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Week 8 Session 1


Copyright by Gladys Luk 2021

  • Warm up exercise
  • Recap
  • Citation and referencing
  • Patient Case Report
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Academic writing

Warm up exercise

Warm Up exercise: Pronunciation

Pronunciation and spelling are usually related.


Report, Remember, conduct, noble

We look at the spelling and are able to pronounce these words.

Genre, Grand prix, History, Island, Future & Setup

Warm Up exercise: Pronunciation

In the video we are going to watch, the teacher did teach her students to read the words according to the spelling.

But it is totally a joke.



  • Unit 1 Activity 7
  • Patient Case Report: Symptoms
  • Citation and Referencing
  • Academic writing

Citation and Referencing

Unit 5 Page 68

Citation & Referencing

Verbs of attribution & In-text citation

Referencing: Recap

3 steps:

  • present the ideas with verbs of attribution
  • insert the in-text citation in the text
  • at the end, prepare a reference list

Verbs of attribution

Tell the readers why we select these ideas and how we view them with the use of verbs of attribution.

Please look at the examples.

Verbs of attribution: P.70

established = discovered

found = reporting results

Verbs of attribution: P. 70

both 'noted' and 'conclude' = presenting views

Verbs of attribution: P. 70

analyse: explaining

found: reporting results

argue: presenting views/arguments

Verbs of attribution: Act 4 P. 71

Some more examples of verbs of attribution

What are their functions?

Verbs of attribution: Act 4 P. 71

explain, analyse

report, find, state, demonstrate

mention, note, point out, put forward the view that, discuss, state, show, claim, argue, say, conclude, support, demonstrate

evaluate, support, indicate, recommend, suggest, propose

In-text citation

Lee: the author (subject)

2008: year of publication

Integral in-text citation

contends: v of attribution = states or argues that it is true

  • Incorporated in the text (P. 73)
  • e.g. Lee (2008) contends that 'reducing waste at source is the most effective method to solve the pullution problem' (p. 10)

page where you can find the idea in the publication

In-text citation

author not the subject

does not contain the v of attribution

present the idea

authors are listed at the end

Non-integral in-text citation

  • Not incorporated in the text (P. 73)
  • place at the end of the sentence, before the full stop
  • e.g. The discussion and research projects about leading a more sustainable and 'green' lifestyle have been well documented (Breen, 2001; Wong, Xu & Ge, 2008).

In-text citation

To sum up:

  • not a reference list
  • within the text
  • make it as simple as possible
  • so only include the surname/family name/last name of the author
  • together with the year of publication

Activity 6 Part II (P.75) Correct the mistakes

According to Butt (2002), two third of the respondents were concerned about the construction of incinerators close to their living areas.

Butt (2002) found that two third of the respondents ...

Activity 6 Part II P. 75

Not a complete sentence

Activity 6 Part II

As Lo (2001) has demonstrated, most Hong Kong people have reservations about the mandatory producer-responsibility legislations.

Lo (2001) has demonstrated that most Hong Kong people ...

Activity 6 Part II

Activity 6 Part II

In Lynne's (2007) view, growing more plants is beneficial to human health.

Lynne (2007) contends that growing more plants is ...

Preparing a reference list


APA referencing style:

  • The official style of the American Psychological Association (APA)
  • commonly use to cite sources in psychology, education, and the social sciences.


References in APA style:

  • At the end of the essay/article/report.
  • Listed the surname of the author of the book or article we have referred to or cited in alphabetical order.
  • This list is called References


If I am interested in knowing more about the information you have included, how am I going to find it?

What information do I need in order to find the source?


Do I need to know the name of the book?

Do I need to know the name of the author?

Do I need to know the year of publication?

What else do I need to know? Any suggestions?


  • Name of the book
  • Name of the author
  • Year of publication
  • Publisher
  • City + name


Name of the book

Blue, ideology, and Afro-American literature: A vernacular theory.

Name of the author

H. A. Baker


Year of publication

Publisher: city & name


University of Chicago Press




Other things to bear in mind.

1. Sources are listed alphabetically, by the

authors' last name/ surname/ family name.

2. References should start at the left margin.

3. Second and subsequent lines should be

indented with 5 spaces.


Unit 5 P.77


References: Practice

  • Author
  • Year
  • Title of book
  • Publication information
  • City: Publisher


References: Practice

  • Author
  • Year
  • Title of book
  • Publication information
  • City: Publisher


References: Practice

Arrange the order

Doyle; Fleer; Johnson, M.; Johnson V.; Lilienfeld; Samson

Academic writing

Academic Writing



What is Academic Writing?

Academic writing = Formal writing


  • clearer and more precise
  • supported by facts and statistics
  • contains complex sentence structures

What is Academic Writing?

What is more?

