Victorian Mourning
How to incorporate the aesthetic in your Lolita wardrobe
A panel created by Marie Dauphine
About me!
- I have been involved in Lolita fashion for 10+ years now
- I specialize in gothic styles
- I also make jewelry!:
An Introduction
- The victorian era lasted between the year 1837 and 1901
- The death of Prince Albert in 1861, queen Victoria's husband, caused her to go into deep mourning, which would reflect in the way she would dress everyday (Ex. black gowns, black bonnets, veils.)
- High mortality rates also impacted societies way of mourning and cherishing those who have long gone.
- Society adopted these practices to honor the dead by also adhering to mourning practices, clothing and sentimental jewelry such as hair art and tintype photography.
A brief overlook on Victorian mourning
Stages of mourning
- Full Mourning: A widow dressed in mourning for a full year. A black veil (Also known as Widow's Weeds) was to cover her face the entire time. No jewelry was permitted
- Second Mourning: Veil was able to be lifted and worn behind the head. Jewelry was permitted, but widow was still required to wear black. This period lasted for 9 months
- Half mourning: subdued colors were socially acceptable. These included the colors purple as well as grey with black trim, this period lasted for 3 months.
Stages of Mourning and Materials used
Notable Lolita pieces
Brands like: Sheglit and Victorian Maiden provide a mature Victorian inspired look that can be translated in Victorian mourning. Accessories are also important in the coordinating process
influences in
Must-have items for your mourning inspired look
- Simple black J.S.K. or OP to work off of as a base.
- Capes (Rich materials such as velvet and lace)
- Veils
- Black bonnet (Preferable one without ornate decorations. More subdued)
- Black necklaces and jewelry to resemble Jet jewelry
- Black Victorian style boots
- Simple black purse
- Black parasol
- An actual antique item from the past would bring some authenticity to your look.
Lolita brands that cater to this Aesthetic
- Kaneko
- Moss Marchen
- Fairybird tale
- BloodMilk
Main Pieces:
- Sheglit
- Victorian Maiden
- Indrolita
- Atelier Pierrot
- Oak Tree farms
- American Duchess
Vintage and Antique shopping be it online or
at flea markets, antique stores or estate sales
List of books if you would like to learn more on the subject of victorian mourning:
-Beyond the Dark Veil
-Fashionable Mourning Jewelry, Clothing & Customs
-Mourning Art & Jewelry
-Victorian and Edwardian Fashion: A Photographic Survey
-The Victorian Book of the Dead
Thank you!
Please feel free to send me any questions in regards to this presentation or if you are interested in any coordinating advice!
You may contact me at: