Historical Foundations of Counseling
Prior to this time, it was widely thought that heredity determined a person’s mental health.
Societal changes during this time period forced people to change their thoughts on mental illnesses. Counseling and Psychology were both taking off at this time. Mental health care was becoming important and therefore many advancements were being made. Many psychologists were interested in and studying human behavior.
1907-Jesse B. Davis
- School superintendent
- Required teachers to teach problem solving and morals to facilitate a change.
- English teachers were also used as vocational counselors.
1908-Clifford Whittingham Beers
- Patient in a Mental health institute went on to recounte his experiences in "A Mind That Found Itself"
- The mental-hygiene movement helped shape society’s view on the mentally ill from “sick individuals” to “individuals that need help”(Erford, 2014).
1908-Frank Parsons
- Father of american guidance movement
- Believed and created the theory that personality traits would best determine a person's vocational calling
1908-Frank Parsons
1909 Sigmund Freud
- Focus on human behavior
- First invited to the US in 1909 to speak on his developments in neurosis
1909 Sigmund Freud
William James
William James
- Modified the first experimental psych lab done by Wilhelm Wundt (1800s)
- James was interested in studying the whole person's cognition, and behavior
- Used the lab as a setting to study human behavior.
1913 National Vocational Guidance Associations published
1913 National Vocational Guidance Associatio...
This would later be known as Journal of Counseling & Development 1984. The United States government played a large role in the development of counseling. First utilizing the counseling services to monitor those who served in the armed forces.
1914 Psychometrists
Individuals who could administer tests and interpret the results from large pools of information. These individuals were known as psychometrists. The need for classifying information came about during World War I.
1914 Psychometrists
Smith-Hughes Act of 1917
This act established that vocational education should be used in public schools and universities.
Smith-Hughes Act of 1917
The use of guidance practices was becoming more normal and more widely accepted due to the economic crisis sweeping the US. The US was aware that it would be important for previously unemployed workers to be satisfied with their new jobs. This idea contributed to the need for guidance in the school and workplace.
1921- Interest in the Mental Health of Children-Carl Rogers
1921- Interest in the Mental Health of Children-Carl Rogers
- Testing, observation and intervention of and for children who were showing signs of maladjustment
- Relationship and play therapy were used
- Rogers developed an interest in relationship therapy driven by the client (client centered therapy)
1922-Alfred Adler and Collective Counseling
- Group therapy allowed for input and insight from clients while also helping clients to understand their problems
- J.L. Moreno was also developing and working with group therapy during this time.
- Moreno used Theater Spontaneity or Psychodrama.
- Psychodrama-role playing and dramatic self-expression
1927-The Strong Vocational Interest Blank
- Developed by Edward K. Strong
- Provided the standardized materials needed in guidance
1927-The Strong Vocational Interest Blank
1929-First Family and Marriage Counseling Center Opens through Abraham and Hannah Stone
1929-First Family and Marriage Counseling Center Opens throu...
1930s-E.G. Williamson+Clinical Counseling
- Theorized that personality traits could be measured and related to occupational choices
- Focused on problem solving and decision making
1935-Alcoholics Anonymous/Recovery Inc. Opens
- Form of self help for mental illnesses and addictions
1935-Alcoholics Anonymous/Recovery Inc. Opens
1939-Dictionary of Occupational Titles is Published
- Provided the information for vocational counselors
1939-Dictionary of Occupational Titles is Published
During World War II, the U.S. became aware of how widespread mental health issues were due to the testing in the armed forces. Many men were denied from serving due to their mental health. Again, the U.S. was forced to recognize the need for counseling and guidance services. During this time, there was a debate on what theories for counseling were more effective. The debates were centered on "whether the ideas of Williamson (e.g.test and train them) or Rogers (e.g., accept and listen to them) were more advanced and helpful"(Erford, 2014. P. 16). During the 1940s, many psychologists who were escaping Nazi rule in Europe entered the United States.
In the 1950s the U.S. government also made additional funds available to educating guidance and counseling professionals.
1942- Carl Rogers begins further work with Client-Center...
1942- Carl Rogers begins further work with Client-Centered Counseling
- Client centered-gives the client the opportunity to lead their counseling, they are in charge of and an expert of their own life.
