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Lesson 8

Age of Jackson




Thomas Jefferson clearly did not think African Americans were the intellectual or moral equals of whites and was perfectly comfortable keeping them in bondage. If this is the case, what does the most important phrase of the Declaration of Independence actually mean? And in a broader sense, does it matter if a person of tremendous historical importance had terrible aspects to their character? Does being a bad person diminish their accomplishments, no matter how great?

Age of Jackson


The Age of Jackson has never been easy to define. Broader than his presidency (1829–1837), and narrower than his life (1767–1845), it roughly describes the third, fourth, and fifth decades of the nineteenth century. While some historians have attempted to define this era as the Age of Reform, or Democracy, or the Market Revolution, no name has ever conveyed more of the era’s energy, upward aspiration, and general restlessness than that of Jackson himself. If his election in 1828 launched the Age of Jackson, and terminated the so-called Era of Good Feelings, then his death in 1845 and the Mexican War that immediately followed it (1846–1848) might be considered the era’s close. By 1850, the crisis over slavery began to dominate almost every aspect of political discourse, leading to the unraveling of the great Democratic coalition forged by Jackson.


Terms and People

Terms and People

• caucus - a meeting of party members for the purpose of choosing a candidate.

• Andrew Jackson – popular war hero elected president as a Democrat in 1828

• Martin Van Buren – Jackson’s campaign manager who ran the first modern election campaign in 1828

• Jacksonian Democracy – a movement toward greater popular democracy and recognition of the common people as symbolized by Andrew Jackson

• spoils system – practice of giving government jobs to loyal party supporters

• Indian Removal Act – 1830 Act forcing the relocation of the Five Civilized Tribes from the southeast to present day Oklahoma

• Trail of Tears – forced march to Oklahoma in the winter of 1838, during which 4,000 Cherokees died

Terms and People

•Tariff of Abominations – name that opponents from the agricultural south gave to the high protective tariff of 1828

•John C. Calhoun – vice president who resigned to lead South Carolina’s fight over nullification in the Senate

• nullification – concept that a state could void a federal law that it deemed unconstitutional

•Whig – member of a political party formed in the 1830s, favored a strong federal government, protective tariffs, a national bank, and internal improvements

The Election of 1824

President Monroe would not seek a third term.

4 candidates sought the Presidency in 1824:

– Secretary of State John Quincy Adams of

Massachusetts was the most experienced.

– A congressional caucus of Democratic Republicans

favored Georgian William Crawford.

– War hero Andrew Jackson of Tennessee and

Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky were seen as

Adams’ greatest competition

Adam’s Policies are Unpopular

• J. Adams/T. Jefferson die July 4th 1826.

• Very proud/patriotic man- never got over the fact he was a

minority president.

• Continue to push the Republican agenda inherited from the Federalists (strong central gov’t)

• However, most voters wanted less power and less influence from the east.

• Adams promoted a national university, financial backing of scientific expeditions, reform patent system, and help sponsor the arts & literature.

•“ the spirit of improvement is abroad upon this earth”

• His opponents however, felt he was stretching the constitution too far.

• Jackson’s friends were determined to make Adam’s administration look bad.

• People began to believe he “stole” the election from Jackson.

The Democratic Party is Born

• The Presidential campaign of 1828 marked a

fundamental change in the national attitude

toward political parties.

• Since the collapse of the Federalist Party (1820)

the Republican Party was the only political party.

• Between 1826 & 1828, Adams and Jackson both

are Republican- Adams – National Republican

and Jackson-Democratic Republican

After the election of 1828:

Jackson’s Par...

After the election of 1828:

Jackson’s Party is known as the Democratic Party

Martin Van Buren (Little Magician)

• Political machine in NYC - favors for votes

• Revive Jefferson’s philosophy of gov’t- States’ Rights and little federal spending.

• Unite the “planters of the South and the plain people of the North.”

Jackson Wins the White House

• With a new campaign style, still popular


• Most states eased voting qualification; few

require property.

• Voter turnout was 3x than that of 1824.

• Jackson claim he is of humble origins and

Adams is intellectual elitist. (fights vs. writes)

• Jackson wins the election by a landslide.


Jackson’s Appeal to the Common Citizen

As the “People’s President,” Jackson symbolized America’s “get ahead” and “self-made” image.

Jackson’s Appeal to the Common Citizen

Born poor in a log cabin, Jackson was orphaned as a boy

and wounded in the Revolutionary War.

As an adult, he ventured west, earned a fortune as a lawyer

and planter, and fame as an Indian fighter, and he was the

hero of the Battle of New Orleans.

His inauguration was attended by a rowdy crowd of

common people.--- King Mob now ruled the nation.

• Jackson seemed to symbolize the virtues

of the new America- a common man who

climbed the ladder of success, read to

destroy aristocratic privileges wherever he

found them.

Jackson’s New Presidential Style

Jackson’s New Presidential Style

Jackson’s 'Spoils System'

• Jackson limits appointees to

federal jobs to 4-yr terms.

• Uses spoils-system-replaces

former appointees with own


• Friends become primary

advisers, dubbed “kitchen


The Kitchen Cabinet

• It was characteristic that most of his

cabinet positions went to undistinguished


• Van Buren (Sec. of State) was exception.

• The core of his “Kitchen Cabinet” were

Western Newspaper editors

• 13 of which slipped through the kitchen

door of the White House. (White House



The 1820’s and 30’s saw the arrival of

many Catholic immigrants, especially

from Ireland.

• The Republicans disliked the new


• The Democrats welcomed them, this alliance would continue for years to


Jackson “Removes” Native


Indian Removal Act of 1830:

• Whites want to displace or assimilate Native Americans.

