Chariho Portfolio Presentation
Your Experiences in a Nutshell
Intro: Where it all began
Your Roots
Things to consider:
- What have I learned about myself over the last 4 years?
- How will my choices impact my future
- Where do I see myself after Chariho?
- Choose a Focus Area
- Include work if appropriate
The Future
Focus Area: Future
- Exploration of field and your role within it
- Why do you see this field as a good fit for you?
- What experience(s) pushed you in this direction?
- What will you have to do in order to achieve this goal?
Focus Area: Strength
- What is your biggest strength?
- What potential fields would fit for this strength?
- How do you hope to explore/develop this strength?
Words to Live By
Focus Area: Words to Live By
- Identify a quote/song lyric that exemplifies who you are
- How does this quote illustrate "you"?
- What does it require of you to live by this quote?
- How can you better yourself/others through this quote?
- How can you lay out your future based upon these words?
The Nutshell
Your Learner Story
- How have you evolved as a learner?
- What specific learning experience defined your time at Chariho and Why?
- What experiences (1 from each of the 10 Expectations) best exemplify this story?
- What Learner Strategies
- Illustrated how you learn best
- What specific techniques allow you to effectively and efficiently learn?
- What learning environment best supports your learning?
The Nutshell
Learner Qualities
- Look at the list of Learner Qualities Below. Which are your strengths/weaknesses and why? How have/will you maximize them/support them going forward?
- What experience best exemplifies/confirms those identified?
- Place work into these categories to show how you have illustrated them (one piece of evidence per "slide")
- How has the work I've done connect to my theme?
- Explain what the assignment was and what you needed to do
Growth in the shell
Self Directed Learner
Learners should take initiative and be active participants in the process. Learners make meaning by linking their story, their new learning & their purpose. Learners plan their learning journey carefully.
- Seeks help when needed
- Participates actively in learning
- Sets goals & adjusts path to meet goals
- Reflects on progress
- Takes initiative to make up work when absent
- Completes necessary formative practice
- Values educational opportunities offered
- Prepares for class with all materials necessary
Quality Producer
Learners create organized and professional products. Learners always wonder about why and how. Learners take risks and explore in order to arrive at new solutions.
- Consistently meets deadlines
- Takes time to review and edit work
- Submits best effort with each attempt and demonstrates growth based on feedback
- Thoroughly completes task from start to finish
Collaborative Worker
Learners work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort. Learners fight for inclusion and work to ensure all voices are represented and heard.
- Participates in all classroom activities
- Takes on individual responsibility of group projects
- Accepts assigned group roles
- Acceptance of differences, multiple viewpoints
- Has the ability to give and take feedback constructively
Respectful Citizen
Learners are positive participants who engage others in the academic and social aspects of work. Learners have a sense of belonging, of being part of a learning community at school, at work, at home, and in social networks.
- Follows the CHS code of conduct
- Adheres to the dress code
- Respects property of others
- Uses appropriate language
- Displays Digital Citizenship
- Consistently reports to class on time
- Interactions with others are polite and positive
Learners recognize that effort creates ability. Learners know that those who work, learn. Learners demonstrate an openness and readiness to learn and understand that they are in control of their own destiny.
- Is persistent
- Views problems as challenges, not obstacles
- Seeks and utilizes support
- Demonstrates grit & perseverance
- Views mistakes/failure as a learning opportunity to grow
- Demonstrates a positive attitude
Growth Mindset
Learner Trajectory
- Where will you go as a learner?
- Next steps?
- Obstacles on the horizon?
- Resources beyond our walls?
- What did it all mean?
Beyond Chariho
What have I done?
- Real experiences that will help my future
- Internships
- Something built/made/crafted/written
- Art portfolio
- Designs
- Enriching experiences
What am I capable of?
Strengths & Weaknesses
- Where do I excel?
- What are my weaknesses?
- How can I harness strengths and improve upon weaknesses?