Overview of Balance Component
of BMS2985
BSc Healthcare Science
Paul Radomskij
Overview of module
- Epidemiology
- Overview of causes of balance problems (children and adults)
- Diagnostic strategies
- Tests procedures
- Results and interpretation
- Rehabilitation and management
Duration of Module
Term 2 = week 1 to 3 and week 12
Lectures will usually start with quiz
Delivery of ILOs
- Lectures
- Tutorials
- On-line presentations
- Quizzes
Delivery of ILOs
Assessment Schedule
Testing of breadth and depth of knowledge through unseen written examination
- Final unseen 1 hour written examination - Balance and paediatrics
- 30 mins for balance
- 30 mins for padiatrics
Assessment Schedule
What happens if I fail?
- One resit allowed per final written examination
- Resit examinations marks will be capped at 40%
Recommended Reading
1.Balance Function Assessment and Management Ed Jacobson and Shepard. Plural Publishing (2nd edition, 2014 or 3rd Edition 2021)
Recommended Reading
A bit of work..
A bit of work..
Remain standing if you can ride a bicycle
Remain standing if you can ride a bicycle
Remain standing if you could ride a bicycle at age of 10 years
Remain standing if you could ride a bicycle at a...
Remain standing if you could ride a bicycle at age of 8 years
Remain standing if you could ride a bicycle at a...
Remain standing if you could ride a bicycle at age of 6 years
Remain standing if you could ride a bicycle at a...
Remain standing if you could ride a bicycle at age of 4 years
Remain standing if you could ride a bicycle at a...
Remain standing if you could ride a bicycle at age of 2 years
Remain standing if you could ride a bicycle at a...
Remain standing if you could ride a bicycle at age of 6 months
and you are liar
Remain standing if you could ride a bicycle at a...
Different Abilities
- How many of you can roller skate?
- How many of you can ice skate?
- How many of you can walk on a tight rope?
- How many of you can walk on a tight rope between two building?
- How many of you can walk on a tight rope between two building with eyes closed?
- How many of you can walk on a tight rope between two building with eyes closed climbing backwards in steps of seven from 142?
What do we need to maintain our sense of balance?
What do we need to maintain our sense ...
+ cognition
Body movements
Eye movements
Autonomic (visceral)
Conscious perception
So sense of balance
Quite useful for running away from danger or towards food
Good Balance
Good Balance
What happens when balance system is not good enough?
What happens if centre of gravity fall out of area of support?
What happens if centre of gravity fall out of area ...
Embarrassment of falling over
Social aspect
What is it like to be dizzy?
Audience Partcipation
Providing you do not have motion sickness
Optical illusion
Optical illusion
Personal Experiences
Has anyone felt dizzy and /or had a balance problem?
What words would you use to describe the symptoms?
What words would you use to describe the symptoms?
And patients....
If we find it difficult to describe, what about patients?
Falling down
Room moves around me
Etc etc etc
Some views on vertigo / Dizziness
Some views on vertigo / Dizziness
“I have vertigo. Vertigo makes it feel like the floor is pitching up and down. Things seem to be spinning. It's like standing on the deck of a ship in really high seas.”
- Laura Hillenbrand
“I have vertigo. Vertigo makes it feel like the floor ...
“Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom “
- Soren Kierkegaard
“Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom “
- Sor...
“Vertigo is the conflict between fear of falling and the desire to fall”
- ‘Salmon Rushdie’
“Vertigo is the conflict between fear of falling a...
Robert Barany
“Even such an obvious idea as to observe an animal with vertigo or to rotate an animal did not occur to him, in spite of the fact that he conducted numerous vertigo experiments with human subjects and made frequent use of animal experiments”
“Vertigo, it was thought at the time, could only be caused by a disease of the cerebellum. He observed this kind of patient for years and saw absolutely no symptoms of brain disease”
The Long Journey - over the few weeks
The Long Journey - over the next 7 weeks
You will have a better understanding of the balance system
How it works?
What can go wrong?
What we can do to help patients?
…….that vertigo is not only a fear of heights!