Concept Map of Cultural Identity
Hi, I am Mariana Guadalupe Paniagua Garcia
Mariana Paniagua
1. Family History
a. Nations of Origin
- Tanhuato, Michoacan Mexico
Family History
b. Influential People
- Mother
- Born and raised in Mexico, came to the states with no money, no english skills, but that never stopped her from seeking opportunities. She was able to attain a job, at a non-profit agency despite not having a college degree, incredibly determined
- Father
- One of the most handiest men I know, always tries to find the bright side of situations, stong minded
c. Difficulties and Hardships
Believing in myself as I continue to grow through experiences, and being able to make the right decisions as they concern my future, like choosing the right major, am I doing enough to contribute to the world? Balancing school life, and family life.
d. Strengths and Resources
Perseverance and Positivity
- As I continue my second year of college, I face challenges in the coursework as they are demanding but I persevere with the support of my friends, and continue to "echarle le ganas" ( or give it my all)
- All I am doing right now is for the greater good
Family and Friend Support
- The people in my life continuously push me to try new things and to go after what I want
2. Stage of Ethnic Identity
a. Influences
- Born and raised in Dallas, TX
- Roman Catholic Household
- Annual Santo Cristo Milagroso Celebration
- Bilingual Home
- People of the same culture as me
- Bright Colors
b. Supporting Evidence
Raised on both Mexican and American heritage. I experience my mexican culture through food, music, history, and religion. And I experience my american culture through food, music, and tradition.
Supporting Evidence
c. Implications of Teaching
I grew up in a cultural learning environment, predominantly surrounded by others who bared the same skin as me, but I had diverse teachers who taught and shared with me their culture. Learning of other cultures made me become more aware of how important multicultural education is, and how I want to share that education with my future students.
Implications of
3. Individual Differences
Individual Differences
a. Talents and Interests
- Crafting
- Netflixing
- Hanging out with friends
- Shopping
- Journaling
- Cooking (baking)
Talents and Interests
b. Physical Attributes
- Brown Hair
- Brown Eyes
- Below Average Height
- Brown Skin
Physical Attributes
c. Personality
- Extroverted Introvert
- People Person
- Curious- I love to ask questions
- Witty Humor
- Optimistic
- Friendly
4. Aspects of Ethnicity
a. Home and School Math/Mismatch
Home and School
- From preschool through highschool, I have gone to school that are a major reflection of my home life. We all could relate to one another.
- School Success
- In high school, I was very involved in my academics and graduating in the top 10% of my class. As well as being involved in campus organizations.
- Through college, I have continued to excel, making the dean's and president's list. I genuinely love learning, and I appreciate the opportunity I have to seek higher education.
b. Verbal Communication
Verbal Communication
With Family
- Talking spanish, and using proper labels to address relatives (formal/informal)
- I speak english with my brother and sister and spanglish (a combination of english and spanish) with my mom and dad
With Friends
- I mostly speak english and englsh slang, but I also speak spanish when given the opportunity
- Me and some friends get together once a week, and speak only spanish for 5 minutes
c. Non-Verbal Communication
With Family and Friends
- We greet each other through hugs and/or handshakes
- Speaking through our eye contact, and facial expressions
- Hidden hand signals that have significance
Non-Verbal Communication
d. Orientation Modes
Hispanic Time
- Always running late to family and social events
- The party starts at 6, we leave the house at 6
- Enjoys a busy environment
White Time
- Turning homework and work in a timely manner
- Arriving to appointments and meetings, a bit early
- Planning my days and weeks ahead of time
e. Social Values
Depending on the environment
- Crowded areas make me nervous, so I get really anxious
- I tend to be a go with the flow person, I take things as they come along
- Setting goals, and planning steps for achievement. Getting things done!
- I tend to be hard on myself, if things don't go as plan, or if I fall short
- Comparison is the thief of joy
- supportive friends
f. Intellectual Mode
Learning Style
- Hands-on activities and demonstrations
- Aural Learner
- I prefer to work with individuals who have similar work ethics as mine
- I enjoy collaboration when learning
- I do not like dead silent areas when learning, I like light conversations or music