary practices that worsen student's mental health.
The documentary Fault Lines highlights real students and people who have fallen into the school to prison pipeline
Student named Jennifier lives in poverty and has to work overnight long hours to provide for her family. Because of this she has missed school and faces a 2,500$ fine she must pay or face jail time that will be on her permanent record.
Connects to Chapter 8 discussion on mass incarcernation and how a life of crime often starts in the classroom.
Judges can see someone has been to juvenile prison before and give them a longer prison sentence. Once you end up in prison as a child it just seems harder and harder to get out of that lifestyle because of the system in place.
Stem from war on crime and drugs from 1980s and 1990s that led to mass incarceration.
Gun Free School Act seen as start of zero tolerance policies. Bringing a gun to school led to suspension for whole academic school year.
Less serious offenses began to see harsher punishments in schools to discourage worse offenses in the future.
The school to prison pipeline leads thousands of kids stuck in a negative cycle. We know prison is bad but why?
Chapter 8 talks about how there are more than 2 million people in prison across the country.
Over 75 billion spent anually on correction systems
Many criminologists don't believe this spending is lowering crime but mass incarcernation may be increasing it. Prisons can be a breeding ground for more crime
Studies found that black youth were more likely to be diagnoised with disruptive behavioral disorders. Teachers were behaviors in black students as threatening that they viewed acceptable in white students.
The stigma of mental health in black community can lead to holding in emotions more.
What is diagnoised as disruptive behavior in black students is diagnoised as anxiety or depression in white students.
This system makes it harder for black students to gain support in the classroom.
One way that has been brought up to replace the school to prison pipeline is restorative justice.
Restorative justice seeks to understand misbehavior and build a sense of community. This is unlike zero tolerance policies which don't try to understand misbehavior
Would make sure that punishments are administered fairly regardless of sex or race.
Takes into account mental health and cultural bias.
Many children attest that having police in their schools leads to feelings of anxiety and fear in schools.
Schools with high police prescence actually found to increase behavioral incidents and suspensions
We are seeing police respond to behavioral issues in school that should be handled by trained teachers and counselours.
Police can legally use force on students which is scary to think of happening in a school setting of children.
The increase of police prescence in schools is taking issues that used to be handled in the classroom and getting law enforcement involved. This is leading to a disconnect from teachers and students
Studies show that kids appreciate teachers who they feel actually care about their well being. Positive support from teachers in school can make up for the lack of it in home lives. The teachers who took the extra time to understand their students made an impact on their education.
Because teachers can now easily have police take care of behavior issues in the classroom positive relationships between teachers and students are decreasing.
Students were found to behave better when they felt they were viewed as positive individuals . Many students found they were viewed and treated differently because of their race.
Many students claim they wish they were seen and their misbehavior stemmed from wanting help.
Many black student students claim they feel like they are being treated like a violent adult instead of a child. There is clearly not equal disciplinary treatment among races in school.
Students in juvenile are often taught by underqualified teachers.
They find themselves learning material that is below their grade level. When they leave juvenile and go to school they are behind in learning.
Clear correlation between going to juvenile prison and future criminal offenses. So why are we still sending kids there?
Another solution offered to fix the school to prison pipeline is to decrease classroom size. Having less students to a teacher can give each student more attention and decrease the feelings of not being seen.
Schools in poverty areas more likely to have less teachers. More students in a classroom leads to not feeling seen and heard at school and leads to misbehavior
Schools in areas of poverty were found to have less mental health professionals than other schools.
These schools need more mental health professionals to not just help at school but help with home lives. Social workers in schools can help children living in poverty get food or have time for homework. By helping the child with their home life and showing them they are valued and important they are less likely to misbehave in the classroom.
Of course to have more mental health professionals in poverty areas we would need more funding.
Funding in schools has long been a problem and the lack of it is also a driving force in the school to prison pipeline.
Most school funding comes from state and local taxes and litte from the federal government.
Teachers that kids value most go out of their way to create a special bond with their students and often find themselves digging into their own pockets for this. This needs to change
The education system was initially designed hundreds of years ago and is clearly outdated
There are people alive today that remember when black and white students couldn't go to the same school. It was not that long ago at all.
The schools our children go to have not changed as much as we think since that time period.Systematic racism that is engraved into our classrooms needs to change.
African American students’ experiences of the school-to-prison pipeline ... (n.d.). Retrieved December 22, 2022, from
American Psychological Association. (n.d.). For black students, unfairly harsh discipline can lead to lower grades. American Psychological Association. Retrieved December 21, 2022, from
Chapter 11 schools and Education. Schools and Education. (n.d.). Retrieved December 21, 2022, from
Chapter 8 crime and criminal justice. Crime and Criminal Justice. (n.d.). Retrieved December 21, 2022, from
Chiariello, E., Williamson, L. A., & Wolfram, W. (n.d.). The school-to-prison pipeline. Learning for Justice. Retrieved December 21, 2022, from
Darling-Hammond, L. (2016, July 28). Unequal opportunity: Race and education. Brookings. Retrieved December 21, 2022, from
English, A. J. (2014, December 31).
Fault lines - the school to prison pipeline - video dailymotion. Dailymotion. Retrieved December 21, 2022, from
Johnson, J. (2021, November 1). The racist school policies that treat kids like criminals. Slate Magazine. Retrieved December 21, 2022, from
Morris, M. W. (2018). Pushout: The criminalization of black girls in schools. New Press.
Richtel, M., & Trofort, B. (2022, December 13). 'disruptive,' or depressed? psychiatrists reach out to teens of color. The New York Times. Retrieved December 21, 2022, from
Who is most affected by the school-to-prison pipeline. School of Education Online. (2022, November 8). Retrieved December 21, 2022, from