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While many people view sources of popular culture such as television, film and literature as sources of entertainments, it is important to remember that there are many lessons that can be read in these medias. All people deserve to see themselves represented in the media that they consume- whether in terms of race, class, sexuality, gender, etc.- because without that representation they are lacking access to their “cultural citizenship” (Alper & Leistyna, 2005). The purpose of this analysis is to focus on the representation of the LGBTQ community in popular culture, specifically in terms of the characters and plots found in television and film.
Words Matter
Fortunately, society is becoming more open to difference; and while we still have a long way to go, people are being given the chance to voice how they personally identify in terms of gender and sexuality. Before getting too far into the topic, it is important to note some important terminology that is used in the LGBTQ community, and that may be references throughout this analysis.
Gender identity: The sense of “being” male, female, genderqueer, agender, etc. For some people, gender identity is in accord with physical anatomy. For transgender people, gender identity may differ from physical anatomy or expected social roles. It is important to note that gender identity, biological sex, and sexual orientation are separate and that you cannot assume how someone identifies in one category based on how they identify in another category.
Cisgender: Types of gender identity where an individual's experience of their own gender matches the sex they were assigned at birth
Transgender: This term has many definitions. It is frequently used as an umbrella term to refer to all people who do not identify with their assigned gender at birth or the binary gender system. This includes transsexuals, cross-dressers, genderqueer, drag kings, drag queens, two-spirit people, and others. Some transgender people feel they exist not within one of the two standard gender categories, but rather somewhere between, beyond, or outside of those two genders.
Transsexual: A person whose gender identity is different from their biological sex, who may undergo medical treatments to change their biological sex, often times to align it with their gender identity, or they may live their lives as another sex.
Sexual orientation: The type of sexual, romantic, and/or physical attraction someone feels toward others. Often labeled based on the gender identity/expression of the person and who they are attracted to.
Asexual: A person who generally does not feel sexual attraction or desire to any group of people. Asexuality is not the same as celibacy.
Bisexual: A person who is attracted to both people of their own gender and another gender. Also called “bi”.
Heterosexual: A person who is only attracted to members of the opposite sex. Also called “straight."
Homosexual: A clinical term for people who are attracted to members of the same sex. Some people find this term offensive (some may prefer the terms gay or lesbian)
Queer: An umbrella term sometimes used by LGBTQA people to refer to the entire LGBT community
Intro to Queer Theory
Gender is not a naturally occurring phenomenon, but instead a social construct. And “gender display” is how we behave to meet the expectations associated with our culturally assigned gender (Jhally, 2009). Traditionally, and even currently, these expectations in Western culture are largely based on assumptions that the ‘norm’ is for people to be cis-gendered and heterosexual. And because of these cultural norms, that means that the primary representations of gender and sexuality in media and popular culture have been heteronormative as well.
“Queer” is a term that was once used as a slur toward peop...
“Queer” is a term that was once used as a slur toward people from the LGBTQ community, but in recent years it has been reclaimed to help embrace the fluidity of gender and sexual identity. A term used in analyzing LGBTQ representation in culture is “queer theory”, which “concerns itself with the effects which arise from modern societies' preoccupation with consigning individuals into two opposite and mutually opposed camps on the basis of the gender of their preferred sexual partners.” (McLelland, 2005, p.273). Queer theory does not just seek out where LGBTQ culture is represented in the popular but also seeks to understand how these representations (or lack of representation) are perceived by the audience and what that means in relation to gender and sexual identity.
It is important to remember that representation and inclusion are n...
It is important to remember that representation and inclusion are not defined simply in terms of presence in the media; it means that the community is being represented fairly and meaningfully, in a way with which readers can identify. “LGBTQ consumers have expressed renewed interest not simply in seeing improved visibility but also in critically examining the circumstances of their representations” (Johnson, 2016)
There have been huge advances of how the LGBTQ community is represented in the media over the last several decades, but that is not to say that the norms of the past have gone away. “Many of the messages that we receive about sexual orientation and individuals who identify as LGBTQ come to us through the media,” (LGBTQ, 2017); and if we are not getting a diverse picture from the texts we consume then there will be a lack of visibility of the LGBTQ community. This means that some people will not be able to identify with the characters in popular culture, and there will be a continued distance between LGBTQ and heteronormative culture.
