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southern society was centered around farming, so in turn the development was influenced by cash crops and their acsessability. southern society was dependant on slave labor, having the majority of the population located around farms. The south did not have a strong sense of community for the most part due to their seperation from society. Most of the large farms were located in areas that had little to no other residents for miles, while smaller farms had to rely on the small amount of community that surrounded them. Due to the south being a farming society their economy was based on the production of the crops and how fast they could turn product out. Slavery was a big influencer of the south, as it offered the plantation owners cheap labor that could be exploited from sunrise to sunset. The increase in the slave population would often cause white men and woman to lose work due to the fact that their labor was more costly than a slaves.
The polotics in the south focused on laws that would have been benificial to the the agricultural scene at that time. The main leaders in the southern political scene tended to be the wealthiest 2.5% of slave owners who owned more that 50 slaves. These slaveowners were the richest of the rich and their status contibuted to their political positions. Universal White male sufferage allowed the poor white men who owned small farms or worked on others farms to vote. These poor white men supported Andrew Jacksons expansion west, which helped to develop the third region of the west since most of these poor white men wanted to expand west ang gain cheaper land. The main political challanges was combating the antislavery opinions of the northern states. The Southern poloticians delt with their challange by linking the fear of slave revolts and the antislavery ideals of the North to create a firm army of people who would back their pro-slavery ideals.
In the south in around the year 1790 there was a second great awakening amongst the African American community. The total number of converts and preachers grew at a rapid pace as religion swept through these communities. Free African Americans would often start their own churches in order to practice their religion. This second great awakening gave way to the first African American Methodist and Babtist churches. Some slave owners allowed the ability to express their own religious practices in order to try install obedience in their slaves, but most of these churches would have given their slaves a place in order to show their longing for freedom. Christianity was a widespread trait among many slaves as they needed some sort of higher power to believe in to try and get them through the day.
The economy of the south was based off of the production of cash crops, which means the economy was influenced heavily by the value of each years harvest. The economy boomed after the invention of the cotton gin as it created a much faster more effective method of harvesting cotton. This increase of cotton production pushed cotton to become one of the most influencial cash crops which lead to the majority of the large plantations to shift their crops over to cotton for hopes of a larger salary. The main challange of the southen economics was the process of shipping the large amounts of supplies with the factor of commodity prices all over the world. On a federal scale the United states started to ship out common goods right when the people in other countries needed supplies. On a smaller scale the family substanince farms turned into larger plantations to keep up with the demand of the cotton.
The south was a breeding ground for termoil as the practices of slavery were largly debated. After the Nat Turner rebelion, the southern states started to become more defensive in fear that there would be more similar revolts. This caused the South to build up their military in order to quell any riots that would break out. The increase in military also was to scare any people from even trying to revolt in fear of their lives. These fear tactics were thought to be nessisary by the goverment due to the fact that slavery was relient of obidience.
Southern society; though having some technological advancements being introduced, was generaly not full of experimentation like the North was. Southern society wass very traditional as they continued their farming traditions. The most experimentational aspect of southern society was the introduction to large plantation style farming in contrast to the traditional sustanance farming. Thus, the southern society at the time was largely traditional as they did not have a large say in industrialization.
The most influencial technology in the south was technology that would have had a large influence in farming. The Cotton Gin was a revolutionary piece of equipment that turned Cotton into one of the main cash crops in the south. Before the Cotton Gin farmers could only harvest around one pound of cotton per day, but with the Cotton Gin their product was increased heavily. This shaped the economy and society around it as people all over the country shifted their crops to cotton to try and gain even the slightest bit of fortune from the cotton boom. The invention of the Cotton Gin also increased the amount of slaves in circulation, as more people wanted Slaves to work on their plantations to pick cotton. Overall the cotton gin was a revolutionary device that allowed a boom in the economy due to the switch from substanince farming to farming for a profit.
Northern society had developed to be centered around larger towns due too people needing to live closer to the factories or places of employment. In the early days before the industrial revolution, the men would often work under master-craftsman as an apprentice, while the woman would often work in domestic situations as cooks, domestic servants, or seamstresses. After the start of industrialization the economy shifted from small individual merchant businesses to large industrialized factories. The increased number of these factories caused society to form and develop around these large factories. These societies had positive aspects as it was easier to find work if a job hunters was skilled in little due to the fact that workers did not need to be apprenticed to develop sufficient skills. The downfall to working in these Northern factories was the long hours and harsher treatment. Workers were often forced to work long hours with little time for breaks, and often had little choice on their willingness to stay in their jobs.
The polotics in the North favored the Whig party, as the majority of the population consisted of the working class who favored policies that would benifit them. These policies consisted of the westward movement as these working class families wanted to go out and create their own fortune rather than slave away in a factory. The Whigs also wanted benificial economic change which would have helped to strengthen the economy in the industiralized northern region. The Whigs were often from the Evangelical reforming denominations which lead their religion to influence their polotics. The Whigs were also apatizing due to their support of roads which would help increase trade between the regions helping to strengthen the economy and the National Bank.
The religious practices of the New Englands puritans religion took hold over a large precentage of the north due to their focus on repentance and order. This new religious comunity focused more on the repentance of sinners with their conversion cerimones and their repentances held before the masses making it a community event. These new religious practices helped the society cope with the harsh treatment of workers inside the factories, giving the society encoraging sense of hope.
The economy of the north centered around trade and industrialization, so the economy depended on trade to survive. The north had began to industrialize as the technology became evalible and more profitable. The northen economy faced a stuggle in the fact thatat first their road systems were not effective as it took days to go through short distances in mud and other dangerous conditions. At first the local goverments tried to fix this problem by using their funds to construct new roads, this helped but did not eliminate the problem due to the lack of overall coordination. Finally, the federal goverment stepped in to create a national road system. This road system helped to increase the amount of products were being shipped, which overall benifited the economy.
The military of the north was created in order to try and control the revolutions and uprisings that had occured in the factories. These uprisings were triggered by the lackluster working conditions in these new industrialized factories, and would often need to be quelled by some form of military. None of these revolts were sucsessful no matter which gender started the revolt, so the military would probaly have been able to stop the rucess most of the time. Overall, the military in the north was used to calm down any strikes made by factory workers.
The northern society was a very experimental and new type of society, as the tools that allowed industrialization had not been widly avalible up to this point. The northern society had to experiment with industrialization to try and find the sweet spot that would provide the most money. This experimentation occured as the masses moved towards the working class life, working in factories to get minimum wage. This caused experimentation in how these factories were set up, as there were not a ton of instructions on how to run large factories. Thus, the society had to experiment and develop in order to effectively create a larger amount of profit than was previously acsessable.
Technology shaped the way the northern society functioned at this time period, and brought more economic growth then ever seen before. The technology brought over from Europe proved to be quite useful, as shown by the improved looms. Technology also helped the progress of the north by founding a large system of roads. This helped economic growth as the northern economy was centered around trade, so the increase of mobility was a game changer. At this time trains also started to come around, which would have increased the ability to ship good to and from industrialized towns ten fold. Thus, the technology that helped industiralized the northern colonies; was a game changer in both the production and transportation of materials.
I used the Ap Us history textbook sixth edition to find the information contained in this presentation.