Road to Revolution Timeline
Proclamation of 1763
- This proclamation allowed the Native Americans a right to claim land
- The British gave the Native Americans the boundary of the Appalachian Mountain to claim
- One of the bad things about it is it denied English settlers Western Expansion
- This was issued by King George III on October 7, 1763 which didn't allow the settlement on the west side along the Appalachian Mountain
Sugar Act 1764
- Makes the tax on sugar more even though it was a luxury only rich people could afford
- Enforces the law on smuggling and allows the soldiers to go into anyone's property with a open ended warrant
- Denied rights under English Bill or Rights
- Settlers were also angry because the had no say in the tax law
Stamp Act of 1765
Stamp Act of 1765
- The British Government directly taxed the colonist
- The British Government taxed all the printed material which included the newspaper
- The British Government at this point started to pay attention and control the settlers more
- This act caused protest and boycott this is the first time there was a colonial response
- Sons of Liberty: Protest groups
- Committees of Correspondence- information sharing
Stamp Act 2.0
Stamp Act 2.0 1766
- States the right & power of parliament to tax the colonies
- The act stated that it was taxing authority
- Due to the colonial protest the parliament gets rid of the Stamp Act
- This mostly affected the colonial elite because they are the ones who run the businesses
Townshend Act 1767
Townshend Act 1767
- Tax on imported goods which included paint, paper, and tea
- This act stopped smuggling
Colonial Response
- Boycott on imported goods
- Negative impacts on the colonial merchants
- Daughters of Liberty form to help boycott
Boston Massacre March 5, 1770
Boston Massacre 1770
- British soldiers open fire on colonial protesters, which killed 5 men including Crispus Attucks
- Angry over job competitions
- Soldiers that open fired are defended in court by John Adams
- The event was really well known in the the settlements and inspired people to do something
Tea Act 1773
Tea Act 1773
- Negative Impact on colonial merchants and smugglers
- The Sons of Liberty stage the Boston Tea Party protest
- British allowed the East India Company to ship directly to colonies
- Lowers price due to less taxes
- Limited people who sold tea
- Placed this act to help the East India Company financially
Intolerable Acts 1774
Intolerable Acts 1774
- Massachusetts government tells people to disobey the laws & prepare for fighting
- First Continental Congress organize resistance
- Punishes the colonist for the Boston Tea Party Protest
- Blockaded Boston Harbor & demanded colonist to pay for tea
- Attempts to make control of Massachusetts government
- Quartering Act- housing British Soldiers
- Quebec Act- expand territory & give more freedom
Lexington & Concord April 19, 1775
Lexington & Concord 1775
- British attempt to disarm colonist, 2nd Amendment
- Paul Revere's ride, "The British are coming"
- Showed colonial willingness to fight
- This was the first "military engagement" for the American Revolution
Olive Branch Petition July 1775
Olive Branch Petition 1775
- Colonial attempt to find a peaceful settlement (last chance before going to war)
- Colonies state their loyalty to the monarch and they also stated their rights as British citizens
- Discuss grievances
- This was written by John Dickinson to the King
"Common Sense" January 1776
"Common Sense" 1776
- Thomas Paine
- Major most known document of the American Revolution
- Made the case for independence
- It inspired a lot of people and opened peoples eyes that they were not being treated correctly as British citizens
Declaration of Independence July 1776
(when American colonies cut their ties to Britain)
Declaration of Independence 1776