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Beginning Writers
The writer is beginning to sequence their ideas in the correct order, and is attempting to use basic punctuation and grammar
I can write four or more sentences about my topic
I can write down all the sounds I hear
Everything makes a sound.
What sounds can you use in
your writing?
I use capital letters for proper nouns and sentence beginnings
I use full stops at the end of my sentences.
I can use a picture and words to plan my story. I can also write a title.
I can leave spaces between my words
I like to play
I can underline my not sure words.
I can check my spelling with a Junior Dictionary.
The writer is beginning to refine their skills and is attempting to use paragraphs, compound and complex sentences, a wider range of topic specific vocabulary and puntuation.
I can spell all of my non-negotiable words
I can attempt unknown words using blends, chunks and endings
I can use full stops, question marks, and exclamation marks correctly.
I can use a spell write to correct words and write them properly.
I can use adjectives to make my writing more interesting.
I can use different sentence beginnings.
I can use linking words to join two ideas.
I can plan my story in different ways an can use my plan to order my writing.
I can read a buddy's writing and give helpful feedback
I can proof read for accuracy using dictionaries when needed
I can use my knowledge of prefixes (word beginnings) and root words (bae words) to spell more difficult words.
I am able to write a: recount, retell, description, procedure, poem, explanation, narrative.
I use similes, alliteration, onomatopoeia and direct speech to make my writing interesting.
I can choose my words carefully and include interesting adjectives and adverbs that enhance my writing.
I can organise my ideas into paragraphs.
I use my plan as a springboard to expand my ideas.
I can improve the quality of my ideas by adding, subtracting, moving and changing words around where it is needed.
I use more complex punctuation e.g speech marks, commas and apostrophes.