LGBTQ Stereotypes and Story Tropes
Even though newer TV shows and films are showing a greater variety of LGBTQ characters and stories, there is still a prevalence of longstanding stereotypes that continue to find their way into popular culture. Despite these new stories being told, some of the stereotypes and repeated plot lines remain. In addition the increase in use of streaming sites such as Netflix means that people are re-watching (or, in the case of many young people, viewing for the first time) popular culture from the past more often- and with that comes a more limited LGBTQ representation.
Although there is often people who will identify within the confines ...
Although there is often people who will identify within the confines of certain stereotypes, they can never be assumed to be representative of an entire group of people. Whether positive or negative, stereotypes “reduce a set of ideas into an easily communicated and culturally intelligible image,” (McLelland, 2005, p.272) which does not allow for a deeper meaning to be developed, or for a variety of interpretations to be portrayed easily. These stereotypes make it difficult to include “just plain gay folks” (Raymond, 2003, p.102) in popular culture in a society where heteronormativity rules, “viewers need to be offered some kind of visual proof of homosexual identity” (McLelland, 2005, p.271). There are many common character stereotypes and story tropes that have been used to represent the LGBTQ community in the past, the following are some of the those which have continued in more recent years.
It may be because they comprise nearly half of the LGBTQ representation in public broadcasting (GLAAD, 2017) but gay men seem to have the most prevalent stereotypes. Some of the most common gay male stereotypes are:
- Having “feminine” sensibilities
- Being obsessed with appearance and fashion
- Being involved with music and/or theatre
In the media, gay men are often seen as being effeminate- not being able to play sports (Greenfield-Sanders, 2013), being overly sensitive and dramatic (Graham, 2012) and in general being "one of the girls". These stereotypes work to reinforce heteronormativity on different levels. It distances gay men from traditional heterosexual masculinity- strength, power, violence (Ericcson & Talreja, 1999)- which may leave heterosexual males unthreatened by the concept of sexuality. It also associates homosexuality as being feminine - delicate, subordinate (Jhally, 2009)- which puts them in a perceived position to be controlled or managed by a dominant heterosexual man.
In the show Will and Grace, Jack McFarland is regularly depicted as being very dramatic, not in control of his emotions.
In the movie Mean Girls, the character Damian is an openly gay teenager; he is regularly seen gossiping and dramatically reacting to situations.
Gay men are often shown in television and film to focus on their appearance, to love shopping and to be great fashion and style. These things- fashion, style and consumption - are characteristics which render them of interest to women” (McLelland, 2003, p.269). This further reinforces their connections with femininity, and makes being a gay man seem something relatable to a heteronormative woman- again allowing heterosexual norms to stay in “their comfortable positions as part of the dominant culture.” (Raymond, 2003, p.100)
Lafayette is regularly shown in the show True Blood wearing women's (or "feminine") clothing, jewelry and makeup
Carrie's friend Stanford Blatch in Sex and the City is regularly shown talking about ir shopping for current fashions with the women on the show.
Gay men are frequently shown in popular culture to be interested in music and theatre, and often in the same light heterosexual males are shown to fear participating in these areas for fear of breaking the “tough guise” of manhood (Ericcson & Talreja, 1999). Some characters participate in music or theatre, while others idolize female pop stars.
Kurt Hummel initially began the show in the closet, although it was assumed from the onset that he was gay because of his musical theatre interests and over-the-top attire.
In the show Gilmore GIrls, the character was never identified outright as being gay - until the revival of the series- but it was often alluded to. One of the ways this was done most often was in his love for Celine Dion.
Lesbians are sigificantly less represented in pop culture than gay males- making up about 20% of LGBTQ representation (GLAAD, 2017).
Two common stereotypes in popular culture are that lesbians are 'butch' or "unattractive man haters" (Raymond, 2003, p.101) and that they steal women from "perfect heterosexual relationships" (Graham, 2012)
Orange is the New Black provides the audience with a diverse group of LGBTQ characters- some of which are different from what is normally seen as some that reinforce stereotypes. One example is the character Big Boo who is shown to be 'butch'- or seen as more masculine rather than a traditional representation of "emphasized femininity" (Connell, 1987).
Perhaps the most well-known example of the "woman stealer" lesbian stereotype is when Carol leaves Ross for her new partner Susan in Friends. Ross is made fun of a lot in the series for not realizing his wife was a lesbian.
While there has been an increase in transgender representation in television and film in recent years, the performances still account for only 4% of LGBTQ performances.
One main problem of transgender representation is that the characters are played by cis-gendered actors. (THR Staff, 2017)
Common stereotypes found in a 2012 GLAAD study found that transgendered roles often were cast as victims, sex workers and villains (GLAAD, 2012).
