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history of heavy metal and its significane to modern music
2011-current year
In the start of the 80's heavy metal bands where extremely successful and where still prominent, but due to their influence many bands showing up made a major difference and popularized the idea of metal. Which these 4 bands where Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and anthrax which pionnered thrash which was a way faster and nastier sounding sound that inhanced the traditional heavy metal sound to sound even heavier. The big 4 popularized thrash but didnt nessacerilly create it but with many having different themes metallica and megadeth went against politics, slayer was screaming about hell, and anthrax were singing about not being a jerk. but all these band influence probably the 2 most contreversal genres in the main stream damaging any rock and heavy bands reputation, black and death metal. black metal was response to the mainstream they were against organized religoin and most did crimes to increase their evil image, the sound of the music is more atmespheric and more evil sounding. This sub-genre is the reason most people assiosate any heavy metal genre as satanic. Death metal which is often confused for black metal, was created in responce to black metal, most bands which originate from Florida or Sweden and mostly talked like if they were reading a horror movie script it also was made by the band ironically called Death and incorperated horror and violence with thrash. these 3 sub-genres later birthed more sube and mirco genres which gets more complicated the more you look into it.
In the 60's most of the world was dealing with political crisis. The most affected was the U.S dealing with the vietnam war and the United kingdom who delt with the fall of the industial revolution. With the crisis affecting the countries most of the youth of these countries, most people went against these issues, by making music. most bands that started rock influenced some future bands, like The Beatles, The Who, and The Rolling Stones. The band that did invent heavy metal was Black Sabbath. The way they came up with it was by adding guitar distortion to rock and roll/ hard edge blues. The sound was dark, loud and gloomish. This made alot of people shocked, by the sounds and lyrics, most of the lyrics involve lyrics about political crupption, occult and substance. This caused many to assoiate heavy metal with Satan or the devil. With this, it influenced the affects in future sub and microgenres later on.
As year progress the genre of heavy metal evolves to other subgenres and mircogenres. This assist in creation of new and combined subgenres and has so far benfited new sounds and more technical elements, which adds classical elements. it also gets with forgein influences like pop, rap, rock, and even jazz. we still have yet to know what further evolves metal too and builds on its self to make more.
When the 90's rolled on so did many new bands with new sounds appeared. but what really influence most of the newer bands then was groove metal which was popularized by Pantera, it further helped the creatation of metalcore and other modern genres. This era of metal also brought the more popular genre of Nu metal, which
could be both a musical and era based on sounds of both hip hop and any genre of metal. The one who made nu metal accidentally was Korn. They used rapping with harsh vocals and darker lyrics mentioning the lead vocalist's abusive step dad. This caused a rush of new bands with rap and pop like lyrics to appear, but this didnt mean all of the bands did most bands like slipknot, had no hip hop influence at all and was more influenced by death metal and only occasionally used rap like vocal patterns. But bands that played nu metal include Deftones, Korn, Papa roach, drowning pool, Linkin Park Static x, Limp Bizkit, Mudvyne, System of a Down( some what an exception is that its more proggresssive alternative metal due to its more undefinable sound) and Slipknot. This also birthed other more sub genres, metalcore and industrial where promanate in the 2000's as well. industrial is more of sound thats robotic and more technical, but bands that play industrial are Rammstien, Fear Factory and Marylin Manson. Metalcore is also a musical related genre which is where hardcore punk and metal combine which makes a more heavier and more aggressive sound, the most recognizable bands are Killswitch Engage, Bring me the horizion( they no long play metal core and now play pop rock), Trivium and Avenged sevenfold. this also combined with death metal to make death core which is just more heavier metalcore with even harsher vocals. bands include, chelsea grin, also bring me the horizon, and white chapel.
As the early to late 70's came around a new wave of heavy metal appeared after the large punk scene in the U.K declined. New wave of british heavy metal or NWOBHM as its known was like a new wave for heavy metal, its incorperated elements of hard rock and progressive rock, this allowed for others sub-genres like prog metal to exist but also helped genrealize the idea of traditional heavy metal. Bands such as Motörhead which was also classified as speed metal which is normal heavy metal just with faster instrumentals, Diamond Head, Saxon, and Iron Maiden. most people would include Judist Priest but some people also consider the band to be death metal due to their use of both blast beats, harsh vocals and sometimes graphic imagery but they are NWOBHM and do not count as thus a death metal band but did influence its creation. In the birth of NWOBHM came the death and birth of hardcore punk rock which is regarded to be alot more faster, angery and harder than the origanl punk scene, the hardcore scene was important as well with the NWOBHM scene in which in fluenced multiple sub-genres. hardcore both helped make metallic hardcore which is just hardcore with metal insperation which then turned to metalcore in the 2000's which branched out to micro-genres.
best bands to listen to, to have an idea of the sound you want to start with
heavy metal:black sabbath
NWOBHM: Judist priest
Death: Death
Black:just dont
metalcore:Avenged Sevenfold
people influenced by metal
outside of metal bands like ghost, ghostmane, and some rappers have been influenced by primarly the harsher and dark lyrics and has also influenced bands like weezer in its rock sound