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~ Introduction~

Abraham Maslow

-Father or the founder of humanistic psychology

-Focused on negative human qualities and ignored the positive site of human being

Innate needs

-"Hierarchy of needs": physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, and needs of self-actualization

-Self-actualization depends on the maximum realization and fulfillment of our potentials, talents, abilities

Erik Erikson

- Psychosocial stages of development are elaborated from Freud's stages od development, but without focusing on the unconscious

-Eight psychosocial stages: Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs Doubt and Shame, Initivative vs Guilt, Industriousness vs Inferiority, Indentity Cohesion vs Role Confusion, Intimacy versus Isolation, Generactivity versus Stagnation and lastly, Ego Integrity versus Despair.

_ Ego indentity is development multidimensionally achieve basic weakness

_Adaptive way and maladaptive way

_This basic strength will help them to resolve personal conflict on each stage




-free of contraints imposed by society

-highly creative

secure in his or her self-image

-be able to love and be loved in return

-need to private

-understand his or her own strengths and weaknesses

Prenatal and Birth

Maslow Theory

Physiological Needs: Prenatal nutrition is an important aspect of pregnacy. Woman usually use prenatal vitamins and supplements to help maintain proper nutrition for her and her baby.

Erikson's Theory

My husband and I wanted children right away. He comes from a close family that are all farmers. I started taking prenatal vitaimns before concieving her and met with my doctor. She was a full term and healthy baby.

Example of Maslow Theory- taking prenatals and routine check-up with my doctor.

Example of Erikson Thoery- I would put head phones on my belly with easly listening music. This included sounds of ocean, wind breath, and the sounds of raining.

Safety and Security Needs:

Proper a medical check-up when pregnant is a important part of the prenatal period. Studies shows that children whose mothers live a healthy life style during pregnancy lower the liklihood of child obesity.

Oral Stage: Trust versus Mistrust

Emphasis is on the mother's postive and loving care for a child, with big emphasis on visual contact and with touch. If we pass successfully through this period of life, we will learn to trust that life is basically ok and have basic confidence in the future. If we fail to experience trust and are not met, we may end up with a deep seated feeling of worthlessness and a mistrust of the world in general.

Prenatal & Birth

Love and Belonging Needs:

Parents showing emotion such as talking to their babies or letting them listen to music while still inside the womb helps fullfill this need.

Self-Actualization Needs:

Self-Actualization is a hard need to pin piont to the fetus. Although through familiarization through voices and touch the fetus can get a sense of who it is and how it feels.

First Two


Maslow's Theory

First Two Years

Physiological Needs:

During the first two years physiological needs are important.When the physiological needs are being met means the child is getting appropriate foods, are being shelter from harm. Poor nutrition can actually slow the physical development of a young child.

Saftey and Security Needs:

This need can be met by parents baby proofing their homes such as locks on cupboards, covers over outlets and gates on stair ways.

Love and belonging Needs:

The mothers voice or smell can make the child feel comfort.

Erikson's: Oral Senory

Trust versus Mistrust:

Erikson believes that feeding is the most important part of this stage. The infant must form a first loving, trusting relationship with the care giver, or develop a sense of mistrust.

Respect and esteem Needs:

When a toddler does something that will please their parents they wait for the look of approval on thier faces which let them know they gained respect and it makes the toddler feel good about them selves.

These two picture of clara Show both erikson's and Maslow's theory's. The picture to the left is her pulling on my shirt knowing that I will pick her up. This Show's eriksons view. The picture to the right shows maslow's view having picked her up and cuddling with her making her feel safe. She was a supper cuddle little girl that loved being held and loved being rocked to sleep!

Physiological-At the preschool age, childrn rely on caregivers for a big amount of their needs. However, they are starting to understand some of their needs and starting to fill them.

Pre-school Period

Saftey-Preshool age need a lot of dirction and order to maintain saftey.Having rules,laws, and limits help children in this period of needs.

Belonging and Love-Preschool s when you start to learn how to make and retain relationships with other your age.



