Timeline of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
By: Seema Ali
- 9 Rabi ul Awal, 571 AD
- Elephant year
2 to 4 years old
- In the care of Halima
- Opened the chest and cleaned the heart
2-4 yrs
4 to 6 years old
- Mother Aminah passed away
- Custodianship passed to Abdul-Muttalib
4 to 6 yrs
7 to 9 years
- Grand Father passed away at the age of 8 years
7 to 9 yrs
9 to 11 years
- Custodianship was passed to Abu Talib
9 to 11 yrs
12 years
- Traveled with uncle Abu Talib to Syria, and Bahira recognized him to be a prophet
12 yrs
20 years
- The battle of Fijar takes place.
- After the battle of Fijar the Prophet (saw) was present in the Hilf al Fudool- a pact in which the five tribe leaders agreed to stand up for anyone who suffered injustice
20 yrs
21 to 24 years
- Muhammad pbuh makes his living tending goats for Banu Saad tribe
21 to 24 yrs
25 years
- Went on trade expedition to Syria as a merchant for Khadija (RA)
- Married to Khadija (RA)
25 yrs
31 years
- 6 Kids were born from Hazrat Khadija (RA)
- Qasim, Zainab. Ruqqaya, Um-e-Kulsoom, Fatima, and Abdullah
31 yrs
35 years
- Reconstruction of Kabah and the dispute over the black stone
35 yrs
40 years
- August 10, 610 CE
- Recieved the first revelation from Allah (SWT) from Angel Jibraeel
- Khadija (RA) took him to Warqaah bin Naufaal who recognized him as a prophet
40 yrs
The First 3 years of Prophethood
- The first 3 years were mainly focused on one to one dawah
The first 3 years of Prophethood
- Dar-al-Arqam was made a center for prayer, preaching, education, and training of the believers
- The first migration to Abyssinia
5th year of Prophethood
6th year of Prophethood
- Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib and Omar bin Al-Khattab (RA) accepted Islam
6th year of Prophethood
7 to 10 years of Prophethood
Total boycott
Shaib- Abi - Talib
Three years later the boycott ended.
7-10 years of Prophethood
10th year of Prophethood
- The year of sorrow: Abu Talib dies and 2 months and 3 days later Khadija (RA) passed away
- Marries to Sauda bint Zamma (RA)
10th year of Prophethood
10-12 years of Prophethood
- Aisha (RA) was married to the prophet (pbuh)
- Journey to Taif
- The moon splits in half
10-12 years of Prophethood
Isra and Miraj
Isra & Miraj
- First, fifth, tenth, twelfth, or thirteen year of prophethood
- Isra' refers to the night journey from Masjid al-Haram to Masjid al-Aqsa, and Mairaj refers to the ascension to the heavens
- Prayer was given as a gift
12th year of prophethood
- The First Pledge if Aqabah
- Musab bin Umair (RA) sent to Madinah for teaching Quran and deen
12th year of Prophethood
13th year of Prophethood
- The second pledge of Aqabah in season of pilgramage
- Muslims migrate to Madinah
- Quraish plot to kill the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) at Dar an-Nadwa
13th year of Prophethood
14th year of Prophethood
- Allah (swt) gave permission to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to migrate to Madinah with hazrat Abu Bakr
14th year of Prophethood
The Journey to Madinah
- The Mushrikeen were not successful in their attempt to assasinate the prophet (pbuh) the messenger of Allah (swt) and Abu Bakr would spent 3 nights in Mount Thawr, then from there journey to Madinah with the guide they had hired. Their time in the cave is described in the Quran in Surah Tawbah.