Pamantasang Lungsod ng Muntinlupa
Laws Affecting the Education and Educators
Prepared and Presented By:
Lhaarnie J. Buama
Code of Rajah Kalantiaw
“Controversial Law” – Teodoro Agoncillo
Las Antiguas de las Islas de Negros (Jose Marco 1913)
Education Decree of 1863
Superior Commission of Primary Instruction
Establishment of two primary schools in each barrio under the responsibility of the municipal government.
Act no. 74
Act no. 1870
Act no. 74
Act no. 1870
Department of Public Instruction
- Organization and maintenance of the normal school in Manila (40 dollars)
- Organization and maintenance of an agricultural school in Negros (15 dollars)
Act for Founding a University for the Philippine Islands
- Sec.1- The Governor-General is hereby authorized to establish a university in Manila (University of the Philippines)
- Sec.2 – “The Purpose of the University”
- Advanced instruction in literature, philosophy, sciences, arts
- To give professional and technical trainings
- Sec.3 – No student shall be denied admission to the university (age, sex, nationality, religious belief or political affiliations
- Sec. 11- Professors and other regular instructors in the university shall be exempt from any civil-service examination or regulation as a requisite to appointment
recognition Act of 1916
Recognition act of 1916
- Filipinization of all Department Secretaries EXCEPT the Secretary of Public Instruction
Military Order No. 2
- Reopening of school (300,000 students)
- Love for Work and Dignity for Labor were emphasized
- Diffusion of Japanese language
- Commission of Education, Health and Public Welfare
- Act Prohibiting the Collection of Contributions from School Children of Primary and Intermediate Schools
- Sec 2- Any person who violates the provisions of this Act shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty pesos or imprisonment for not more than one month or both in the discretion of the court.
Public School Salary Act of 1953
Undergrad- 1,440.00
Secondary Normal – 1,560.00
Republic Act No. 4670
Republic Act No. 4206
- Kinder and Elementary school teachers: BSEEd)
- Secondary School Teachers: Bachelor in Education or its equivalent in major and minor
- Secondary School Teachers: Bachelor’s degree in Arts or Science with at least 18 professionalunits in education
- For Secondary Vocational and Two Years Technical Courses: Bachelor’s Degree in the field of specialization with at least 18 professional units in education
- Collegiate Level: master’s degree with a specific area of specialization
- If the teacher possesses the appropriate civil service eligibility, NO PROBATIONARY PERIOD preceding regular appointment shall be imposed.
- In the absence of applicants who possesses the minimum educational qualifications:
- Person who possesses the minimum educational qualifications but lacks the civil service eligibility, shall or may be appointed on provisional status.
- The superintendent may appoint, under a temporary status, an applicant with minimum qualifications.
- The teacher-applicant should take competitive examinations, preference in making appointments (rank-based)
- Score and rank shall be furnished to the teacher-applicant
Article 2
Republic Act No. 4670
Republic Act 5546
Republic Act No. 4670