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Role of a


What is a Job Coach?


• A person who supports and assists someone with a disability to learn and accurately carry out the duties and expectations of their job

• The Job coach is NOT a person who does a job for the person.

What is a Job Coach?




  • Schedules are Sunday-Saturday
  • Created by supervisors on Saturdays by 5pm
  • Coaches are responsible for getting the schedules of Active people to supervisors on Friday 3pm
  • Supervisors make it a goal to give each job coach two full days off, although this is not always possible
  • Coaches are responsible for adjusting and utlizing report writing time effectively troughout the week.

Scheduling and Utilization



  • Job Coaches use the ADP website or app to clock in and out throughout the day
  • If you make a mistake and do not clock in or out at the correct time, you can fill out an ADP correction sheet (found on the drive) and submit to supervisors on the Monday that payroll is run

Example Schedule



Days are split up between "billable" and "non-billable" time. Job Coach is at Utilization when their week is made up of at least 75% billable time

Non-Billable Time

Billable Time

  • On-the-job coaching for Active (OOD)
  • On-the-job coaching for IES (DD county boards)
  • Travel training
  • Traveling without individual
  • Report Writing
  • Team Meetings
  • Supervision

Calling In

Calling In

  • Job coaches are required to call in their time to Cheryl, the Administrative Assistant
  • 513-326-6373 or Main Office Line + ext. 6334
  • Leave a voicemail stating:

1. Your name

2. The date of service

3. Person you coached

4. Time start and end of service

5. What type of service (Active or IES)

  • Call in services DAILY with all services provided
  • You may call in multiple services in the same voicemail as long as they were provided in the same day

Requesting Time Off

Vacation Requests

  • Vacation requests for January-June due by December 31 of the previous year. Vacation requests for July-December should be put in by June 30.
  • Requests after these deadlines are accepted, but will be granted by seniority if more than two coaches have requested that day.
  • Vacation request forms can be found in the Weekly Schedules folder on the drive




Coaches are expected to...

  • Meet Utilization every week
  • Communicate with Goodwill supervisors with any concerns or changes in schedules
  • Clock in and out of ADP consistently
  • Wear appropriate attire to match the business where they are supporting each day
  • Meet all deadlines
  • Utilize Goodwill provided phone and Laptop
  • Coaching hours called in same day
  • Written logs submitted by 3rd day
  • Monthly summaries submitted by 5th business day of the following month
  • ADP Corrections and Mileage Reports due by 11am every other Monday
  • Schedules for people being supported in active coaching every Friday by 3pm

Expectations and Deadlines

Support Strategies

The ultimate goal for coaching is to help the person prepare for being successful without a coach. Always have this in mind when coaching.


Training and Teaching Strategies

First Day of Work

First Day of Work

  • Introduce yourself to person, their supervisor, and other key players
  • Make it clear that you are a supplemental trainer, there to reinforce the training
  • You are not an additional employee and you are not a replacement supervisor
  • Take notes, if possible
  • Make sure person writes down any passwords or numbers needed for clocking in

Schedule change (e.g. shorter shifts, more days, consistent days)


Different tasks (e.g. add variety, simplify projects, create consistent task schedule)


There may be times that the individual needs some reasonable accommodations to their job. Be prepared to advocate to employer for or with the individual you're supporting.

  • Inform the employer of WHY this person needs these accommodations
  • Employer is thinking about their business needs, so make sure to explain HOW these accommodations will actually benefit the employer - perhaps they will see better attendance or more efficiency from the individual
  • Try to focus on the business needs first.
  • Negotiate using positive language, rather than focusing on the individual's set-backs.

"I know that your company values having a high attendance rate. Johnny is happy to work here and is going to be more reliable if he knows what days he will be working from week to week. Could we look at your scheduling process and talk about having Johnny have a reliable schedule so he can be a reliable employee for you?"

Structured breaks


(e.g. written task list, add daily supervisor check-in)

Training Tips

Helpful Ways to Train

  • Everyone has different learning styles. Some need gentle guidance, while others need strict and clear boundaries. Job Coach will figure out how each person learns and should adapt coaching styles to for the person's needs.
  • Don't hover too much! Sometimes, letting someone make a mistake will help them learn better and faster.

"Try another way"

Rather than always telling someone how to do their tasks, try to ask a variation of "Can you try doing that another way?" They will surprise you with the solutions they think of.



Some people are visual learners and benefit from you physically showing them how to complete a task. Complete the task and have them mimic your movements.

Note: Modeling is NOT doing the task for them.

Verbal Instruction

Verbal Instruction

  • Be as to-the-point as possible
  • If you can, break your instructions down into multiple steps. AKA Task Analysis
  • Try rephrasing instructions if the person does not seem to understand or retain the information the first time
  • After prompting once, let the person try on their own before speaking again.

