Arizona Branches of Government
By: Carly Casper HIS/510 May 11, 2019
Arizona Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of government
Legislative, Executive and Judicial
- Consists of the Arizona House of Representatives and the Arizona State Senate (60 representatives and 30 senators)
- Legislators are elected from small districts throughout the entire state
- Two representatives for the House of Representative for each district
- Serves two-year terms
Structure and Organization
Responsibilities and Oversights
- Make and revise the laws of the state
- Propose constitutional amendments
- Control public spending
- Manages state’s budget
- Monitor the other two branches of government
Powers and Limitations
- Can propose state constiutional amendments
- Can override governors’ vetoes
- Allowed to call a special election
- If a constitutional convention is call by the people, legislature may not call a convention
- Little to no authority over mandated funds
- Can impeach executive branch officials and judges from office
- Largest branch of government (65,000 employees)
- Multiple elected officials - governor, secretary of state, attorney general. State treasurer. Superintendent of public instruction, state mine inspector, five corporate commissioners
- Many multi-person boards and agencies
- No official is the boss of any other
- Divided into more than one hundred separate departments and agencies
- Elected officials for the five major offices are given four-year terms and serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office
- The governor and the other four major offices only need to be twenty-five years old, U.S. citizens (for ten years), Arizona residents (for five years), registered voters, and English proficient
Structure and Organization
Responsibilities and Oversight
- Carry out the laws and judicial decrees of the state
- Governor is required to submit a proposed operating budget to the legislature
- Operates prisons, medical facilities, and three universities
- Oversees k-12 public education system
- Constructs and maintains highways
- Manages vast natural resources, public lands, and state parks
- Provides assistance to the needy and unemployed
- Selects the heads of most state agencies and fills vacancies on boards and commissions
- Although, most appointments must be approved by the senate
- Governor cannot fill every top position at once
- Some appointees may be fired by the governor but the governor cannot fire the other ten independently elected members of the executive branch
- Governor is able to strike individual items from appropriation bills
- Governor is the commander-in-chief of the state’s military forces
- Governor has the power to propose new legislation, to call the legislature in special session, and to veto a bill
- Governor has limited judicial powers, but is given the power to appoint judges and clemency
Powers and Limitations
- Courts are separated into three groups: limited jurisdiction courts, general courts, and appellate courts
- Courts of Limited Jurisdiction include Justice of the Peace courts, Municipal courts
- General courts inlude Superior courts
- Appellate courts include The Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court
Structure and Organization
Responsibilities and Oversight/Powers and Limitation
- Interpret and apply the law
- Resolves legal disputes
- Justice of the Peace courts: have jurisdiction over minor criminal cases, landlord-tenant disputes, conduct the preliminary hearings that precede felony trials, issue search warrants and injunctions in domestic violence and harassment cases
- Municipal courts: handle traffic violations, minor crimes, violations of city ordinances and codes
- Superior Court: handles the state’s most serious criminal and civil cases
- Court of Appeals: determines whether any serious legal errors occurred in the lower court proceedings
- Arizona Supreme Court: reviews all death penalty cases, choose which appeals it accepts, oversees all of the lower courts in the state and approves the formal rules under which they operate
- Judges have oversight power known as judicial review
- Judges have the power of common law
- Judges can strike down laws and policies made by other branches of government or the voters using the power of judicial review
- Supreme Court has the authority to discipline and remove judges from office and to disbar the state’s licensed attorneys
County Governments and Municipalities
Arizona County Governments and Municipalities
County Government
County government power is divided between an elected governing body and numerous elected officials. Counties with large populations have five member boards, small counties have three member boards and medium counties can choose either model
State Delegated Functions
- Assesses and collects proptery taxes
- Conducts elections and maintains vote registration records
- Operates jails
- Prosecutes state crimes
- Operates superior and JP courts
- Administers air pollution and environmental programs
- Records deeds and mortgages
- Builds and maintains bridges and roads
- Operates county fairs, parks, libraries, and agricultural extension services
City-type functions
- Furnishes utilities
- Provides law enforcement
- Provides fire protection
- Provides public housing
- Makes and enforces zoning, subdivision, and other land-use regulations
- Regulates traffic, public nuisances, and building safety
Types of Municipalities
- Cities
- Towns
- Counties
- County Islands
- School districts etc.
Council-manager form of government - power is divided between an elected city counil and a professional city manager appointed by the council. The council’s responsibility is to set broad policies, while the city manager runs the city by hiring and supervising other city personnel, preparing the budget, and reccomending actions to the council.
McClory, T. (2010). Understanding the Arizona Constitution (2nd ed.). Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
(2018, April 9). State Scoop [Photograph]. Retrieved from