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Sarah Nguyen


Direct Line: 714-510-1180



USDA Nondiscrimination


In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the agency (state or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.

To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (AD-3027), found online at and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call 866-632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

What is the Meal Program?

What is...?


What is the CACFP?

The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federal program that provides reimbursements for nutritious meals and snacks to eligible after school programs.

CACFP contributes to the wellness, healthy growth, and development of young children and adults in the United States.

Snack & Dinner

The Meal Program provides free snack and dinner to those who are enrolled in the program and also community members that may request some food.

Participants are area eligible.

Eligibility is based upon the local school’s free and reduced-price meal statistics.

Must be 50 percent (%) or higher.

18 years of age or under (or turning 19 during school year)

No age limits for those with disabilities

Disabled adults must be served the adult meal pattern

Disability must be documented

If you are serving disabled adults, please contact your specialist for further guidance


We will be discussing

What you need for meals


Dos and Don'ts for meals

How to Conduct Meals

Changes due to COVID 19

How to complete paperwork for meals

Site Binder Necessities

Civil Rights Procedures

What do you need to conduct meals?

What do...?


In order to conduct meals you will need the items below:

  • Daily attendance records or sign-in/sign-out sheets must be maintained.
  • At least two people, one person to do tally and one person to do roster
  • And if possible one person to guide lines and students one at a one through collection area
  • You will need the snack and dinner menu posted in the area that meals is being conducted.

-Menus must list all food items prepared for each day

-Be updated to reflect any changes

  • You will need the lady liberty poster posted in the same area meals is conducted
  • You will need your weekly roster and tally sheet
  • A pen, pencil, and eraser
  • You will need gloves, sanitizer, and any other personal protective equipment when distributing meals

How to...?

How To Conduct Snack and Dinner?


How to conduct Snack?

1: Ensure that all components are available and accounted for.

Requirements for snack components:

For a child’s snack to be a reimbursable meal it must contain these components: (Total of two components)

Milk*as of 10/1/17- unflavored low fat milk

Fruit/vegetable as of 10/1/17- ¾ cup of each


Meat/Meat Alternate (M/MA)

*One percent or nonfat milk for children two years of age or older

2: Sanitize area snack will be conducted in and ensure you wash your hands before preparing or serving food. In addition to sanitizing the area you will need to clean and sanitize all equipment, utensils, and contact surfaces that are used in preparing or serving the food.

3. Remember to store food at least 6 inches off the floor and away from cleaning supplies

4. Once the area and equipment and you are sanitized, you can begin prepping snack.

5: Due to COVID 19, snack and dinner procedures have changed. Students are no longer allowed to grab components from the box. They must either be individually bagged and handed to the student or placed in front of the student while they are sitting down.

6: As snack is being distributed to each student, one person must be doing the roster and another person tallying. This must be done one student at a time.

7: Once everyone has been served and there are extras, you may offer them to students but you must document that they ate seconds on the tally and roster.

8: Make sure to dispose of snack that has not been consumed. Students are not allowed to save the food for later.


How to conduct dinner?

1: Ensure that all components are available and accounted for.

Requirements for dinner components:

For a child’s supper to be a reimbursable meal it must contain these components:

(Total of five components)

Milk* as of 10/1/17- unflavored low fat milk

Two or more different kinds of fruits/vegetables as of 10/1/17- ¾ cup of each


Meat/Meat Alternate (M/MA)

*One percent or nonfat milk for children two years of age or older

2: Sanitize area dinner will be conducted in and ensure you wash your hands before preparing or serving food. In addition to sanitizing the area you will need to clean and sanitize all equipment, utensils, and contact surfaces that are used in preparing or serving the food.

3. Remember to store food at least 6 inches off the floor and away from cleaning supplies

4. Once the area and equipment and you are sanitized, you can begin prepping dinner.

5: Due to COVID 19, snack and dinner procedures have changed. Students are no longer allowed to grab components from the box. They must either be individually bagged and handed to the student or placed in front of the student while they are sitting down.

6: As dinner is being distributed to each student, one person must be doing the roster and another person tallying. This must be done one student at a time.

7: Once everyone has been served and there are extras, you may offer them to students but you must document that they ate seconds on the tally and roster.

8: Make sure to dispose of an dinner that has not been consumed. Students are not allowed to save the food for later.

Dos and Don'ts



  • Maintain daily attendance records or sign-in/sign-out sheets must be maintained.

– Roster must be documented separately from meal counts (tallies)

  • Meal counts must be taken and serve as documentation for reimbursement claiming.
  • Always be prepared by having everything organized and ready
  • Always count snack to account for overages or shortages
  • Always document shortages or overages and email Sarah
  • Ensure that all snack and dinner components are not open or tampered with
  • Always conduct snack and dinner at your designated time and area
  • Document any changes on snack and dinner within the notes portion of the tally page
  • If you make a mistake that is on the tally sheet or roster please white it out and initial on every mistake


  • Do not serve outside of the allotted time for snack and dinner
  • Do not serve food if it not at the correct temperature
  • Milk 41 Degrees and under
  • Cold Food 41 Degrees and under
  • Hot Food 135 Degrees and Up
  • Do not serve snack or dinner without sanitizing first. Wash your hands and wear gloves and PPE.
  • Do not send more than one student at a time to grab their snack or dinner
  • Meal counts can never exceed attendance.
  • Do not allow students to take food or milk home with them.
  • State law states we must keep a two hour spacing between snack and dinner.
  • Do not turn in paperwork without having at least a director and a lead look at it for mistakes.

Changes Due to COVID 19


Due to COVID 19, some procedures have changed for snack and dinner. These procedures ensure that food is not being contaminated and everyone is remaining safe.

  • Sanitize area of snack and dinner
  • Sanitize all equipment and utensils before use.
  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds and wear gloves and PPE
  • Students are not allowed to touch any components of snack and dinner
  • As of September 2022 we are now allowed to have goodie boxes back but they must be separated from the serving area.

Changes for this year

How to complete paperwork for snack and dinner?

How to...?

Snack & Dinner

Important Notes


Civil Rights Training

Civil Rights

  • Discrimination is prohibited. We must provide equal access to the meal program.
  • USDA Nondiscrimination Statement must be displayed publicly.
  • Ethnic Data collection is required to be collected. We will do this through the application process.
  • Any person who believes he or she or someone he/she knows has been discriminated against based on Federal protected classes (ie. National origin, race, etc.) has a right to file a complaint within 180 days of the alleged discriminatory action.

Civil Rights To Do List

Civil Rights “To Do List"

  • Provide CACFP in a nondiscriminatory manner
  • Must offer meals to all children in the day care and meal substitutions to participants with disabilities
  • Prominently display the “And Justice for All” poster
  • Non-discrimination statement must be on all printed materials available to the public which mention USDA and/or NSLP & CACFP materials, including websites
  • Document verbal complaints or offer complaint forms to anyone who wishes to file a civil rights complaint

Meal Binder Requirements

  • CACFP or SFSP handbook
  • Contact Information
  • Menus
  • Tally Sheets and Rosters
  • Delivery Sheets
  • Site Training Documentation
  • Documentation of Medical Accommodations

Any Questions?


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