Clinical assessment and Treatment of Sexual assault
Rape Treatment Center
Deborah Schleicher, PsyD
Community and College Outreach Coordinator
Rape treatment center
santa monica - ucla medical center
Provide Comprehensive Services
One Location
24 hours a day
- Internationally recognized for exemplary treatment, training, prevention, and education programs
- Services for victims are the heart and soul of the organization
- What we learn from victims’ experiences guides our advocacy efforts, training programs, and social action
- 24-hour emergency serivces
- Medical/Forensic Exams
- Information about rights and options
- Advocacy
- Accompaniment
- Crisis Intervention
- Follow up services
- Counseling and longer-term therapy
- ALL are optional & free of charge
Prevalence of Sexual Assault
- Childhood risk of sexual abuse:
- 1 in 4 girls; 1 in 6 boys
- Childhood risk of contact sexual abuse:
- 1 in 7 girls; 1 in 20 boys
- Lifetime risk of rape:
- 1 in 5 women; 1 in 59 men
- Rape on Campus:
- 1 in 5 women; 1 in 16 men
Common symptoms
- Shame
- Self-blame
- Loss of self-confidence and self-esteem
- Changes in view of self, others, and the world
- Lifestyle changes
- Depressed mood
- PTSD symptoms
- Somatic complaints
other factors that may affect responses to trauma
Cultural differences
Life-stage and developmental issues
Previous victimization experiences
Responses of service providers
“Recovery environment”
Social supports available to victim
Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome
- Secrecy
- Helplessness
- Entrapment and Accommodation
- Delayed, Conflicted and Unconvincing Disclosure
- Retraction
dynamics in adolescent sexual assault
Adolescents face particular difficulties with sexual abuse given their developmental tasks.
- Traumatic sexualization
- Feelings of betrayal
- Disempowerment
- Stigmatization
Long-term Health Effects: ACE Score
- Fear area of the brain that detects and responds to threat
- Fight/Flight/Freeze/Tend & Befriend response is not consciously determined
- Memory consolidation
- Interrupted during trauma due to high levels of emotion
- Aspects of trauma encoded into memory that can trigger amygdala’s FFF response post-trauma
Frontal Lobe:
- Responsible for higher order thinking, planning, and sequencing behavior
- After trauma, brain develops rigid beliefs about oneself, others, and the world for protection
Misunderstood Victim Presentations
- Flat or inappropriate affect
- Delayed reporting
- Return to routine activity
- Continued contact with the assailant
- Concern for the assailant
Trauma Informed Interventions
Intersectionality and Sexual Assault
- Intersectionality uniquely impacts the experience and prevalence of interpersonal violence
- Different communities experience different rates of violence
- Survivors may experience specific barriers and opportunities based on their intersectional identities
Being Culturally Responsive
- Don’t make assumptions about the survivor or their experience.
- Don’t demand information.
- Don’t ask survivors to “teach you” about their culture.
- Don’t pressure them to share about any particular identity.
- Approach them with curiosity and openness.
- Invite survivors to share with you what feels comfortable.
- Inquire about what feels important to them right now.
- Consult about your reactions.
- Build Rapport and Trust
- Provide Empathy and Compassion
- Carefully explore “non-consent”
- Provide information about personal rights, choices and resources
- Encourage disclosure
- Elicit feelings and concerns
- Determine medical, forensic, and counseling needs
- Assess social supports
implications for interventions
Working with Parents
Stabilize & support parent
- Establish rapport and exercise empathy
- Project calmness, competence, firmness, encouragement & hope
- Maintain non-judgmental attitude
- Stress that self blame and fears are common
- Emphasize normalcy of the emotional reactions to the intense experience
- Emphasize resiliency of the human body, psyche and spirit
In working with adolescents
Helpful Adolescent Considerations
- Recognize the adolescent’s need for “partial accountability”
- Understand and work with teens’ need for power and control
- Allow for emotional breaks (distancing, changing subject)
- Be straight-forward about what you cannot provide
- Be inclusive whenever possible/ appropriate (e.g. calling DCFS with teen in room)
- Anticipatory Guidance
- Trauma Treatment
- Symptoms of Trauma (including de-pathologizing avoidance) and the impact on the brain to reduce Self-Blame and Shame
- Adaptive vs Maladaptive Coping
Symptoms as protection
All humans experience symptoms post-trauma
- Hypervigilence: Anticipate danger
- Re-experiencing: Keep trauma in mind to attempt to make sense of it and prevent future trauma
- Avoidance: Protection from people, places, things
- Negative alterations in mood/cognition: Maintain safety and reduce risk
Safety and Stabilization
- Establishing Safety
- Grounding Techniques
- Identifing Triggers
- Building Effective Coping Skills
- Address Avoidance
- Engage with Support
Deborah Schleicher, PsyD
Community and Campus Outreach Coordinator