Chapter 1
Theme 1 Cheat sheet
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Issues in Human Development
Universal versus context specific development
1.3 Universal and context specific development
- DEF: One path vs several paths for development
- argument: only one path for developmental process vs differences in people not just variations of a theme to intertwinement of context someone develops in
- human dev is intertwined with envrionment context and interaction between person and envrionment
- each envrionment = unique developmental outcome
- DEV: blend of universal and context specific influences
- Example: dev of phsycial skills across cultures is the same but different in how they are focused.
All issues together
1.4 All issues together
- THEREFORE: all issues together on personality dev = its shaped by interactions between hereditary/envrionment, is continuous or discontinuous and dev is the same way around the world.
Continuity and discontinuity
1.2 Continuity vs Discontinuity
- DEF: dev phenomenon = smooth proegression throughout life span (continuity) vs abrupt shofts (discontinuity)
- first view = stay on path throughout life
- second view+ dev not continuous change dev paths throughout life
- behaviours examined weeks apart may seem continuous but when examined years apart show discontinuous change
Continuity example
good emotional relationship with parents = good peer relationships
Discontinuity example
spend adulthood focusing on the next generation only to evaluate own life for closure
Nature and Nurture
1.1 Nature and Nurture
- DEF: genetic hereditary influences PLUS experimental/envrionmental influences determine eprson you are
- Dev is shaped by both: nature and nurture are mutually interactive
Fundamental issues
1. Fundamental issues in Human Development
Life shaped bu complex set of factors
development = blend of 3 characteristics
1. nature and nurture
2. continuity and discontinuity
3. universal and context-specific development
Basic forces in human development
2. Basic forces: Biophsycosocial framework
- Each person = unique combination of forces = only know full view when looking at all interacvtive forces (biological, pscyhological, socicultural and life cycle forces)
- BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL FRAMEWORK: emphasises each force interacting to make up development
- each force mutually shapes others
- no aspect of human dev can be understodd fully by examining forces in isolation
- intergration of forces in the biopsychosocial framework is a criterion for judging dev theories and their adequacy
- combine 4 forces to give a full analysis and view of dev across the life span and the unique aspects of each life phase
- view each life story as a complex interplay among 4 forces
- DEF: genetic and health related factors
- prenatal dev; brian maturation, puberty and physcial ageing = outcomes of biological forces
- major aspects of dev is determined by genetic code
- can also include diet and exercise therefore collectively biological froces = provide raw materials and set boundaries
Psychological (known by our behaviour)
- DEF: include all internal perceptual, cognitive, emotional and personality factors
- use to describe characteristics and behaviour
- concepts such as intellect, honesty and confidence = psychological factors
- EXAMPLE: self esteem may affect ones beliefs about themselves and therefore their abilities
Sociocultural forces (race ethnicity and culture)
- DEF: interpersonal, societal, cultural and ethnic factors
- people dev in a world not in a vacume
- to understand human development = how people and their envrionment interact and mutually influence each other
- individual part of larger system (parents, children, friends, teachers, coworkers)
- all peope and insituations fit toegther to form a persons culture = knwoledge attitudes and behaviour associated with a group of people
2.3 sociocultural
- Culture = general info of influences that span through ones lifespan
- studying cuture determines how human dev is similar across cultures and which are culture specific
Research findings
- Adults in Kpelle ask to sort numbered objects into categories so in functional categories which associated with low intelectual functioning in Western world
- Kpelle said how wise man would sort objects
- SA culture is diverse with many customs and languages and traditions for diverse population
Life cycle forces
- life cycle forces: the same event can have different effects depending on when it happens in a persons life (different emotional reactions to same event = different dev trajectory)
- EXAMPLE: pregnancy (married vs unmarried financially stable vs not)
2.4 Life cycle forces