1. Old-Babylonian Tradition
3. Greek-grammatical Tradition
4. Arabic-grammatical Tradition
5. Hebrew-linguistic Tradition
Old-Babylonian Tradition
PARADIGMS: Different forms of the same word.
Hindu Tradition (Sanskrit)
- Grammatical rules.
- Pānini (w4w recitation and continuous recitation).
"Grammar is the most scientific of the sciences"
Greek-grammatical tradition
- Plato, Aristotle and Stoics (origin of language, parts of speech and relation language / thought).
- Homer (basic education).
Roman linguistics
+Roman linguistics
- Morphology (noun declensions and verb conjugations).
- Parts of speech.
Arabic-grammatical tradition
- Following Aristotle.
- Sacred and immutable / PERFECT (inflectional endings: symmetry and logicalness).
Hebrew-linguistic tradition
- Old Testament.
- System for morphology.
- Parts of speech: noun, verb and particles.
- After 1100, grammarians followed Aristotle's view that scientific knowledge is universal or general and applies to all subject matter, including grammar.
- Roger Bacon (1214-1294) stated that "grammar is substantially one and the same in all languages, although it may vary accidentally".
- Speculative grammar (Modistae) ----> The grammarian's job was to explain how the intellect had created a system of grammar.
- Philosophical grammar ----> The 'convention' was 'reasoned', and since the reasoning is universal, God-given, it comes from 'nature'.
- Following René Descartes (1596-1650), the scholars thought that the particular grammatical systems of existing languages were merely aproximations of the universal ideal, partly corrupted by neglect in usage.
• Colonization and voyages from sixteenth century.
• Variety of languages (Africa, Asia and America).
• Historical linguistic interests.
• Background in Greek tradition (nature-vs-convention).
• Hebrew-Biblically known as the original language.
• Comparative linguistics.
The Scythian hypotheis and the notion of Indo-European
Scythian h. and n. Indo-European
• Early recognition of the family relationship among Indo-European languages.
• Johannes Goropius Becanus’ Emphasis on “Scythian” (1569).
•Raphelengius correspondences between Persian and Germanic languages.
•Similarities between Sanskrit, Greek and Persian numerals.
Sir William Jones (1798)
- Sanskrit and its wonderful structure, with stronger affinity to Greek and Latin in roots of verbs and forms of grammar.
- Gothic and Celtick had the same origin with Sanskrit and that Old Persian could also be added to the same family.
- Usually credited with founding comparative linguistics.
Johannis Sanjovics (1770)
- Relationship between Hungarian, Lapp and Finnish.
Andreas Jäger (1686)
- “Mother” and “daughters”.
- Dialects became independent with time.
- Descendants of the ancestral languages - Persian, Greek, Italic, Slavonic languages, Celtic and Gothic.
Jonathan Edwards (1787)
- Demonstrated the relationship among Algonquian languages - list of 60 vocabulary items and grammatical features, in contrast with Jones, who left no linguistic evidence.
Edward Lhuyd (1707)
- Comparison between several Indo-European languages including a list of cognates, sounds correspondings and changes.
- Discovered the Grimm’s Law.
Jones had little interest in linguistics, it was only a source of information to him.
The Neogrammarians
- Younger scholars who antagonized the leaders of the field around 1876 in Germany.
- Slogan: "Sound laws suffer no exceptions" / "Every sound change, in as much as it occurs mechanically, takes place according to laws that admit no exceptions".
- The pre-Neogrammarian position is the "family tree model" (languages related by a common ancestor).
- Opponent's slogan: "Each word has its own history" and they followed the "Wave Theory" (intended to deal with changes due to contact among languages and dialects).
- Family tree + Wave Theory = complete.