Bold Athletics Strategy Plan
Rockford University
Business Planning and Strategy
Spring 2020
Strategic Vision & Mission
Bold Athletics
Bold Athletics
Desire to provide the largest variety at the most reasonable price
Wide range of affordable and functional shoes
Providing the most available shoe globally
- Constant increase in Net Revenue from 2012
- Net Revenue 2020: $ 1 320 489
Earnings per Share
Earning per Share
- Drop in Y19. Revenue not as high as expected
Return on Equity
- Stable, though difficult to meet the industry average
Stock Price
- Decrease on Y17 and Y19 with a sharp increase in Y20
Stock Price
Credit Rating
- Drop in credit rating due to long-term loan. Loan $ 175 millions.
- Increasing credit rating each year from Y12 until Y14
- Strong A+ credit rating since Y16
Credit Rating
Image Rating
- Vision, mission and strategy did not align with a high image rating
- More focus on availability of numerous models, expansion and price-accessibility for customers.
Image Rating
Branded Global Unit Sales
- Moved to free shipping on internet segment
Branded Global unit sales
Competitive Strategy
Competitive Strategy
- Held firm to our initial strategy
- Low cost shoes across all regions
- Giving back
- Hold a firm market share in all regions
- FY 20
- Best market share: LA
- Internet 27.6%
- Wholesale 27.2%
- Worst market share: AP
- Internet 16.8%
- Wholesale 15.8%
Private Label
- Strategy was not to pursue private label
- Lower COGS and lower wholesale/internet prices
- Lower SQ ratings
- Used full capacity plus overtime to support internet and wholesale demand
- Produce at or above 100% capacity every year
- Base wages
- 1% pay increase each year
- Met or exceeded all min. wage requirements in all regions
- Exceeded industry average for total compensation
- incentive pay
- fringe benefits
- Workforce productivity (pairs/worker/year)
- Total production labor cost ($/pair after rejects)
- Total production cost ($/pair produced)
Financial Strategy
- Dividend payout started in year 16
- By year 21, dividend payout to $1.20
- Year 11 took 10-year $175 million loan at 7.3%
- Year 15 took 10-year $180 million loan at 5.8%
- By year 22, will bring shares of stock outstanding to 16.5 million
- EPS of $20 by year 23
- ROE of at least $30 by 23
- Dream Chasers Footwear and Generations Shoe Co. (Price and quality)
- Between all regions and wholesale/internet segments
- Did not enter private label segment
- CONTI and Heelios (Celebrity endorsements)
- Contract offers almost doubled
- Continue heavy investment in Latin America region
- Production capacity and prioritize celebrity negotiations
- Increase search engine advertising in all regions to $17 million
- Increase brand advertising to $20 million in all regions
- Start Six-Sigma Quality Program
- Decrease reject rate and increase productivity rate
- Start at $0.25 per shoe and increase by $0.25 per shoe per facility each year for the next 5 years
- Continue focusing on celebrity endorsements in all regions
Lessons Learned
- Importance of forecasting
- Recognizing trends within competition and computing potential averages that match those trends
- Attention to exchange rates and tariffs
- Slowly increase stocks issued and stock repurchasing overtime
- Should have invested in Latin America production much sooner
- Should have increased price per shoe earlier to better control and meet demand
Lessons Learned