The Jim Crow Laws
The opressive, extremist anti-black laws.
The Black Codes
- The black codes were strict, state/local laws that were built to control black people, written in 1865.
- Black people had a strict curfew to follow in many towns, threated with lynching.
- They were used as a legal way to put Black citizens into indentured servitude.
The Ku Klux Clan
- The clan was a private club for Confederate veterans.
- The Ku Klux Clan enforced the Jim Crow laws with extreme violence.
- Violence was on the rise, as black schools were being vandalized and destroyed. Black families were tortured and lynched by violent white bands like the Ku Klux Clan.
- Because of the Jim Crow laws, segregation was legal, and Black Americans were singled out of their natural rights.
- The Jim Crow laws separated bathrooms, water fountains, waiting rooms, and even more.
- Black people had to pass a literacy test in order to vote, while white people didn't.
- Segregation made it that there were schools for white children, and schools for black children.
- Black schools recieved the minority of public money, and most black children didn't even attend school beacuse they were needed on the crops.
- It's evident that education is the key to economic success. Because so few black children were able to attend school, they were set up by the government to fail later in life.
- In the early '60s, de-segregation recieved major backlash from not only white students, but black students as well.
- In many workplaces, black people were paid up to fifty percent less than white people. This is a ridiculously large gap.
- Because of these low wages, black people were forced to move, which was extremely expensive and most could not afford it.
- Because of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, it was difficult for black people to get to work without taking the bus to get to work.