1946-The National Mental Health Act is Established
- Making mental health a national priority.
1946-The National Mental Health Act is Established
1952-American Personnel and Guidance Association was formed (later known as ACA).
1952-American Personnel and Guidance Association w...
1953-The American School Counseling Association joined APGA
1953-The American School Counseling Association join...
1958-The American Rehab Counseling Association was Chartered
1958-The American Rehab Counseling Association w...
School counselors were in high demand, but the job description and the role of the counselor in schools was not defined well enough. In order to correct this, and streamline the counseling profession, rules, regulations and educational requirements were laid out. As you will see in the dates marked through this time period, a number of laws were passed during this time in order to enhance counseling and guidance practices.
1962- C.Gilbert Wrenn-Culturally focused Counseling
- Civil and women’s rights were a point of focus in society. Because of this, it was important for counselors to have a broader understanding of clients and counseling.
1962- C.Gilbert Wrenn-Culturally focused Counseling
1963- The Community Mental Health Centers Act
1963- The Community Mental Health Centers Act
Additional funds were allowed for counseling “training and research in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders” (Erford, 2014. p16).
1964-The APGA Recommended a Branch in Every State
1965-The Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling was chartered
1965-The Association for Assessment and Research ...
1966-The National Employment for Counseling Association was chartered
1966-The National Employment for Counseling Association w...
1967-The APA Legislation committee proposed a restriction on who could provide counseling
1967-The APA Legislation committee proposed...
1972-Multicultural Counseling and Development & The International Association of Addictions and Offender Counselors was chartered.
1972-Multicultural Counseling and Development & The Internation...
The Association for Spiritual, Ethical and Religious Values in Counseling
The Association for Spiritual, Ethical and Religious Valu...
Family Educational Right and Privacy Act
Family Educational Right and Privacy Act
The APGA calls for Licensure legislation efforts in all 50 states
ARCA certified rehabilitation counselors
ARCA certified rehabilitation counselors
Education for All Handicapped Children Act is passed
Education for All Handicapped Children Act is passed
Virginia Passed the First Regulatory Act for Professional Counselors
Virginia Passed the First Regulatory Act for Profession...
1976- The Career Education Incentive Act was provided for Career Education Within Schools
1976- The Career Education Incentive Act was provided f...
1978-The American Mental Health Counselors Association was chartered
1978-The American Mental Health Counselors Association w...
1979- The AMHCA Certified Mental Health Counselors
1979- The AMHCA Certified Mental Health Counselors
Changes were occurring within the counseling profession. Societal changes were forcing the services offered by counselors to change. “A growing awareness of pluralism began to take place with an interest in how society, culture, gender and personal biases affect behavior and treatment” (Erford, 2014. P.18). In response, the profession began to divide into specialities, each requiring specific certifications. The years to come will show the specialization of the field of counseling.
APGA Changes its Name to American Association of Counseling and Development
APGA Changes its Name to American Association ...
The National Board for Certified Counselors was Established
The National Board for Certified Counselors w...
1984- The Association for Counselors and Educators in Government was chartered
1984- The Association for Counselors and Educators ...
1989-The International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors was chartered
1989-The International Association of Marriage a...
1990-The Americans with Disability Act is passed
1991-The American College Counseling Association
1992-AACD changes its name to American Counseling Association
1992-AACD changes its name to American Counseli...
1994-State Licensure, certification is adopted in 41 states
1994-State Licensure, certification is adopted in ...
1997-ACA Gives Official Definition of
Today, ACA defines counseling as "Counseling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals".
In the early 2000s, the profession was focused on advocating for multiculturalism. Presently, the counseling profession is working toward incorporating technology, and more research. Professional counselors are now focused on mentoring and leading their clients.
2002 -The Counselors for Social Justice was Chartered
2004- The Association for Creativity in COunseling was Chartered
2004- The Association for Creativity in COunseling w...
2006-The 20/20 Committee: A Vision for The Future of Counseling
2006-The 20/20 Committee: A Vision for The Future ...
- The 20/20 Committee is working toward standardizing the licenses needed for counseling.
- Reciprocity would make it possible for licenses to be valid throughout all states.
2009-All 50 States Pass a State Licensure Law
- California was the final state to require licensure for professional counselors.