Empires in East Asia
Mr. Simpson
World History
Msgr Kelly HS
TEKS 113.42 (c)(4)(H) summarize the major political, economic, and cultural developments in Tang and Song China and their impact on Eastern Asia;
TEKS 113.42 (c)(27)(A) identify the origin and diffusion of major ideas in mathematics, science, and technology that occurred in river valley civilizations, classical Greece and Rome, classical India, and the Islamic caliphates between 700 and 1200 and in China from the Tang to Ming dynasties;
2 Golden Ages
The Tang & Song dynasties restored culture & prosperity
2 Golden Ages
Post Han Dynasty
- After the Han Dynasty fell, China remained divided for 400 yrs in warring factions
- China escaped societal disruption after Rome's decline, so technology, science, & art continued to flourish due to emphasis on education & Confucian ideas of order
- Buddhism prospered & spread across East Asia
- Foreign invaders usually adopted Chinese customs instead of demolishing it
Building an Empire
- Li Yuan was general in short lived Sui dynasty
- His son convinced him to overthrow Sui
- Son forced dad to abdicate & took throne with new name Tang Taizong (still most admired emperor)
- Tang pushed into Central & East Asia, making Vietnam, Tibet, & Korea tributary states
Government & Economy
- Revived Han system of uniform govt
- Bureaucracy promotion by civil service exam, not aristocracy.
- Students memorize philosophy & classical literature for exam
- Test = Nine Books of Confucianism + write poetry based on fixed meter + calligraphy (why is calligraphy important?)
Spring & Autumn Annals - one major work of the Five Classics of Confucianism
Land Reform
- Tang broke up aristocratic family land and redistributed it to poor peasants
- Strengthened central govt, weakened landed gentry's power
- increased govt revenue because more landowners = more taxes
- Tang lost territory in Central Asia to Muslims
- Corruption, high taxes, drought, famine, and rebellions hastened downfall
- AD 907 emperor overthrown
- short period of instability for the next 60 years (cf. ~400 years between Han & Tang)
Tejaprabhā Buddha & Five Planets, 897
Prosperity Under the Song
- In AD 960, 1st Song Emperor takes thrown
- Song ruled China for 319 yrs
- North invaded a lot, had to retreat to South (thus, China has current North-South power orientation vs East-West under Han)
- Southern Song ruled another 150 yrs
Keeping an Empire
- Population drifted South due to rice farms along Yangzi (strain imported from Vietnam)
- Warmer, wet climate = grow food year round
- Doubled in size ~120M ppl
- Jin took over North in 1127
Chinese Society
- More social mobility than Europe
- Why did gentry support Confucianism?
- Peasant kids studied for Civil Service Exam
- Merchants could buy land (peasant) or send kids to school (gentry)
Three of most important inventions during these 2 dynasties later adapted by Europeans to give them "competitive advantage."
Moveable Type
each character could be placed on a stamp to quickly copy long texts
first used for ceremonies; then used for warfare
first used for divination to tell fortunes; then used for navigation
Art & Literature
- Poetry, painting, & calligraphy important skills for social advancement
- Natural scenes & Buddha very popular
- 200 major & 400 minor writers from these dynasties
- Li Bo (Tang) wrote 2000 poems
- Li Qungzhao (Song) = woman
Guanyin, Buddha of Compassion, North Song
Li Qingzhou - "Like a Dream"
I will always recall that day at dusk,
the pavilion by the creek,
and I was so drunk I couldn't tell
the way home. My mood left me,
it was late when I turned back in my boat
and I strayed deep among lotuses —
how to get through?
how to get through?
and I startled to flight a whole shoal
of egrets and gulls.
Mongols & Mings
Mongol armies conquered China, but in time the Ming regained control.
Mongols & Ming
Building the Mongol Empire
- Mongols were nomadic peoples from Central Asia
- Bands of warring tribes ruled by strong chieftains called Khans.
Why are Mongols usually depicted as savages in art?
(L) Chinese
(R) Persian
Genghis Khan
- born in modern Mongolia in 12th century
- After uniting Mongol tribes in Central Asia focused attention on China
- Had to adapt warfare to conquer China (defenses like walls, towers, unknown on steppes)
- Pushed Westward into modern Georgia, Ukraine, and Russia, largest land empire
Bust of Genghis Khan in Presidential Palace, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Pax Mongolica
- Mongols allowed conquered people to live life as before, except pay tribute
- Khans ruled subjects with tolerance & justice across diverse cultures & religions)
- Ushered in stability along Silk Road (low crime rate)
- Even more cultural exchange between East & West.
Marco Polo visited Kublai Khan (Genghis grandson) in China while trading, inspiring Asian exoticism in Europe
Kublai Khan
- Genghis grandson Kublai Khan ruled over China, Korea, Tibet, and Vietnam.
- Passed laws to preserve "Mongolianess" of his troops (forbidden to marry Chinese)
- established Yuan Dynasty from Beijing
- trade flourished between East-West, received Marco Polo
Ming Restore Chinese Rule
- Yuan dynasty declined after Kublai Khan's death
- Zhu Yuanzhang united peasants to push Mongols beyond Great Wall & founded Ming ("Bright") Dynasty
- Restored Confucian government and civil service exam (made it even harder)
- Revived Chinese art (vases) & literature
China & The World
- China opens itself to trade with world
- Zheng He explored the sea to open trade with Africa & Pacific Islands
- 7 expeditions, 62 hugh ships, hundreds of small ones, 25k sailors
Chinese Society
- More social mobility than Europe
- Why did gentry support Confucianism?
- Peasant kids studied for Civil Service Exam
- Merchants could buy land (peasant) or send kids to school (gentry)
Three of most important inventions during these 2 dynasties later adapted by Europeans to give them "competitive advantage."
Moveable Type
each character could be placed on a stamp to quickly copy long texts
first used for ceremonies; then used for warfare
first used for divination to tell fortunes; then used for navigation
Li Qingzhou - "Like a Dream"
I will always recall that day at dusk,
the pavilion by the creek,
and I was so drunk I couldn't tell
the way home. My mood left me,
it was late when I turned back in my boat
and I strayed deep among lotuses —
how to get through?
how to get through?
and I startled to flight a whole shoal
of egrets and gulls.