Identify the benefits of using a loop structure instead of manual repetition.
Differentiate between commands that need to be repeated in loops and commands that should be used on their own.
Recognize large repeated patterns as made from smaller repeated patterns.
Break apart code into the largest repeatable sequences using both loops and nested loops.
Recognize the difference between using a loop and a nested loop.
Describe when a loop, nested loop, or no loop is needed.
Define circumstances when certain parts of a program should run and when they shouldn't.
Determine whether a conditional is met based on criteria.
Lesson 7: Make your own gorgeous designs using a small number of blocks and digital stickers! This lesson builds on the understanding of loops from previous lessons and gives students a chance to be truly creative.
Lesson 8: Push your understanding of loops to a whole new level. Playing with the Bee and Plants vs Zombies, you will learn how to program a loop to be inside of another loop. Figure out how little changes in either loop will affect your program when you click Run.
Lesson 9: Now that you know how to layer your loops, you can create so many beautiful things. This lesson will take you through a series of exercises to help you create their own portfolio-ready images using Anna and Elsa's excellent ice-skating skills!
Lesson 10: This lesson was originally created for the Hour of Code, alongside the Minecraft team. You will get the chance to practice ideas that you have learned up to this point, as well as getting a sneak peek at conditionals!
Lesson 7: This series highlights the power of loops with creative and personal designs
Lesson 8: In this introduction to nested loops, you will go outside of your comfort zone to create more efficient solutions to puzzles.
In earlier puzzles, loops pushed you to recognize repetition. Here, you will learn to recognize patterns within repeated patterns to develop these nested loops. This stage starts off by encouraging you to solve a puzzle where the code is irritating and complex to write out the long way. After a video introduces nested loops, you will be shown an example and asked to predict what will happen when a loop is put inside of another loop. This progression leads into plenty of practice to solidify and build on your understanding of looping in programming.
Lesson 9: In this series, you will get practice nesting loops while creating images that you will be excited to share.
Lesson 10: This set of puzzles will work to solidify and build on the knowledge of loops, and introduce conditionals. By pairing these two concepts together, you will be able to explore the potential for creating fun and innovative programs in a new and exciting environment.
Vocabulary - Put in your notes
Loop - The action of doing something over and over again.
Repeat - Do something again
Command - An instruction for the computer. Many commands put together make up algorithms and computer programs.
Condition - A statement that a program checks to see if it is true or false. If true, an action is taken. Otherwise, the action is ignored.
Conditionals - Statements that only run under certain conditions.
Tips and Tricks
Some of you may discover where to add repeat loops by writing out the program without loops then circling sections of repetitions.
You may want to keep paper and pencils beside you at your desk.
You might also enjoy drawing some of the shapes and figures on paper before you program it online. (When drawing stamps, it can be easier to symbolize those with simple shapes like circles and squares.)
Make more and more interesting designs by making small and simple changes to code you have already written.