I. Essentials of Investing
Essentials of Investing
1. Understand the business model of the business you are buying
2. Know the numbers backwards and forwards
3. Underwrite management
4. Know your exit
5. Always have a Plan B
6. Don't fall in love with the business
7. Always be innovating
- Faster, better, more efficient
8. Have your capital in place prior to negotiating
9. Always have a differentiator
II. Purchase Process
Purchase Process
1. Sourcing Deals
- Rule #1
- Network
- Rule #2
- Network some more
Sourcing is all about relationships
Review of Current Platform
2. Review of Current Platform
- FRC - Listed Deal - Investment Broker
- Aston - Leasing Broker
- Faraday Court - Leasing Broker
- RCP - Investment Broker
- Elevar - Investment Broker
- Oberlin - Investment Broker
- Nancy Ridge - Investment Broker
Key to Accessing Deal Flow
3. Key to Accessing Deal Flow
1. Develop personal relationship with key broker(s) in marketsplace
2. Differentiate yourself from other buyers
- Faraday Court - R. E. Investing vs. Restructuring
- What's in it for the Broker (B, L, S)
- Develop a professional reputation that is beyond reproach - Aston
How to win the deal without paying the most
4. How to Win the Deal Without Paying the Most
- Identify a strategy that separates you from the pack - Elevar
Know When to Hold 'em and Know When to Fold 'em
5. Know When to Hold 'em and Know When to Fold 'em
Apply the 6 "C"s to the Purchase Process
Apply the 6 "C"s to the Purchase Process
1. Choice
2. Curiosity
3. Creativity
4. Commitment
5. Compassion
6. Communication
- Aston, Faraday Court, RCP, Elevar, Oberlin, Nancy Ridge
If You Have the Opportunity, Always Meet with Seller
6. If You Have the Opportunity, Always Meet/Speak to Seller Directly - Huge Competitive Edge
- Aston
- Faraday Court
- Oberlin
- Nancy Ridge
7. Issue Letter of Intent - 2320 Faraday Court
- Short due diligence
- No loan contingency
- Fast close
Letter of Intent - Continued
8. Closing the Transaction
- Best to have capital in place in advance in today's market - "It's a sorry rat that has one rat hole to go to"
- Avoid re-trading the deal at the close - bad for reputation
- Oberlin - Capital partner backed out
- Nancy Ridge - 20 day due diligence, 10 day close
Raising Capital
Raising Capital - Steps 1 - 6
Step 1:
- Need a focused investment strategy
- Opportunistic vs Focused - CapRE
Step 2:
Step 3:
- Need consistent upper tier returns
Step 4:
- Need a team that has been together that created track record
Step 5:
- Need knowledge of what is market rate waterfall
Step 6:
- Having an actionable investment opportunity is preferable
Step 7
- Need a pitch deck
- Essential Elements
- Strategy, team, track record, case studies
Raising Capital - Step 7
Step 8
Raising Capital - Step 8
- Refine your pitch
- Focus on the 6th "C" - Communication
- You have a short window to gain credibility with the audience - make it count
- Buy and read the "Credibility Code" to refine your communication skills
Step 9 - Focused Elevator Pitch
Raising Capital - Step 9
"Five years ago, we sat down as a team to formulate a focused investment strategy with the following attributes:
1. The product strategy was early in its product life cycle
2. The strategy would perform well in both up and down market cycles and
3. It would provide above market returns
We concluded that just as millennials have disrupted the retail and resi sectors - they were about to do the same to the office sector. We are happy to report our creative office repositioning strategy check all those boxes and has provided a cumulative levered project level IRR of 20%"
Step 10
- Strategy of the pitch
- Be very precise on what you will or won't do
- Current raise
Step 11 - Key Issues in J. V. Agreement/Operating Agreement
Raising Capital - Steps 10 & 11
- Amount of capital (you - capital partner)
- Timing of funding
- Waterfall
- Dilution
- Discretion
- Indemnification
- Loan Guarantees
- Keyman Policies
- Remember the Golden Rule
Managing the Business
Managing the Business
I. The framework utilized to improve profitability
A. Day one - call a meeting with senior mgmt to introduce your sect and to share a general vision for the company (6th "C")
B. Start with a 90 day plan
- Identify critical issues: 2nd "C" - Curiosity
- How: ask for org chart job descriptions, compensation
How It's Done:
1. Determine the key metrics for that position and determine if they are being accomplished on a timely basis
- First, see if there is written job description for the position
- if so, review it
- if not, create one
- Lehman Brothers
2. Ask questions about what challenges that person faces and what they perceive are risks and opportunities facing the firm
3. Review salary and benchmark against industry standards
How it's done
C, D, E
C. Tour facilities to get a feel for operations
- Cleaver Brooks Boiler
- Hamburger Hamlet - Hockey Puck
- Koo Koo Chicken - Hispanic Work Force
- FEDCO - Furniture, empty shelves, warehouse
- Packaging Plus - Warehouse Software
D. Tour Competitors - 2nd "C" - Curiosity
- Boston Chicken - Pricing GAP
- Houston's - efficiencies - narrow menu - R&D
E. Determine what is your value proposition
- Price
- Service
- Customer experience
- Wherehouse Music
- Used music
- G. S. R. Buffet
F, G, H
F. Get the key players in a room and then go through the budget on a line-by-line basis and ask questions
- G. S. R. - 55 page budget
- Nebraska boiler - margin issue
- Closed store chain - Prandium
G. Insist on daily cash report from CFO
H. Develop bi-weekly cash flow report - and review actual vs. budget every week
- Casino OPS Meeting - 4 hour MTG every Monday
Tricks of the Trade
1. Always savings in insurance
2. Ask to see business plan
- If no business plan speaks volumes as to mgmt oversight
- G. S. R. convention business
3. Bad news doesn't get better with time
- Be decisive
- Prioritize things that need fixing
- Make some early fixes to gain credibility and momentum
- G. S. R. - Buffet
4. If you need to downsize, do it once
Tricks of the Trade
Salary and Benefits Review
- Need to benchmark against industry standards
- Top performers need to be addressed - with stay bonus
- Revised incentive compensation, etc.