"Stock the tomato sauce"

Task Analysis

1. Pick up one can of tomato sauce from the box

2. Look at the label (words and pictures)

3. Find the cans with the same label on the shelf

4. Place the new can behind the cans that are already on the shelf

5. Rotate cans in the front so you can see the label clearly



  • It is important to make sure the person does not become reliant on verbal prompts
  • After the initial training, try to fade prompting as soon as possible, only saying something if necessary.
  • If prompting is needed, try saying, "What is next?" or "Try to remember what you did last time" before giving them the answer



Praise is important and can encourage people to do well at work. However, keep in mind:

  • Praise should be age appropriate. Offer praise like you would to any other adult who accomplished something
  • Do not praise after every single success. Some people can become reliant on praise and expect it after every task. This is not sustainable.

Good praise is specific:

  • "You did a great job with placing that can in the correct spot."
  • "Congratulations for unpacking that box all by yourself."

Training Tool Ideas


  • Check List (laminated or paper)
  • Person can check off what they have completed and/or reference all tasks for the shift
  • Pictures (either clip art or actual pictures)
  • Visually show person how to do tasks, how to transition from task-to-task, etc.
  • Timer/stop watch
  • Encourage efficiency by timing person
  • Or encourage thoroughness by putting a time minimum on tasks

Travel Training

Travel Training

  • Individuals who will be taking the Metro bus to and from work may need to be travel trained
  • Utilize for maps, schedules, and fare information
  • If you are scheduled to travel train someone, you will meet with Goodwill supervisor the week of to discuss methods and important information


  • Job coaching should be slowly and thoughtfully faded for the individual's success. Everyone will fade at a different pace.


On-Site Fading

On-Site Fading

  • When coach and individual feel they are ready, coach will stand further and further away from individual while they work
  • Eventually, coach can be in the break room or out of site for 15 minutes, then observe for 15 minutes. The "away" time can increase as necessary

Note: Always inform the employer before beginning on-site fading so that they are aware of why you are not present on the floor

Off-Site Fading

Off-Site Fading

  • Inform your supervisor when you feel it is time to start fading support
  • Never fade off-site without permission from your Goodwill supervisor and without informing the employer and individual
  • Fading will occur gradually. For example: One shift, you'll coach for the last three hours, allowing them to complete their first hour independently. The next shift, you'll coach the first three hours.
  • After a few weeks of fading, they work their first shift on their own. Coach will assess how they did via phone call or by checking in during their next shift



After fading is completed and the individual and their employer are satisfied with their level of success at work, Goodwill supervisors will place individual into Retention. If the person qualifies for DD services, their SSA may fund Individualized Employment Support (IES), so that coaching can continue to check in with them a few times per month.

Goodwill has had 6 consecutive surveys with no recommendations. This standard puts Goodwill at the top 3% of those agencies reviewed.

CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities)


CARF is an international non-profit organization that provides standards and surveyors for organizations working in the human services field. Every three years, CARF sends reviewers to agencies to review their services and provide feedback. At the end of the survey, CARF prepares a written report of the agency’s strengths and areas for improvement. If an agency receives a recommendation, an improvement plan is developed and submitted to CARF.

To provide services and work with OOD, an agency must have CARF accreditation, signaling that the agency is of high quality and meeting best practice and is committed to continually improving the quality of their services.



HIPAA protects and safeguards medical information. By law, as an employee at Goodwill, you are not allowed to disclose any diagnoses or medical information to anyone about the people we serve.



Protecting Information

Goodwill protects information by:

  • Keeping all physical files in locked file cabinets
  • Ensuring all electronic documentation is stored on our secure drive
  • Only using initials or first name + last initial in text messages and in email subject lines
  • Using Goodwill-provided emails, computers, and cell phones when communicating about people we support

Sticky Situations

Sticky situations

  • Question from employer: "What is their disability?"
  • Appropriate answer: "Because of HIPAA, I am not allowed to divulge that information. However, I can tell you that he is very good at organizing. He may not want to look you in the eye when speaking."
  • Appropriate answer: "I am unable to tell you that information, but I can tell you that she is very friendly and eager to work. She has a slight slur, so you may have to ask her to repeat herself a few times."
  • NOTICE that the above responses are focusing on her strengths as well as characteristics that may be helpful for the person to be aware of.
  • Question for random co-worker/customer: "Who are you?"
  • Appropriate answer: "I'm just here to help out."
  • NOTICE that by telling co-worker that you are a job coach, you are actually divulging that this person has a disability and needs a job coach. Management should know who you are. Managers and the individual are allowed to divulge that you are a job coach.
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