Chapter 23: War and Revolution
The Road to War
A. Europeans believed wrongly
that if states were organized
along national lines, they would
work together.
B. Asassination in Sarajevo
1. June 28, 1914 A-H heir
Francis Ferdinand & wife
were killed touring Sarajevo,
2. killed by Gavrilo Princip
(Black Hand)
B. 4 underlying causes for WWI
1. Imperialism
2. Militarism
3. Alliances
4. Nationalism
C. Alliances
1. rivalries over colonies & trade grew
during an age of nationalism &
2. Triple Alliance (1882)- GER,
A-H, & Italy
I. Illusions & Stalemate
A. Government propaganda had
worked in stirring up national
hatreds before the war.
C. Austria-Hungary Responds
1. A-H thought the Serbian gov. was involved
2. A-H wanted to attack Serbia but feared
3. A-H turned to Germany.
4. Germany wrote A-H a "blank check"
5. A-H issued ultimatum: allow Serbia
to investigate murder & Serbia must
suppress its subversive
6. Serbia agreed to all
of the demands
except investigating
3. Triple Entente-FR,
GB, & Russia
4. Nationalism led to
Chapter 23: War & Revolution
E. Czar Nicholas II asked for a partial
B. propaganda- ideas spread to
influence public opinion for/against a
C. Most people believed that their country's
cause was just.
D. People were enthusiastic about war &
believed it would be over by
E. Western Front
Section 2: The War
b. armies doubled
in size
F. Mobilization is the process of assembling
troops & supplies & making them ready for
c. exception to draft laws- US & GB
D. Internal Dissent
1. social labor movements had
grown more powerful.
2. conservative leaders' desire to
suppress internal disorder may
have caused some leaders to
plunge into WWI
2. Russian army the largest w/ 1.3 million
3. military leaders drew up complex plans
for mobilizing millions of men & vast amt.
of supplies in the event of war
G. Generals said no partial mobilization because
it would cause chaos in the army.
H. Full mobilization meant that Germany
would consider this an act of war.
I. Czar ordered full mobilization on
July 29.
J. Germany declared war
on August 1.
Central Powers (GER, A-H, Ottaman Empire, & Bulgaria) vs. Allied Powers
(GB, FR, RUS, Serbia, Belgium,
Jap, Mont.)
E. Militarism
1. growth of large armies
a. conscription began
1. Germany hoped
Schlieffen Plan would
help fight 2-front war
II. The Outbreak of War: Summer 1914
A. The Serbian Problem
1. 1914 Serbia supported by Russia was
determined to create an independent
Slavic state
2. A-H was determined to not
let that happen
2. Schlieffen Plan
a. hurry up & defeat FR (6 wks) then
transport troops to Rus who
would mobilize slowly
b. get to FR by encircling movement
through Belgium & surround Paris
c. problems w/delays & Rus mobilized
IV. The Impact of Total War
3. German advance was halted a
short distance from Paris at the
1st Battle of the Marne
4. Germans
A. Total War- involving a complete
mobilization of resources & people.
D. Air War
B. Price, wage, and rent controls put in place.
1. Airplanes introduced
abandoned Schlieffen
Plan after Battle of the Marne
2. 1st used to spot enemy's position
Chapter 23: War and Revolution
C. Capitalist systems became planned economies
D. Governments rations food, supplies, &
3. Then used to to attack ground targets.
5. Battle of Marne raised FR morale
6. trench warfare- fighting from ditches protected by barbed wire
E. Battle of Ypres- GER started using
poison gas & chlorine
1. western front
2. ~500 mi. of trenches
III. Entry of the US
E. Manipulation of Public Opinion
1. newspapers suspended or censored
2. protestors arrested as traitors
3. A-H, Russia, & GER used force
4. propaganda
3. trenches protected by barbed
wire, concrete machine-gun
nests, protected by heavy
F. The Eastern Front
1. Battle of Tannenberg (30,000 Rus.
killed) the Germans defeated
2. A-H defeated by the Russians &
thrown out of Serbia
Section 4: End of War
F. Battle of the Somme- BR introduced the
G. Russia tried to hold on Eastern Front
but had moral problems
H. GB tried to attack the Dardanelles by
sea, but failed
I. GB blockaded GER ports
J. GER began using unrestricted sub
A. Y?
1. GER resumed unrestricted
submarine warfare
2. Zimmerman Note=GER
ambassador sent telegram
to MEX that if MEX joined
CP, will get SW US
3. sinking of the Lusitania was
sunk by German forces
4. GER sunk 4 US merchant
1916-1917: The Great Slaughter
A. War basically a stalemate
B. trench warfare
4. trenches separated by no-man's
C. Battle of Verdun
1. 10 mos. FR held firm
2. Germans goal was to kill as many
FR soldiers as possible.
3. one of bloodiest of
the war
B. Russian Revolution
Image by goodtextures:
c. Treaties w/ A-H, Ottaman Empire, Bulg. all lost land
II. The Peace Settlements
1. delegates met in Paris in
early 1919 to determine
the peace settlement
F. Sailors mutinied & Kaiser William II left the country.
6. New nations= Finland, Estonia,
Latvia, Lithuania, Poland,
Czechoslavkia, Yugoslavia
I. The Last Year
2. the Big Four- Woodrow Wilson, David
Lloyd George, George Clemenceau,
Vittorio Orlando
G. New German government
signed an armistice on Nov. 11,
A. 1917- Russian Revolution
began & Allied offensives on
the Western Front had been
C. Effects of the War
1. political instability
2. 10 million people dead
3. authoritarian rule became
a way of life
3. Wilson was committed to the League of
Nations so he compromised
A. Wilson's Proposals
1. need more democratic
2. Wilson became the
spokesperson for the new world
3. open seas, limits on arms, end
secret alliances, self-
determination, international
org. for peace
B. Germany launched a new offensive
attack on West once Russia pulled out
the war.
4. separate peace treaties with each nation
5. Treaty of Versailles= treaty w/GER
a. reduced GER army, took away land,
stripped GER of overseas possessions
b. War Guilt Clause= (Article 231) get
blamed for war & owed reparations
$33 billion over 30 yrs.
H. Revolutionary Forces
1. Unhappy w/ GER gov. set up by
the Social Democratic Party,
radicals set up the Communist
2. Social Democratic gov.
defeated Communist
C. The Second Battle of the Marne
Germany stopped again.
D. Sept. 29, 1918 Ludendorff informed
German leaders the war was lost
E. Allies unwilling to make peace
w/ a dictator.
B. Paris Peace