Incentive Compensation
- Essential to have clearly defined incentive compensation program
- Benchmark against others in same industry
- Critical to focus on controllable variables
- Critical to split between departmental goals from overall profitability
- Be creative of types of incentive compensation
- G. S. R. - silverware
- Property wide 30% of 1st year annual savings
Business Activities
Review Products and Services
A Fact-Based Action Plan
- What can be improved
- What can be added
- Wherehouse music videos, games
- Koo Koo Roo Chicken - Burritos
- Casinos - gaming, F&B, entertainment, lodging, convention, bowling, kids zone, buffet
- Grocery
- Apparel
- Health & Beauty
- Electronic
- Unique opportunities
- RB Furniture - G. O. B. Sale
- Rebel Rents - equipment acquisition
Business Activities
Strategic Business Plan
- Requires Division by Division
- Or Department by Department review
- FEDCO - Challenging as we sold everything/Walmart
Strategic Business Plan
Identification of Non-Core Assets
- Retail - underperforming store/close/Wherehouse Music
- Restaurants - store P&L's Critical
- Closed Store Concept - 50 Leases
- Used #1 and #3 of 6 C's to deal with that
Business Activities
Compliance & Regulatory Issues
- Chi Chi's Hepa Outbreak
- Innoculation Fiasco
- The great "shell" company mystery
- Trademark - Margaritaville
Compliance & Regulatory Issues
Policies, Processes,
& Procedures
- Hamburger Hamlet - Hockey Puck
- Nebraska Builder
- Build Sheet signoff
- Debt Goals vs. Corporate Goals
Business Activities
Legal Structure & Issues
- Absolute Priority Rule - Prandium HQ, Bldg.
Here is the Common Theme:
Common Theme
"When we are open to new possibilities, we find them; be open and skeptical of everything."
- Todd Kashdan - scientist
Supply Chain/
Supply Chain/Vendors
- Evaluate Suppliers
- Hamburger Hamlet
- Product Spec
- Full Load vs. Partial Load
- Chi Chi's - Indemnification
- Blockbuster Video - Rev. Share
- Sierra Meats G. S. R. - Favored Nation's Clause
- Liquor Distributors
- Distribution Center Optimization - Late Deliveries
- Packaging Plus - "Never in 100 years"
Supply Chain/Vendors
Information Systems
- Evaluate CRM, Inv. Mgmt, Utilization Tracking
- G. S. R. - Reservation System
- Wherehouse Music - Inventory Mgmt System - JDR vs. Custom System
- FEDCO - In-house vs. JDR/Installation/Specifications/User Base
Information Systems
Real Estate & Equipment Leases
- Prandium - Lease Rejection - L. L. Rights
- Wherehouse Music - Lease Renegotiation
- RB Furniture - Lease Hold Interest Sale
- Go Dark Clause
- Percentage Rent, CPI, Stated Escalations
- Equipment Leasing - Interest Rate Sensitive
Trended Operating Metrics
Trended Operating Metrics
- Prandium Trended Sales - Topline vs. Customer Count
- Critical For Planning and Uncovering Issues
- Chi Chi's Menu Changes
- Unprofitable Contracts
- G. S. R.
- Customer Incentives
- What Motivates Purchase Decision
- Testing New Concepts
- Chi Chi's vs. Penny's
- Mesquite BCH
- Rebel Rents
- Inv. Utilization/Mgmt
- Rate vs. Number of Units
Descriptions by Functional Area
Descriptions by Functional Area
- Convention Bus at G. S. R.