Clara at this stage was a very creative indepent child. Sometimes I had to remind myself that she was so young because always wanted to do everything herself. She started off about 2yrs wanted to color and paint. It was a huge mess everytime but just loved to see what she'd come up with when I would put a huge amount of crafts on the table and let her get creative!

Example of erikson- The picture to the left shows her bowling. This was an activity that she was able to do by herself with my supervision.

Example of maslow- Picture to the top right, clara outside in the snow using her imaginatin using tractors. She would say I'm hauling grain mom. :-) Her faher was so proud!

Stage 3:Initiative vs. Guilt-Preschool children at this period to have desire to tackle new tasks, plan and join in activities with peers, make up games, and discover the things that they can do with supervision of adults. Preschool age children play and imagintation are recognized b Erikson with preschooler learn about them selves and their social world.

Esteem- They are getting a feeling for who they are and their abilities. They start to express their prsonality more at this age. Which is a step towards self-actualization.

Physiological-Sleep is a important need accross all priods of the lifespan. Children in middle age, 6-12 need sleep just as much as anyone else. Poor sleep habits can lead to several health problems, such as obesity. Studies suggest children should be getting suggest children should be getting 9 to 11 of sleep at this stage.

Safety- Filling middle age safety needs is a societal effort. Yhe majority of people in society will take action to provide a safe enviroment for children. Ideally, all parents would provide the safet needs for their children.

Middle Child

Belonging & Love- Family is an important aspect of middle age chidren lives. Parent will lay broad guidelines that will in struct the child on how they are expected to behave.



Esteem- Some children are searching for ways to respect them selves at this piont. This is the age where children are starting to notive things abut them elves.

Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority

Erikson believes that elementary years may significantly determine children self-esteem based on their view on the ability to do productive labor. At this stage, they do a lot of learning such as reading, writing, doing sums, and making things on their own.

The main virtue that is develped by resolved conflict at this stage is virtue of "competence, displaying by making things creating results aplying skills and process productively and having a sense of being capable.

Clara at this period loved mastering skills she's still learing. She's as social as they come and the most caring when it somes to someone feeling. A girl in her class was getting made fun of because she did not have nice cloths. I caught clara in her room stuffing her backpack with cloths. Clara explained to me that she wanted to give some of her cloth to this little girl, she even began to tear up when telling me the story. I allowed her to pick through her cloths because my daughter is blessed with lots of older cousin so she get hand me downs with tags on them. I also spoil her too for the fact I didn't have a mother who could buy me cloth but what I had to have. Clara gave the little girls the bag of cloths the next day at school and her mother messaged me saying thank you. Clara said the little girl didn't get picked on as much and they became really good friends. I am truely one blessed mother!!!!!

Self-Actualization-By the end of middle age period children start to grasp some of their capability. They have not done enough exploring of self to be able to fill the self-actualization need.



Indentity vs Confusion (social relationships) Teens are ready for the "Indentity vs Crisis" which according to erikson is the single most significant conflict a person must face. If the adolescent solves this stage with a strong identity and ready to plan for the future. If not, the adolescent will sink into confusion, be unable to make decisions and choices, especially about vocation, sexual orientation, and his/her role in life in general.



Phsiological-Children start to take these needs into their own hands while they rely on parents fo some of their needs.

Saftey-Meeting saftey needs effects many aspects of adolesents lives. Parents and society in general want to give children as safe enviroment to grow up in. Security of schools has become a hot issue in the last decade.

Belonging&Love-Teenss can be very senitive when it comes to esteem in middle and high school. Popularity reigns supreme when talking about adolescence esteem needs in their group.

Self-Actualization-Teens are discovering new abilites while trying to decide who they really are.

I think this s the hardest stage of life. Your starting to loose friends because of your priorities and gain new ones. Trying to fiigure out what you want to do with your future. The most important one to me is the relationship between your parents. I feel if you have an open relationship and a trust relationship with your parent you are more to have comfort in situation that will come about in this stage of life.


Young Adult

afety- Your adult need for steady employment besomes more apparent through saving accounts, health insurance, and a finacial cushion becomes important when talking about safety needs.


