Natural VS Synthetic
Created by Aarini Chakraborty & Amanda Roeder
What Resources are Collected?
- Stem of sugar Cane
- Green Plants give glucos from photosynthasis
- Root of sugar beet
- Fructose from plants
Collection of Resources
- Two naturally occuring Amino Acids
- Aspartic Acid
- Phenylalanine
- When combined they create APM, N-L-phenylalanine-l-methyl ester
- Methanol
How is Sugar made:
- This Processs is primarly done by machinary, But in some states prefered to do my hand.
- the sugar cane is put onto a railroad car or truck to take to the mills to be processsed.
- Mechanically unloaded to go in a cycle of many michinary.
- Such as removing rocks and soil, flooding by warm water, a metal roller to crush and break and juice sugar cane. Then sprayed again to seperate th sugar and fiber
- After the juice is purified than it is crystalized to creat the sugar. Aftert it is seprated and packaged.
Processing the natural resource to make the final product
Review of the Natural Sugar Process
The Synthtic Sugar Process
- Has to be done by Machinary
- These acids grow on bacteria.
- Fermentation, Use Machinary to grow bacteria to produce more of the ingrediants
- Synthesis, Adds acid + Methanol. Mix in a machine for 24 hours at room temperature, then at 104F for another 24, then 0F so it can crystalize
- Purification, Is the last step before it is shipped
The Synthtic Sugar Process
Positive impacts
- No calories aids in weight loss
- Dissolves faster in the body
- 30 times sweeter than sugar because of Stevia
- It fits better in our bodies taste reciptors which makes it sweeter
- Carbohydrates creat great fuels in out body that give us energy throughout the day
- Releases biofuels & bioplastics
- Many people enjoy the taste of natural sugar
Main Ingredients
(Aspartic Acid)
Natural Resources to make each
- Apm helps plants and animal uses to create proteins
- They are greated by bacteria that can be grown in labs
Yes, it is renewable but if it is taken a lot from nature it may affect change in ecosystem.
Synthetic Product
Main Ingrediants:
- Sugar Cane
- Sugar Beets
- Green Plants
Natural Resources to Make eachother:
- Average of 75 F with 80 inches of rain (Sugar Cane) With 7 months
- Acceptable rainfall (Sugar Beets)
- Different needs for different green plants. With sun, water and great soil
Yes, all products are renewable and won't take a lot of resources or time to grow.
Natural Sugar
Natural sugar may have more calories but has more benifits and does not hurt the ecosystem like artifical sweetners do. Both use machinary to be harvasted, grown, and processed. Unlike natural sugar, artifical sugar negitivly impacts the enviorment more because it does not get absorbed by your body. After it passes through, it doesn't get broken down by many water treatment systems and then goes to the ocean. All parts of natural sugar can be reused and help the enviorment. Sugar is also a good source of biofuels and bioplastics which once again help the earth.
Which one is better?
Resources not on Document
- “Sugar.” How Products Are Made,
- “Aspartame.” How Products Are Made,
- “How It's Made Sugar.” YouTube, YouTube, 2 June 2015,
- ChemMatters, The Skinny on Sweeteners: How Do They Work?
- ChemMatters, Artificial Sweeteners
- Scientific American, Sugar vs. Artificial Sweeteners
- CNN, Real or Fake Sugar: Does it Matter?
- Discovery Communications, Seeker, Artificial Sweetener Leaves Environmental Aftertaste
- American Chemical Society, Environmental Science and Technology, Artificial Sweetener Persists in the Environment
- World Wildlife Fund, Sustainable Agriculture - Sugarcane
- Discover, The Chemistry of Artificial Sweeteners