- Define and track performance by business type
- Blend of Conference Space Rental, F&B, Room Rate, Audio/Visual Capability
- After identifying and segregating business activity by function, we were able to optimize revenue
- "Know thy customer"
- Essential to your success
- Most people confuse their tastes for the customer taste
- Koo Koo Roo Chicken Burrito - Baja Fresh
- Up and In Burger
- Chi Chi's Authentic Mexican
- Seek feedback from people closest to customer
- Chi Chi Menu Selection - Field Staff
- Closely evaluate the customer experience
- Chi Chi's - Blue Tortilla Chip
Marketing Plan Evaluation
Marketing Plan Evaluation
- Chi Chi's TV Advertising Plan - Brand vs. Value
- G. S. R. - Evaluation of Incentives
- G. S. R. - F&B Strategy
- Happy Hour
- Country Western Bar
- Aladdin
- No Reason to Stay on Site
- Gaming Strategy
- F&B Strategy
- Night Club
- Showroom
- EBITDA Improvement
- G. S. R. Fun Quest - Free Play
- G. S. R. Bowling
- G. S. R. Movies
- G. S. R. Buffet
- Wherehouse Music
Industry Trends
Industry Plans
- Wherehouse Music
- X-rated videos
- E-commerce -
- Interactive nature of site
- Facebook, Ebay
- Customized loading page
- Instantaneous page creation
- FEDCO - Price leader on electronics
- Wherehouse Music - first ever digital music store
Competitive Review
Competitive Review
- Need to consistently compare pricing in space - be it print, digital , or TV
- Chi Chi's advertising agency
- Rapidly changing landscape in interactive digital advertising space
- S. E. O. - Search Engine Optimization
- Essential to understand and leverage digital marketing options
Salary & Benefits Review
- Need to benchmark against industry standards
- Top performers need to be addressed - with stay bonus
- Revised incentive comp., etc.
Salary & Benefits Review
Incentive Compensation
- Essential to have clearly defined incentive comp program
- Benchmark against others in same industry
- Critical to focus on controllable variables
Budgeting Process and Understanding a Profit and Loss Statement
Golf Course Investment - Budgeting and Managing
Budgeting Process
- $120 million investment by owner
- 27 hole golf course and 750 lot development
- Losing $1.6 million a year - primarily from golf course operation
- Task turn $1.6 million operating loss into profit and sell
Turnaround Strategy
Turnaround Strategy
Key Revenue Drivers
Key Revenue Drivers
- Public play guest fees
- Outing round guest fees
- Initiation fees
- Member dues
- Member cart fees
- Food and beverage
- Sales - Pricing (BACC)
- Driving Range Rees
Expense Reduction Opportunities
Expense Reduction Opportunities
- Sharper purchasing in Proshop
- Food cost - Big opportunity
- (50 - 31)
Expense Reduction Opportunities
Expense Reduction Opportunities
Budget Presentation and Review
Sale Process
Typical M&A Process Overview - Continued
Sale Process
Typical M&A Process - Continued
Typical M&A Process Overview - Continued
Overarching Rules on Sale
1. Don't be greedy - Blackhawk Casino
2. Get to know your buyer - M. C. A.
3. Set the game rules at the outset - current deals
Overarching Rules on Sale
Real World Examples
of M&A Process
Real World Examples of M&A Process
1. Sale of Chi Chi's
- Went through the steps previously discussed
- Signed deal scheduled to close Thursday
- Monday - Report of Unannounced Health Department Inspection
- Reason for Inspection - Hep A Infections - 4 People
- Status by end of week
- Following two weeks
- Mass innoculations - Health dept.
- CDC investigation and findings
- Mgmt response (first 4 "C"s to the rescue)
- Innoculations
- Hep A outbreak
- Post-outbreak challenges
- Mesquite Beach
- Shell Company
- How the first 3 C's saved the day
- Auction
- Margaritaville
Multi-Billion Dollar Turnaround and Sale of Apartment Developer
Multi-Billion Dollar Turnaround
3. Aladdin
- Hired as chief restructuring officer for this 2000 and room Last Vegas Hotel Casino
- Challenge - everyone had concluded it was a poor design and couldn't be fixed
- EBITDA at time of hire $10 million with a stretch valuation of $250 million
- Creditors were at each others throats
- Solution - used the 6 C's
- Key to success - Curiosity, Shift to Action-Based Plans
- Quickly Determined we had customers, but no compelling reason for them to stay on site to spend money gambling, dining, or having fun
- Solution:
- Changed restaurants
- Opened night club - Curve
- Changing programming in show room
- Closed high-end boutique casino
- Changed slot strategy
- R&D - Pool Strategy - Hard Rock
- Two years later
- EBITDA $65 million
- Sold to Planet Hollywood for $635 million
- Sale Process Details
- First Sale Attempt
- 2nd Sale
- Cash flow MTG
- Negotiation of Starwood AGMT
- My clients: 2x Plus Return
Closing Thoughts
Closing Thoughts
1. Acquisitions
- Network
- Identify why you are the best buyer
- Capital in place
- Quick close - no financing contingency
2. Valuation creation through operating leverage
- Understand revenue drivers
- Manage cash and expenses
- Get the best management team in place
- Incremental process/improvement every day
3. Sale
- Cash is king
- Always have a back-up plan
4. Finally...
- Make sure you are having fun!!!!