Results - we asked about....
- 10@10s
- Naumai
- Comms requests
- General stuff
How useful do you find 10@10s?
124 Answered
4 Skipped
Average rating
Key take-aways
- Keep to time
- Record and upload to Naumai
- Council-wide topics
- Digital platform is best - reaches those outside of Awarua
- More planned approach
- Summarise and have key points available
- Keep them as a regular event
- Q&As available on Naumai afterwards
- 30@3 for the larger scale projects
How often do you go on Naumai...?
128 Answered
8 Hourly
62 Daily
40 Weekly
14 Less often
4 Don't use Naumai
How would you rate your satisfaction with Naumai?
127 Answered
1 Skipped
Average rating
What are the best things about Naumai...?
Key take-aways
- Needs updating - and needs to be kept updated
- More information on Council projects
- Calendar of events
- Team pages updated with what's going on - good to know what's going on in other hubs
- Team competitions
- More get to know staff - staff videos, interviews etc.
- GDC newsletter? To know what's going on
- Took busy - confusing and hard to navigate
- Central place for major projects
- More 'fun stuff' - daily cartoon
Do you know how to raise a communications help request via Naumai?
52 said yes
61 said no
13 said I don't know
How well informed do you feel about what's happening around Council?
Where do you to get your information about what's happening around Council?
104 Nedine's blog
87 Naumai
77 Staff
77 10@10s
74 Email
39 GDC website
25 Other
Who said what....
- Nedine's blog - poor layout and hard to read
- Comms is doing a great job
- The tools are available - just needs other staff to use initiative and use them
Finance & Affordability
- Keep introducing the new workers
- Hard to find things in Objective
- Workshops about how to use comms
- Like the all-staff emails
Who said what...
Liveable Communities
- Pull down the walls that seperate the hubs
- Piritahi has turned into a cliche
- You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
- Don't over complicate things
- Targeted approach to ensure all hubs communicate internally and externally
- Identify team and who does what
- Like the CE blogs
- Like when Nedine addresses controversial inssues as it lets us know where Council stand - need to keep this going
- Record 10@10s
Who said what....
Internal Partnerships
- Have major projects on Naumai
- Round up of Council decisions at meetings
- Stories about staff
- Easier searching
- Communication overload - more than enough info
- Engage with all teams to find out what's going on
- Include Naumai on Desktop - in your face
- Committed timelines to comms/signage requests
Chief Executive
- All staff need to know it's important to communicate what they're doing
- Hub updates
Who said what....
Enviro Services & Protection
- Our website is hard for community to navigate
- Ensure those who are affected know what's happening
- Better coverage of all teams - feel we're the ugly stepchild
- Directors send team fortnightly updates - never hear from managers
- Include us
- I focus on my job and talk about what I need to with who I need to
- Need to encourage us all to be actively involved
- Make yourselves more available
- Specify what comms do and don't do - and how to ask for comms help
- Let everyone know when things are going on - i.e. state of emergency
- Too many times you are too busy to help