Renee Mayne
Goal: Networking with non-parent adults.
- Primarily parent recruitment often attracts the same volunteers again and again.
- Parent volunteers come and go with 4H-aged children.
Goal: Network with non-parent adults
- Enlist local entrepreneurs: craftspeople, artisans, cullinary professionals who want to share their passions with the community
- Encourage volunteer recruitment through short-term, skill-based opportunities first: teach a class, share experiences
- Market partnerships as mutually beneficial
Goal: Enlist proven community leaders
- Connect with service and not-for-profit organizations
- Partner with schools - already a prime source of community members seeking volunteer opportunities
- Offer collaboration opportunities - work toward mutual goals
Goal: Encourage growth in the following areas:
- Civic Leadership
- Healthy Living
- STEM (including environmental education)
- Life-skills Development & Career Exploration
Goal: Increase Participation in Underrepresented Areas
Source: Vernon County Extension demographic breakdown
Management of Adult Volunteers
Management of Adult Volunteers
Goal: Maintain Effective Database
- Build and manage database of potential businesses, community members
- Maintain record of past volunteers and current present volunteers
- Include interest/talent survey results
Management of Adult Volunteers
Goal: Provide on-site support
- Effective management requires direct interaction
- Go to volunteers to provide training whenever possible
- Provide regular appreciation and feedback
Management of Adult Volunteers
Goal: Encourage Mentorship
- Utilize veteran volunteers as mentors for new volunteers
- Helps volunteers new to 4H learn the procedures of the organization with close support
Goal: Assure Training Meterials are Readily Accessible
- Maintain folders for training procedures that contain:
- List of training requirements
- Links for online training
- Calendar of scheduled traning and information sessions
- All necessary forms
- Volunteer interest/skill survey
- Ensure that technology is available at extension office for drop-in training
Goal: Provide On-site Instruction
- Make training process as efficient as possible for volunteer
- Meet at business location whenever possible
Goal: Assign Mentors
- Encourage veteran volunteers to support new volunteers
- Enlist veteran volunteers to provide informal, "on-the-job" training
- Delegate training support where appropriate
Intended Results
Benefits to Youth Development Program
- Increased community leader involvement
- Growing network of volunteers and mentors
- Improved feedback for recruitment purposes
- Continuity of volunteers
- Member recruitment within village/city limits
Intended Results
What we can/should provide for youth
- Support for career exploration across curriculum
- Encouragement of philanthropy
- Mentorship
- Growing variety of activity and project options
Intended Results
Benefits for all
- Collaboration
- Strengthened community
- Networking
Contact Information
Renee Mayne