Questions? Concerns?
- Ask me.
- Parents? E-mail or call.
And one more thing...
You will need to study for it.
- Online material will be posted.
- Review books are available to borrow/purchase
- Local library
- Amazon
- Reviews in class
- Optional reviews before/after school
Give yourself a chance.
Take the test.
Will you be ready?
And one more thing...
- Review material is posted
- Review books available
- Review in class
- Optional reviews before/after school
- If interest, one long session or weekend review
- Will you study and review old material?
- Will you complete the work?
- Do you actively participate?
- Will you study regularly?
- How are you on the vocab?
- Can you carry on a conversation and use geographic terminology?
- Do you score 2’s or higher on assessments?
- If not, what do you do afterward?
1. Success Rate
Are you worth the gamble?
Still not sure?
Passing is considered a 3
- 2023 - 54%
- 2022 - 53.2%
- 2021 - 52.5%
- Talk it over with your parents
- Sign up and change your mind by November 8, get a full refund
- Change your mind after:
- $40 charge to "restock"
- Just sit for exam without expectations
Primarily, freshmen and sophomores.
2. Money Savings
Additional College Costs
- I used tuition & fees
- Books for courses
- Textbook
- Additional books
- Living Expense
Cost of test: $0 or $98
- District - 1 - 3
- $40 Charge if you don't sit for exam
- Full cost after 3
College Tuition
- Southern Illinois
- 4 gets 3 hours
- $442 / hour (2024)
- DePaul
- 4 gets 4
- 5 gets 8
- $404-606/ hour (2024)
- University of Illinois
- 4 gets 4
- $685-761 / hour (2024)
- Northern Illinois
- 4 gets 3
- $671 / hour
Why take the
APHuG Test?
But will I need this class?
- Check your major or interests
- Most have prerequisites
- Answer really depends on you and college choice
College Acceptance Info:
Major & Careers:
Last Updates:
Cost Data - 2023-2024
Credit Data - 2014
$ per credit hour - 2012
3. General Scoring
AP Score Recommendation
- 5 Extremely Well Qualified
- 4 Well Qualified
- 3 Qualified
- 2 Possibly Qualified
- 1 No Recommendation
5. Know more than think
51% on the Multiple-Choice?
- Average around 30% on the FRQs, 3 on test
- Average around 50% on the FRQs, 4 on test
60% on the Multiple-Choice?
- Average around 24% on the FRQs, 3 on test
- Average around 45% on the FRQs, 4 on test
4. Test Basics
Part One:
- 60 multiple-choice questions
- 60 minutes
Part Two:
- 3 Free-Response
- 75 minutes
- Unit tests more specific and repetitive
5-10% Geography: Its Nature and Perspective
13-17% Population
13-17% Cultural Patterns and Processes
13-17% Political Organization of Space
13-17% Agricultural and Rural Land Use
13-17% Industrialization and Economic Development
13-17% Cities and Urban Land Use