Harry Potter and the order of the Pheonix
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- Harry is at the Dursleys for the holiday
- a dementor attacks Dudley and Harry
- harry uses magic to save Dudley and gets expelled from hogwarts
- Harry finds out his neighbour is a squib and Dumbledor has people watching him
- He goes to Grimmauld place which is god father's family house where Ron and Hermione are waiting with the rest of the Weasley family
- He goes for a hearing at the ministery of magic and Dumbledor won't even look harry in th eye
Mrs figg
Mrs Figg (Harry's squib neighbor)
Rising action
- There is a new teacherand hagrids gone
- Professer Umbridge won't teach defense against te dark arts
- Harry,Ron and Hermione create Dumbledor's army a secret lessons of defense against the dark arts in the room of requirment led by Harry
- Umbridge bans Harry from Quidditch
- Harry is in the Ministery of magic and is watching Serius being tortured and entering the veil
- voldemort escapes
falling action
- Dumbledor fightsVoldemort
- Harry and Dumbledore make it back to Hogwarts