• Jackson- only solution is to move Native Americans off their land.

- thinks assimilation can not work

- too many troops needed to keep white out of native lands.

- Congress passes the Indian Removal Act of 1830

- funds treaties that force Native Americans west.

• Jackson pressures some tribes to move, forcibly removes others.



• In 1832, Chief Justice Marshall ruled that the seizure of native lands was unconstitutional.

-Worcester v. Geogia- state cannot rule Cherokee or invade their land

-Jackson defied the ruling. “Justice Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.”

• Federal agents sign treaty with minority who support relocation

• By 1838, 20,000 remain- Van Buren orders removal of rest.


In 1838, federal troops made 16,000

Cherokee move from the Southeast to

Oklahoma - the Trail of Tears

• 800 mile trip by foot.

• Robbed by Gov’t officals and outlaws.

• At least 4,000 people died on the Trail of Tears (1/4 the overall population)

States’ Rights & the National Bank

Andrew Jackson confronts two important

issues during his presidency.

- States’ Rights

-National Bank (Now the 2nd)

States’ Rights & the National Bank

The Nullification Theory

- British try to flood U.S. with cheap goods;

raised tariffs in 1824 and 1828.

-V.P. John Calhoun calls it a Tariff of


- South depends on cotton; cannot buy

cheaper manufactured goods from Britain,

but forced to by from North.


Tariffs were a continuing source of dispute

between the industrial North (favored) and agricultural South (opposed).


In 1828, Congress passed a high protective tariff.

• The goal was to promote

industry, but the tariff raised the prices farmers had to pay for goods.

• Southerners called it the Tariff of Abominations.

Calhoun devises the Nullification Theory

- Questions the legality of applying federal

law to states.

-States can reject law it considers


* States have the right to leave Union if

nullification is denied.

Resolution to the Nullification Crisis

Resolution to the Nullification Crisis

Hayne & Webster Debate States’ Rights

- Senator Robert Hayne argues Southern view of tariff and states’ rights.

-Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts defends the Union.

-Jackson believes Union “must be preserved” ; Calhoun resigns.

South Carolina Rebels

• In 1832, Congress passes a lower tariff,

S.C. is still displeased.

• Encouraged by Calhoun, states’ rights

supporters call special convention.

• Tariffs of 1828 &’32 “unauthorized by the

Constitution” and “null, void, and no law.”

• Called for the end of customs collection,

and if federal forces came to collect, S.C.

would immediately secede from the Union

Jackson Opposes the Bank

Jackson vetoes bill to recharter Second

Bank of the United States

• Presents bank as privileged institution that

favors the wealthy.

Pet Banks

- Jackson puts federal money in state

banks loyal to Democratic Party.

- BUS president Nicholas Biddle

unsuccessfully maneuvers to save bank.

Jackson Opposes the Bank

“ The Bank, Mr. Van Buren, is trying to

kill me, but I will kill it”

Whig Party Forms

Presidential vetoes were rare. Bank supporters

denounced Jackson as a power-hungry tyrant and

formed a new political party, the Whigs.

Whig Party Forms

-The Whigs were led by Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Henry Clay of Kentucky.

-Whigs favored a strong federal government,

broad interpretation of the Constitution,

protective tariffs, internal improvements, and

moral reform. American System

-Andrew Jackson, while stressing democracy for

the common man, was seen as a tyrant

by those who crossed him.

-They referred to him mockingly as “King


Jackson’s Legacy

Martin Van Buren win 1836

- Pet banks print bank notes in excess of gold & silver

they have.

- Gov’t demands specie (gold,silver) to pay for public


-Rush to exchange paper money for specie, banks stop

taking paper money.

-With no federal banks, state banks flooded the market

with currency, causing extreme inflation.

-The government stopped accepting paper money for

land purchases, leading to a sudden drop in land values.

Jackson’s Legacy

Panic of 1837

Panic of 1837- bank closings, collapse of

credit system:

- people lose savings

- more than 1/3 of population are out of


Van Buren tries unsuccessfully to solve

economic problems. Hurts him and the

Democratic Party

Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny refers to the attitude in America during the 1800’s when pioneers settled the country and believed that the U.S. was destined to stretch across the whole continent, from the one coast to the other. The phrase was used by politicians at the time and first published in an 1845 article about the annexation of Texas in the U.S. Magazine and Democratic Review. The manifest destiny belief is said to have helped to fuel the war with Mexico and the removal of Native Americans.


Manifest Destiny

1. Which modern American president has been likened to Jackson, and why?

2. What do you think of the interaction between the States and the Native Americans at this point? Could it have been different?

3. Why are banks so important to the stability of a country?

4. What does corruption look like? What protections are there against it?

5. In what ways was "Manifest Destiny" hypocritical (for example in contrast with the Monroe Doctrine)?

Identifying evidence based arguments

You will recieve an excerpt from an article about Manifest Destiny or the Indian Removal.

You're going to look for Primary and Secondary sources.

Identifying evidence based arguments

Step ONE:

Circle all "primary source evidence" mentioned in the text.

Underline all "secondary source evidence" mentioned in the text.

Step TWO

Using arrows or lines, match the pieces of evidence to the main points that the author is trying to make.

step three

Brainstorm 3 further questions related to this topic.

step three

step four

make a list of possible types of sources where you could find evidence to support a hypothesis to answer your question.

CONVO questions

• How did Thomas Jefferson’s presidency shape concepts of national identities?

• How did westward expansion lead to political and social conflicts, particularly with American Indians?

• What was the American Indian response to expansion?

• How did the Industrial Revolution shape the nation?

. Who were the American Whigs and where did they draw most of their support?

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