Biography of Mary Musgrove
Darienne N. Williams
Who was Mary Musgrove?
- Mary Musgrove was born on 1700 at Coweta Town, which later became apart of Georgia.
- She was born in to what is called today The Creek Indians, but has both Creek from her mother and white from her dad.
- Her name was Mary, but tranlated into the Creek Indian laguage was Cousaponokeesa.
- Unlike many children today and even back in her times she spent most of her chilhood trying to make peace between her Creek village and South Carolina.
Some of Her Adult Life
- She was married 3 times.
- She was married to Thomas Bosomwort, Jacob Matthews, and John Musgrove.
- She was only 17 when she got married to John Musgrove.
- John Musgove was a white trader in South Carolina.
Marry and John Musgrove
Marry and John Musgrove
- John and Marry Musgrove were asked by South Carolina governor, a group of Creeks and Yamacraws to open a trading port.
- Together her and John Musgrove opened a trading post near the Savannah River in 1732.
- The Creeks and the colonist used the trading post to trade between the Creeks and the coloists.
- continued...
- Since she had both creek and white in her she spoke both laguages and understood the cultures.
- With her husband she was a interpreter to attract clients.
- Greatfully the estalishment of Georgia gave the Musgroves a chance to expand their business.
- In 1734 John Musgrove and a group of Creeks accompanied James Oglethorpe on a trip to England.
- John Musgrove died in 1735.
- Mary decided to move the trading post to the Yamacraw Bluffs which became major for business.
Since she had both creek and white in her she spoke both laguages a...
What Happened after Marry Husband Death?
- Marry remarried in 1737 to John Mathhews .
- She established another trading post in Mount River Venture located on the Altamaha River.
- John Mathhews died in 1742,
- She got remarried once again to Reverand Thomas Boomworth.
- Thomas status and Marry's skills made them a power couple.
- Together they traveled into Creek Villages with messages from Oglethorpe.
- They ocassionally tought christian missionaries.
Land Controversy
Land Controversy
- Everthing started in 1737 when Yamacraw chief Tomochichi granted her a plot of land near Savannah.
- Creek chief Malatchi granted the Bosomworths three of the Sea Islands that the Indians claimed as their own called Ossabaw, Sapelo, and St. Catherines. The british said that a nation can grant land only to a nation, not to individual people.
- Because of this she and a group of Creeks went to Savannah to support her
- Then she went to England to plead her case. She was told to finish her case in the Georgia courts. When she came back to Georgia she won the case.
- In return she got her rights back to own her land.
Marry Musgrove's Death
- Marry Musgrove died in 1767 in Liberty County Georgia.
In conclusion. she's accomplished many things in her life. People know her as playing a big role in the founding of Georgia and for the land controvery she had.
Marry Musgrove's Death
She was reconized in the Georgia Women Of Anchievment for all her harf work. which is a organization to publicize, research and provide information about the accomplishments od women.
Work Sited Page
- Frank, Andrew K. "Mary Musgrove (ca. 1700-ca. 1763)." New Georgia Encyclopedia. 19 July 2017. Web. 29 November 2017.
Work Sited Page
- “Britannica ImageQuest » Britannica.” Britannica,