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Historical Timeline of Science and Technology in the Philippines

Mary Rose M. Go

Pre Spanish Period

made tools and weapons of stone flakes and later develop sewing and polishing stones

Pre Spanish Period


Ship building (corcoa)

metal as their tools

Mining copper gold and farming

ornaments seashells and pottery

Herbs , counting method, alphabet, calendar (moon), wt ht measurement

as time goes by


Iron age

Spansh colonization (1521-1898) massive growth of science and technology

  • Formal education
  • scientific institution
  • massive growth in science and technology
  • parishes
  • school establish
  • music
  • advance method of agriculture are taught natives

Spansh colonization

Oldest university in Asia


Biology was highlighted


Galleon trade

trade is given focus due to prospect of big profit

Galleon trade

Opening of the Seuz canal

Seuz canal

influx of european visitors

Filipino to study in Europe

who were influence by the rapid growth of scientific ideas

The American period


Post commonwealth period

July 1901 establish bureau of government laboratories which serve to study tropical disease

The American period

Bureau of science that became the primary research center of the country


National research council of the Philippines was establish

Dec 8 1933


The Bureau of science was replaced by the Institute of Science.

Science was inclined towards;

  • Agriculture
  • food processing
  • forestry
  • medicine and pharmacy

During the American Period

There were data’s and reports by the US economic.

Problem in Science and Technology

such as

  • lack of basic information
  • no support
  • minimal budget
  • low compensation

Post commonwealth era

Thus, during regimen of

Carlos P. Garcia

Philippine congress pass the bill entitled The science act of 1958 which goals is to establish the national science and development board.


Marcos era

Only in this era science were given importance it was clearly stated by the former president in the philippine constitution amended 1973 priority shall be given in the advancement of science and technology

Marcos Era

One of his state of nation address declare need of science in public high school with the help of DepEd in partnership of national science and development board aims provide science teaching equipment for a period of 4 yrs



He allotted large amount to private university to encourage them to focus on science and technology and research

He emphasized that by upgrading the science curriculum and teaching equipment is crucial to the science development program.


In result he declares Presidential decree no. 49 series of 1972 as support in promoting scientific research ad invention.


Aside from that one of his greatest contribution Establishment of PAGASA environmental protection, and to utilize scientific knowledge to ensure the safety of the country.


Establish National academy of science and technology in 1976 to have a scientist who is an expert In science and technology


Establish campuses of Philippines sciences high school in the Visayas and Mindanao to encourage the youth in these areas choose a career in Science and Technology.



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