Copyright and Fair Use of Technology Guidelines
- Copyright laws govern the use of copyrighted materials. Teachers and students may use copyrighted materials for educational projects and learning activities, but they must follow specific “fair use” guidelines.
- Fair use guidelines strongly advise obtaining permission from copyright owners whenever possible.
- Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission from the copyright holder for purposes such as criticism, parody, news reporting, research and scholarship, and teaching.
These fair use guidelines only apply to teacher or student-created items for instructional or educational purposes. For fair use to apply, the work must be for instructional purposes, not for personal use.
Items that can be used and how long
- Items created by teachers may be used without permission for a period of up to two years after the first instructional use.
- Material copied by teachers may be used for only one course term.
- Items may be kept in student portfolios as examples of academic work for any length of time.
- Video, recorded from television, can be shown for up to 10 days from original broadcast.
Information that can and cannot be used
- Copying information from one website onto another website is not allowed.
- Creating a link to another website is allowed.
- Using copyrighted information from the web in multimedia projects is allowed.
Illustrations and photograph limits
Different types of information/ different limits
Copyrighted images used on a web page must be displayed with the creator’s name. Educational use may include reproductions of any of the following:
- A photograph or illustration used in its entirety.
- No more than five images by a single artist or photographer.
- Up to 10%, but no more than 15 images, from a single published collection.
- One chart, graph, diagram, cartoon, or picture per book or periodical issue.
Motion, music, lyrics, and video limits
Alterations to a musical or motion media work cannot change the basic melody or the fundamental character of the work. Performance rights must be purchased prior to use in a public performance. Educational use may include:
- Up to 10%, but no more than three minutes, of a single copyrighted motion media work.
- Up to 10%, but no more than 30 seconds, of music and lyrics from a single musical work.
- Up to 10%, but no more than three minutes of a video.
- Online videos may not be downloaded unless the owner of the video gives consent.
- Videos from subscription databases may be used.