Phsiological- By the time a person reaches young adult, around 20 years of age to arund 40. They recognize the important that food, water, shelter and clean air are important play in their lives. Couples fill societies need to reproduce during this stage as well.

Intimacy vs. Isolation ( Relationships) -Young adults need for intimate, loving relationships with other people. Success leads to strong relationship, while failure results in loneliness and isolation.

Belonging & Love- young adulthood is the tme most people start a family by getting married. With physiological and saftey needs are met, most young adults start to feel the needs of companionship and love


Personal story-I hope Clara's take this part of her life to find out who she truely is! I want her to focus on her self and make her self happy before getting married. I understand that clara will feel the need to find love I just hope she's accomplish what she want out of life before getting marriend and starting a family.

Esteem- People want to be recognized from work, family or the public

Self-Actualization- self-actulization in young adulthood is not mandatory. Some young adults get closer to feeling that needs but others don't. Young adults are still trying to sort out issue in thier lives.

Middle Adulthood

Middle Adulthood

Middle Adulthood (40-65) Generactivity vs. Stagnation- Adults ned to create or nuture things that will outlast them, often by having children or creating a positive change that benefits other people. Success leads to feeling of usefulness and accomplishment, while failure results in shallow involvment in the world.

Physiological- During middle adulthood, ages 40 to 65, are still capable of meeting all needs with out help. For the average, american this age, filling these needs become part of everyday life.

Safey-Saftey needs are related to financials. People are saving for retirement and trying to reach their goal so they can retire.

Belonging & Love-At this point in life, people generally love groups of family members and/or groups of friends that make them feel loved.

Esteem-Some people are respected at thier work place and they respect themselves for doing the hard work.

Self-Actualization- Middle age adults should be self-actulized. People at this age should have a solid grasp on who they are and what they are cable of.

During this stage of Clara life I hope that she has begone to have children so I am able to be apart of their lives and we can enjoy spending time as a family. Family is so important! We have helped clara by starting a savings for her. We pay an annual price each year and by the time she reaches 18yrs she will have 100,000 for college. I did not have help with schooling, cars, or even cloths at times. I want the best for her! And hope that this helps her reach her goals of retiring at an early age so she can be with her grandchild. And not have the financial struggles getting their.

Late Adulthood


Late Adulthood


Physiological- During late adulthood ( 65-death) Some people have health problems as they are preventing them filling their needs independently, wheather it is at an assisited living center or a retirement community, the elderly often need assistance.

Safety- Health care is imperative for the elderly, wheather they are indepenent and relatively ealthy, or suffering from an illness in an assisted living facility, the elderly are in constant need for health and prescription drugs insurance. This is when society steps in with programs like medicare to help fulfill these needs.

Belonging & Love-Belonging and love needs can be a confusing thing for late adults. Some are loosing their independence and many are experiencing the loss of loved ons friends. There are many programs and activites for the elderly throughout most communties.

Esteem- Late adults tend to correlate respect with freedom and abilities decreases they may feel less respected as well

Self-Actualization-Late adulthood is where we see the most self actulization. Elderly people seem to know who they are and their abilities.

Maturity(65-death) Reflection on life- Erikson's theory differed from many because it adressed development through out the entre life span, including old age. Older adults need to look back on life and feel a sense of fulfillment. Success at this stage leads to feeling of wisdom, while failure result in regret, bitterness, and despair. At this stage, people reflect back on the evnts of their lives and take stock. Those who look back on a life they feel was well-lived will feel satisfied and ready to face the end of their lives with a sense of peace. Those who look back and feel regret will instead feel fearful that their lives will end without accomplishing the things they feel they should have.

In late adulthood I hope my daughter will respect my wishes. I'm not sure when I reach that piont of my life what they will be but I have seen so many times children do not respect their parents want at the end of life. I feel this happens because of there own selfish needs of not wanting to let go of their parents. I also, hope I am satified with my life long choices and fulfulled all my life long needs. So, that I am able to pass peaceful.

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