Likelihood model
Developed by Richard E. Petty and John Cacioppo in 1980. The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) of persuasion is a dual process theory describing the change of attitudes.
Two Routes to Persuasion
- The Central Route
- The Peripheral Route
Central Route
- Involves message elaboration
- Cognitive processing that involves scrutiny of message content
- Importance of message or issue with access to it with minimal distractions
Peripheral Route
- Mental shortcut that accepts or rejects message based on peripheral cues
- listener decides whether to agree with the message based on other cues besides the strength of the arguments or ides in the message
Ex: Listener agrees with the message because the speaker is a qualified as a expert.
Circumstances were people take the central route?
- Can only occur when receiver has both the motivation and the ability to think about the message and its topic
Central Route
What Makes People Motivated for Elaboration
Motivation For Elaboration
- Personal relevance
- importance or value of of message to receiver
- Need for cognition
- desire to seek clarity
- enjoyment of thinking through ideas
Able To Elaborate?
Once people show an inclination to think about content of a message, are they able to elaborate the message?
Elaboration Ability
What Makes One Able for elaboration
- Intelligence
- Prior knowledge
- Concentration
Types of Elaboration
- Objective thinking
- Biased thinking
Objective Elaboration
- Bottom-up thinking
- Facts are scrutinized without bias
- Seeking truth wherever it might lead
Biased Elaboration
- Top-down thinking
- Predetermined conclusions color supporting data
Route Commonly Used?
The route most people take is the central route. Which involves motivation and relevance to message as well cognitive thinking.
Persuasion in which route
Which route does persuasion take place in?
- The central route because the peripheral route is just a mental shortcut based on peripheral ques . Whereas the central route because you actually have to listen and comprehend the message.
Which Route?
Which route are most messages processed on?
- the peripheral route
- easier to come to a decision/conclusion
Which route does advertising aim at?
- both
- use of the peripheral route based off of things such as brand credibility
- use of the central route when a serious issue and want to evoke emotions for receiver to come to conclusion
Central Route
- Message content
- Substance
- Logic of the argument
- Supporting evidence
- Speaker’s knowledge, credibility and experience
Central Route
peripheral Route
- Speaker’s attractiveness
- Perceived expertise
- Length of the argument
- Presentation style
- Packaging
- Celebrity status
- Mood of the listener
- Similarity between the speaker and receiver
peripheral Route
Arguments By Persuaders
Strong Arguments
- claims that generate favorable thoughts when examined
- thoughtful consideration of strong arguments
- produce major shifts in attitude
- in the direction desired by the persuader
Weak Arguments
- not supported by facts
- not much substance
- not well delivered
- if processed through the central route
- it can have negative effects
How to Persuade People
- Find out which route the listeners are likely to take.
- Decide what to emphasize.
- Deliver it.
Practical Advice for persuader
- If listeners are
- Motivated
- Have the ability to process the information
- Are able to concentrate
- Prepare thoughtful and well-reasoned arguments
- If listeners are
- Not motivated, or do not have the ability to process the information (distracted, tired, etc.)
- Emphasize the peripheral cues (appearance, credibility, length of the argument, packaging, etc.)
- Liking
- Like me, like my idea.
- Authority
- Just because I say so.
- Scarcity
- Not enough around.
- Reciprocation
- You owe me.
- Consistency
- Has always been done that way.
- Social Proof
- Everyone is doing it.
Attitude Change
Achieved through central route
- Enduring
- Resistant
- Predicts behavior
Achieved through peripheral route
- Temporary
- Vulnerable
- Does not predict behavior
- As time went on since the theory was created it has become a tad bit more complex
- Simple theory