These negative stereotypes and misrepresentation demonstrate that we still have a long way to go.
Elle Fanning (3 Generations), Eddie Redmayne (The Danish Girl), a...
Elle Fanning (3 Generations), Eddie Redmayne (The Danish Girl), and Felicity Huffman (Transamerica) are all cisgendered actors that have portrayed transgendered characters in film.
Paul Milander was a recurring transgender serial killer in the television show CSI.
A common stereotype associated with bisexuality in popular culture is that they are not a legitimate sexual orientation. This is called "bi erasure" (Perna, 2016). An example of this is a song Phoebe sings in the televison show Friends, suggesting that bisexuals are "just kidding themselves". It has been argued that the absence or bisexual narratives "suggests that the fluidity of a bisexual sexual identity may be too disruptive for such programming,” (Raymond, 2005, p. 106).
Being visable represented in pop culture "in an accurate way without stigma or farce is incredibly important to our own sense of self,:" (Perna, 2016) and this kind of blatant erasure of identity is unacceptable.
I do not doubt that there is a component of the rise and improvement in the representation of LGBTQ communities in popular culture that is related to society’s embracing of difference and recognition of non-heteronormative codes. However, there is also a financial motivation behind these advances when corporations are “courting the ‘pink dollar’” (MediaSmarts, 2017).
The pink dollar is a term used to reference the spending power of the LGBTQ community, and as a growing target demographic, more industries are bound to be interested in attracting their business.
It is important to be conscious when analyzing LGBTQ representation ...
It is important to be conscious when analyzing LGBTQ representation in culture to look at the motivation behind the inclusion. While the primary source to look for this money-seeking behaviour is in advertisements, it also will occur in TV shows and films looking to draw in more ratings. Big media corporations “capitalize on LGBTQ identities (sometimes with and sometimes without their consent) while simultaneously profiting from LGBTQ viewers and listeners as a “new” demographic of consumer,” (Johnson, 2016).
Although we do obviously require greater diversity in television and film, I do not think that it is acceptable to include characters and stories representative of the LGBTQ community for the sole purpose of using them to make money.
Although we do obviously require greater diversity in television a...
We are living in a world that is becoming increasingly aware and open to the presence of difference and diversity, and it is important that popular culture does its part to keep up with these changes and to ensure representation is reflective of the global population. Media needs to provide representations of diverse expressions of LGBTQ identity, and to move away from past strategies, as developing evidence suggests the “capabilities of young people to critically distance themselves from stereotypes,” (Marshall, 2010, p.77). The upcoming young generation displays the abilities to reflect critically on representation in the media, and need to have access to visible diversity to become more tolerant and respectful of difference. Not only will the presence of well-developed and valuable LGBTQ characters and stories be beneficial to LGBTQ youth, but “exposure to queer identities is helpful for the rest of the population, as well.” (Perna, 2016)
Alper, L., & Leistyna, P. (Producers), & Alper, L. (Director). (2005). Class dismissed: How television frames the working class [motion picture]. USA: Media Education Foundation.
Connell, R. W. (1987). Gender and power. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Ericcson, S., & Talreja, S. (Producers). (1999). Tough guise: Violence, media and the crisis in masculinity. United States: Media Education
GLAAD (2017) Where We Are on TV. Retrieved on August 02, 2107 from:
Google Images. (2017). Retrieved August 06, 2017, from
Greenfield-Sanders, T. (Director). (2013). The Out List [Video file]. Retrieved from
Jhally, S. (Director). (2009). The codes of gender: Identity and performance in pop culture. United States: Media Education Foundation.
Johnson, M. (2016). Queer popular culture. In S. Bronner (Ed.), Encyclopedia of American studies. MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. Retrieved from
LGBT Terms and Definitions:. Retrieved August 05, 2017, from
LGBTQ | The Critical Media Project. Retrieved August 03, 2017, from
Marshall, D. (2010) Popular culture, the ‘victim’ trope and queer youth analytics, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 23:1, 65-85, Retrieved from:
McLelland, MJ, Inside Out: Queer Theory and Popular Culture, Musicological Society of Australia National Workshop Proceedings: Aesthetics and Experience in Music Performance, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2005, 268-281.
MediaSmarts. Retrieved August 05, 2017, from
Perna, A. “Why Queer Representation In Pop Culture Matters” (December 30, 2016). Retrieved August 04, 2017 from