Water for South Sudan Presentation
The Purpose of the Water for South Sudan Charity
By: Sora Li
- The purpose of the Water for South Sudan Charity is the same as Global Goal #6-ensure access to water and sanitation to all.
- This organization is a nonprofit charity, and they want to earn money to donate water and sanatation for the people in South Sudan.
- The Charity has drilled a total of 571 wells. 321 wells rehabilitated, and 678 Hygiene lessons given.
South Sudan casualities
South Sudan casualties
- Over 17 Million parents and children bear with water scarcity.
- There are an average of 411 deaths.
- When children are around ten, they start going to get water, around 3.7 miles per trip!
- Going wasn't that hard, just heat, thorns, and time; however coming back was nearly impossible. The gourd was full of dirty water, heavy as can be, and another several miles having to going back in the burning sun.
- They had to go every single day until winter.
- These trips the children have to take ruin their dreams of ever accomplishing anything.
- Also dieases without the cure is very common because of the dirty drinking water.
Why you should donate to the water for South Sudan Charity
Why you should donate
- Countless people have already donated to the charity, however, only 10% of South Sudan has the nessasary needs. Nevertheless, if you and many others donate to the charity, soon, all of the Sudanese people will have clean water.
- Maybe you have five children, three jobs, and are associated with another charity. However you still can support this charity too. If you don't have the time to help out, then click a button and donate money within minutes. If you don't want to donate money, then you can help out by bestowing your time.
Donate now
Donate now!
- Please donate to the water for South Sudan Charity.
- These children have to walk almost 4 miles each way to get water twice a day, and have no sanitation their entire lives.
- If you contribute to this project in any way, then you will free the children from walking multiple miles; make nessities available to them, and they will learn daily sanitation and hygiene.
- "No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted,"-Aesop.
- So please donate to the water for South Sudan Charity.