Different Types of Literacy
Suzanne Kelser Rumsey prefers the secondary definition, to have competence or knowledge in a specified area
is traditionally defined as the ability to read and write
Because of this secondary definition
Literacy is multifaciated
Someone could have:
1. Academic Literacy
2. Computer Literacy
3. Musical Literacy
In "Heritage Literacy: Adoption, Adaptation, and Alienation of Multimodal Literacy Tools", Suzanne utilizes an anecdote to demonstrate how young Elaine is literate in more than one way.
Elaine's School Experience
Because Mary, Elaine's mother, allows her to attend English* School Elaine has become literate in several ways.
*English meaning not Amish
Elaine's Academic Literacy is due to involvement in an English School setting. She understands how to read, write and preform math like her English peers despite her Amish Upbringing.
Academic Literacy
Computer Literacy
Elaine's Computer Literacy may be more limited than her English peers but the Amish don't allow modern technology at all. The little bit she has from writing papers and completing other school work is more than other Amish Children may have received.
Amish Liteacy
Suzanne writes that Amish literacy is the "reading and writing of texts particularly associated with the Amish way of life"
This can depend on what community you're a part of or even your line of work
Suzanne's Article suggest an interesting and "multimodal" form of literacy
Heritage Literacy
A personal example she used, which I thought was an interesting perspective, was quilting
Suzanne defined Heritage Literacy as how people pass knowledge from generation to generation
Heritage Literacy
How that knowledge is "Adapted, Adopted or Alienated from use"
Quilters know that Amish quilts are special and worth the hundred or thousands of dollars they sell for
Amish quilts are 100% hand sewn, down to the: the piecing, appliques, quilting and binding
Techniques are passed down from generation to generation
Image through Appliques and Pieced Blocks
Movement through Color and Quilting
General Color Association
Pattern or Symbols displaying meaning
It is understanding concepts. Written or otherwise
Literacy is more than reading and writing
How are quilts literacy?
They are tools of storytelling
These are all methods used in quilting to get the story across