Don't give up!!
I believe in you!!
Cultural issues
Learning, Cognition,
and motivation presentation
- Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors; driving force behind human actions.
- Represents behaviorism because it "involves the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that activate behavior" (Cherry 2020).
Examples of motivation:
1. Intrinsic (stems from inner desire)
2. Extrinsic (derives from external forces)
socio-Cultural Aspects
- "The focus of the sociocultural theories of motivation is related to human development and learning" (Wong 2020).
- These theories of motivation relate to other learner's motivational theories like...
Socio-cultural aspects
Locke's Goal Setting Theory
Maslow's Motivational Social Need Theory
Cultural considerations
Cultural considerations
- The cultural considerations for college students in the terms of motivations is different among various cultural views.
- For example, students from cultural backgrounds where family interdependency is crucial are expected to fulfill family obligations while handling college responsibilities, creating conflict.
- One research shows that ethnic minority first-generation college students are the most at-risk students to have poor academic performance and high drop out rates due to the many challenges they face.
As shown, African Americans have the lowest completion rate and the highest not enrolled rates, followed by Latinos while Caucasians and Asian lead over all.
Six year outcomes by Race and ethnicity
The graph below displays the percentage of first-generation status (Top) while further comparing the race/ethnicity of the first-generation students (Bottom)
First generation students ethnicity comparison
Cultural impact
- Cultural views and beliefs vary drastically regarding motivational theories.
- For example, the need to achieve and the concern of performance is common in the US, UK, and Canada; However, in countries like Chile and Portugal, it’s almost non-existent.
- Another example concerns the equity theory of motivation* in other cultures. In the US, it's very common, but in Central and Eastern European countries, workers expect rewards to reflect their personal needs along with their performance.
Cultural impact
* deals with the way people compare their own skills and values to others in similar work situations based on their inputs (time, skill set, and education) and outputs (salaries, raises, and promotions)
Geert Hofstede's research experiment
- Geert Hofstede, a Dutch social psychologist, conducted some research on cross-cultural groups in organizations. Here's an index he created for each category to show where individual cultures fell on the spectrum:
- Power Distance: Describes the extent in which less powerful members of organizations accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. (High index number=hierarchy is clearly established and executed in society; Low index number=people question authority in that culture.)
- Individualism: Measures the degree to which people in a society are integrated into groups.
- Uncertainty avoidance: Defined as a “society’s tolerance for ambiguity.” (High scores=opt for very defined codes of behavior and laws; Low scores=more accepting of different thoughts and ideas.)
- Masculinity vs femininity: In masculine societies, women and men are more competitive, while in feminine societies, they share caring views equally with men.
- Long-term Orientation vs. Short-term Orientation: Measures the degree to which a society honors tradition. (Higher score=society views adaptation and problem-solving as a necessary component of their culture;Lower score=traditions are kept.)
- Indulgence vs. restraint: Measurement of happiness if simple joys are fulfilled. Indulgent societies believe themselves to be in control of their lives, while restrained societies believe that external forces dictate their lives.
Cultural Issues
- A country's culture shapes the views and values of its citizens. Different countries mold different ideas and perspectives into individuals, which can cause issues in various circumstances like motivation.
- For instance, individuals who live in work oriented cultures do not mind sacrificing their personal time to their job, willing to work any time of any day. However, in Work-Life Balance cultures, people tend to care more about one's personal life more than work. "You work to live, not live to work" (Sturtevant 2018). If one person from each culture were to switch places, the conflict on the cross-cultural environment would be huge.
- The motivational factors for two cultural different people would vary, as one would see more work recognition and promotions as fair, while the other would see more vacation days and less time scheduled to work as a positive motivator.
Work-Life Balance Society Motivation
Work Oriented Society Motivation
Work oriented society vs Work-life Balance society
- Cherry, K. (2020, April 27). The Psychology of What Motivates Us. Retrieved September 29, 2020, from
- Dennis, J.M., Phinney, J.S., & Chuateco, L.I. (2005). The Role of Motivation, Parental Support, and Peer Support in the Academic Success of Ethnic Minority First-Generation College Students. Journal of College Student Development 46(3), 223-236. doi:10.1353/csd.2005.0023.
- Joshua Sturtevant, V. (2018, September 4). The Motivation Dimension: How Different Cultures Inspire High Performance. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from
- Learning, L. (2019). Organizational Behavior and Human Relations. Retrieved September 30, 2020, from
- Wong, A. C. (2020). SocioCultural Theory. Retrieved September 29, 2020, from