Ringworm and Carbunculosis
By Madeline Belanger G4
- The clincal name for ringworm is "Tinea or Dermatophytosis"
- Ringworm is caused by a fungus that produces a red circular rash that is usually red and itchy
- Symptoms include
- itchy skin
- ring-shaped rash
- red, scaly or cracked skin
- hair loss
- these symtoms usually show up 4 to 14 days after the skin comes in contact with the fungi
- The most common treatments include antifungal cream like Clotrimazole, Terbinafine and Merinal etc.
Ringworm images
Examples of Ringworm
Ringworm Pt2
- Ringworm is caused by a mold like fungus called dermatophytes. They thrive in warm moist areas and can be contracted by:
- Someonewho's already infected by the fungi (Skin to skin contact)
- Touching items that have the fungi on them like clothing , combs , pool sufaces and shower floors
- Touching animals that have the fungi like horses, cows and goats
- Preventions
- avoid sharing brushes, towels and sports gear
- try to avoid excessive sweating
- avoid infected animals
- change and wash your clothes every day , wash your hands take showers
Ringworm Pt2
Interesting facts
In the early nineteenth century ringworm was populary known as scald-head
Ringworm facts
- The common name is carbuncles
- Carbunculosis is a bacterial infection that forms under your hair follicle and they form in clusters .
- The first and most obvious symptom is a red , irritated lump under your skin which can be the size of lentil to a mushroom. other symptoms include:
- itching (before the lump appears)
- bodily aches
- fatigue
- fever and chills
- A carbuncle forms when the bacteria Staphlyococcus aureus/Staph enters the hair follicles. They can enter easily through cuts and broken skin.
- Carbuncles are filled with pus and dead skin cells
- They are caused by poor hygine and poor overall health
Carbuncle examples
- Prevention:
- wash hands often
- Shower regulary to keep your skin bacteria free
- avoid squeezeing boils or broken skin
- There are mutiple treatment options but you have to acess your carbuncle:
- is it bigger that two inches
- is it close to your eyes,nose and spine
- has it not healed in two weeks
- If any of these apply then some treatment options are:
- Antibotics(that can be taken orally or appiled to the carbuncle)
- Antibacterial soaps
- Surgery( Depending on how deep the carbuncel is, A doctor may drain it with a needle or scalpel
Intertesing facts
The word orginated in Latin which means small coal ; or carbuncle stone which is fiery red
Carbunculosis facts