The Anatomy of Woodrow Wilson: Neutrality in World War I
The Brain
What does Woodrow Wilson already know about the war?
- Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary assassinated on June 28, 1914.
- Serbia are being targeted by Austria-Hungary, leading to the alliance between them and Russia.
- Austria-Hungary joins forces with Germany.
- War is declared on August 1, 1914!
- The Schlieffen Plan is a-go for the Triple Alliance! Conquer France!
- Trench warfare in France? New weapons!
- Stalemate between Triple Alliance and Triple Entente until 1918... What now?
The Eyes
What does Woodrow Wilson see the future of the war being?
- Wilson wants the United States to be impartial.
- So long as the war didn't bring the United States into conflict, the United States was to remain neutral!
- "They'll sort it out themselves. They don't need us for anything, unless..."
- Vast majority of Americans agree with this.
The Mouth
How does Woodrow Wilson vocalize this future?
- He wants this, but he's still the president... He has to voice this neutrality to the entirety of the United States!
- He does this through the "Message on Neutrality" speech, delivered on August 19, 1914.
- Link to the speech transcript (it's not that long, I promise) is below.
The Heart
How do Woodrow Wilson's initial actions contradict neutrality?
- Wilson wants to be neutral... But he still trades with Britain?
- Great Britain, sided with the Triple Entente, was in the war! How was trading and supplying Britain with war supplies neutral?
- William P. Frye was transporting grain to England was targeted by German warfare. Wilson was outraged, even though he said he wanted to be neutral.
The Gut
What is Woodrow Wilson's reaction to all the events?
- Remember when we said that the United States will remain neutral until something happened? Well, it's happening.
- All the events will draaaaaag the United States into the war. Can't stay out of it if the drama involves you!
- What's Wilson's gut reaction to these events? Get into the war, obviously!
- On April 2, 1917, President Wilson delivers the "Declaration of War" address to Congress to join in the war against Germany.
- The speech transcript link is below
- The audio version (since it's a longer read) is below.