"To state whether 13-18 years have more anxiety than adults.”
what is your problem
What is the problem?
Our problem is anxiety rates throughout people aged 13 – 18 years. Our aim is to further develop why this occurs, and how common this is.
Who is the population
who is the population
The population we will be focusing on is people aged 13-18 years old. Variables to investigate are the independent variable. The data we are going to collect is a survey where people aged 13-18 years can answer questions relating to anxiety. The more concerning results will determine them to speak to a professional to help them throughout their situations. Once they get help from the counselor, they will get advised to more support which will lead to a solution.
Identify the hypothesis
"To state whether teens aged 13-18 years old have more anxiety than adults"
The independent variable can be explored further in-depth as we can compare it to ages, which have depression out of the age bracket.
Independent variable
The students survey is what is measured.
Dependent variable
The students who are partaking and further developing anxiety rates through 13-18 years.
If the surveys displays false information.
Determine research design
Research designs
The type of data that will be collected includes the experimental psychological behavior of teenage factors. The considerations to take into place is how badly their feelings are and if they can express them truthfully. This might not be an accurate representation as they may state false accusations when trying to express the data. For example, if they have ‘normal, healthy’ data this will impact it as they will not go for professional help.
what we did to find these results
We will represent this on Microsoft forms, explaining beforehand how this is essential to complete truthfully. However, this will be performed in a very confidential, private matter. Any data that is collected is not shared within the other people completing the survey. Yet, this is shared with the counsellors and the experimentalists/psychologist.
what we hope to achieve
what the data showed
Evaluate Data
Uncertainty shows in the survey. If this age range does not specify and answer truthfully about how they feel as they may be scared to explain their experiences and thoughts. This may be hard for them to upfront their feelings, which is totally okay. However, this will affect the data. For the people partaking in the survey, they will not be able to get professional help, meaning they will not show improvements within themselves.
The hypothesis was stated true to due the research conducted, it was proved as according to the national institute of mental health that these ages were almost double the amount of anxiety in comparison to adults.The data found shows that teenagers suffer more severe anxiety than adults and don't have the resources or opportunity to explore and resolve the illness.