Cells are surrounded by a cell membrane made of a phospholipid bilayer with proteins and carbohydrates imbedded within.
Extracellular matrix - allows for cell adhesion, precise sequence of interaction between cell surfaces, and cell adhesion molecules (CAM) guide the white blood cells to the injury site.
Outside the Cell
The Nucleus
Nuclear membrane- nuclear envelope covers the nucleus.
Nuclear pore- holes in the membrane
Nucleolus – produces ribosomes
The Nucleus
Around the Nucleus
Ribosomes- site of protein synthesis. No membrane, may be free or attached to ER.
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) – A network of tubules and sacs made of membrane
Smooth ER- -no ribosomes – produces lipids and steroids, found in cells that secrete and store
Rough ER has ribosomes and is found in cells that produce proteins, including antibodies.
Energy & Transport
Mitochondria- Makes ATP from glucose. It has its own DNA
Golgi apparatus- Its function is synthesis, storing, sorting and shipping materials.
Vesicles- membrane sacs used for storage and transport
Energy & Transport
Waste Removal
Lysosomes- sacs of enzymes that break down bacteria, fats, and food. Also play a role in destroying cells
Tay sachs disease is an error in lysosomes causes a fatty material to build up on nerve cells.
Peroxisomes- sacs of H2O2 that breaks down lipids, fats, bile, found in the liver and kidney.
Waste Removal
Structure & Support
Cytoskeleton – gives cells shape and includes Microtubules, Microfilaments, and Intermediate Filaments
Will also serve as a foundation for cilia and flagella
Spherocytosis– defect in the cytoskeleton of RBC. Symptoms cause RBC to balloon out, blocking blood vessels in organs
Centrioles- made of microtubules and used during cell division