All the lonely people, where do they all come from?
Biology of loneliness
- In the UK, 60% of 18 to 34-year-olds say they often feel lonely.
- In the US, 46% of the entire population feel lonely regularly.
Loneliness is a purely subjective, individual experience
Loneliness can affect everybody
It is part of your biology
Loneliness is a bodily function, like hunger
Being alone meant death. So, it was crucial that you got along with others.
This mechanisms for keeping us connected worked great for most of our history
Backslide of social skills
Social skills and technology
- We meet fewer people on person, and we meet them lees often than in the past.
- Too much technology can impact the development of other important social skills, such as: Leadership skills, Empathy, Conflict resolution, Communication and Expression of emotions.
- Children’s access to electronic devices has grown fivefold in two years
- So when children use digital communication extensively, it can curtail the face-to-face experiences necessary for them to develop and master important social skills.
- Digital screen time, can reduce the time spent developing skills to read non-verbal cues of human emotion.
New generation and Tech
- It’s nearly impossible to do anything without the use of technology.
- People in the 21st century are alone.
Craving for technology
At the end its always our decision if you want to see the world through a screen or your own eyes.
When you use technology constantly it makes it harder for you to interact with people in real life.
Addiction and frustration
Technology, it has come to stay.
Loneliness is a bigger killer than obesity!
How loneliness
Link between disease and loneliness
- There is a connection between health and loneliness.
- Studies have shown that the disease comes from chronic loneliness.
The response of our brain to loneliness
When loneliness becomes chronic, our brain goes to self-preservation mode.
What can we do about it?
What to do to cope with
Routine is the enemy of loneliness
Turn your loneliness into advantage
What is your target?
Become a volunteer
Make your life meaningful
Strengthen your existing relationships
Friends you love in somewhere
Practice Daily
Stay Strong