  • No slang or colloquial language
  • No contracted (short) forms
  • Different in terms of choice of words and grammar
  • The way of organizing the ideas
  • Most importantly, with citation and referencing

What is Academic Writing?


family and friends


serious thought


complex sentences showing considerable variety in construction

mostly simple and compound sentences joined by conjunctions such as 'and' or 'but'

less likely to be clear and as organised

clear and well planned

may not always use complete sentences

likely to be error free

use of short forms, idioms and slang

Technical and academic language used accurately

Academic Word choice

Academic writing

Key Characteristics:

  • More objective
  • More complex
  • Has a more formal structure
  • More referencing

Academic writing

More reliable, more trustworthy

In terms of grammar and structure

More objective

More complex

Has a more formal structure

More referencing

In terms of the organization

refer to citation and references to avoid plagiarism

Academic writing: more complex

In terms of formality and grammatical structures

Formality of language:

  • big differences vs most significant distinction

*Word choice to convey a high level of formality

look into the issue vs examine the issue

talk about vs discuss

come up with some possible solutions vs

suggest some possible solutions

Academic writing: more complex

More academic word choice

Try to complete the activity

1. He carried out a great deal of research into pollution.

2. She obtained her PhD degree in 2010.

3. One of the key factors in good academic writing is appropriate choice of words, which can help students submit really excellent assignments.

Academic writing: more complex

4. Working hard is essential for university students.

5. The cost of computers has decreased considerably in recent years.

6. Students can eliminate errors in their writing by proofreading carefully.

7. Scientists have recently discovered ways of making plastic biodegradable.

Academic writing: more complex

8. Prices of books have fluctuated wildly over the past five years.

9. In this essay, you are advised to discuss the ways in which cultural background can affect a student's approach to learning.

10. The professor wanted her students to analyse the problems before suggesting possible solutions to them.

Patient's summary

  • Symptoms description

Patient Case Report

Recap & Symptom description


3 categories:

  • Present complaint e.g. pain
  • Physical symptoms
  • Psychological and emotional symptoms


Observe the flow when presenting symptoms

  • more important symptoms first or in chronological order (Past then present, etc)
  • physical symptoms before psychological/emotional ones



List all symptoms according to :

  • Importance /
  • chronological order
  • adverbials of time e.g. two weeks ago
  • tense e.g. past to present, present to present perfect, etc


List all symptoms according to :

  • physical symptoms then
  • psychological / emotional symptoms

Symptom description


Generally, the flow has mostly been presented correctly.

'Verb' is an essential elements.

Pay attention to how we should transform fragments into complete sentences.

Check grammar especially 'tense'.

Generally past unless it is something that happens today.

Do not include irrelevant information

All these gave an impression that the situation happened in a continous manner.


Be careful with the following words.


He started to have hissing sound in his right ear ...


Until today, he couldn't talk clearly.


Today, he still has unclear speech.


Mr Bob Smith, a 58-year-old construction worker, has been admitted for attacks ...

Is that the case?




Yes but don't paraphrase technical terms unless you are very sure that they are interchangeable otherwise the meaning may be altered.

Physical symptoms vs psychological symptoms

Unclear speech



different from auditory hallucination


  • 'hissing' here is regarded as a physical symptom
  • may be the result of the problems with the ear or with the brain

unclear speech

  • can be both, depending on symptoms mentioned before
  • can be a physical symptom because of 'stroke' or 'brain tumor'

Description of Bob Smith's symptoms

Last week attacks of dizziness with nausea and vomiting for 4 days

Last week, Mr Bob Smith had attacks of dizziness with nausea and vomited for 4 days.

Last week, Mr Bob Smith suffered attacks of dizziness with nausea and vomited for 4 days.

Last week, Mr Bob Smith had attacks of dizziness with nausea and vomited. Such situation lasted for 4 days.

Mr Bob Smith had attacks of dizziness with nausea and vomited for 4 days last week.

Description of Bob Smith's symptoms

During attack, rapid pulse rate and increased respiration rate.


During the attack, his pulse rate was rapid and his respiration rate increased.


During the attack, Mr Smith had a rapid pulse rate and an increased respiration rate.


Description of Bob Smith's symptoms

During the attack, his pulse rate was rapid with an increased respiration rate.

During the attack, Mr Bob Smith’s pulse rate and respiration rate increased.

Description of Bob Smith's symptoms

Later, acute throbbing chest pain (left side). Affecting left thumb.

Later, he suffered an acute throbbing chest pain on the left side and this affected his left thumb.

Later, there was an acute throbbing chest pain on the left side which affected the left thumb.

Later, he suffered from an acute, throbbing pain in the left chest which affected his left thumb.

Description of Bob Smith's symptoms

Worse at night. Better after sleep.

He felt worse at night, but better after sleep.

The pain got worse at night, but became better after sleep.

was relieved

The situation got worse at night/ The symptoms got worse at night but became better after sleep.

Description of Bob Smith's symptoms

Hissing in right ear two days ago.

Two days ago, Mr Smith had a hissing in his right ear.

Two days ago, Mr Smith heard a hissing in the right ear.

Description of Bob Smith's symptoms

Two days ago, Mr Smith heard some hissing sounds in his right ear.

Two days ago, hissing sounds appeared in Mr Bob Smith’s right ear.

Description of Bob Smith's symptoms

Sweat at night. Muscle weakness.

He also sweated at night and suffered muscle weakness.

Also, his muscle became weak and he was sweating all night.

He sweated at night and had the symptom of muscle weakness.

Description of Bob Smith's symptoms

Today with unclear speech

Today, he speaks unclearly.

Today, he has an unclear speech.

Today, he is unable to speak clearly.

Description of Bob Smith's symptoms

Last week, Mr Bob Smith had attacks of dizziness with nausea and vomited for 4 days. During the attack, his pulse was rapid and his respiration rate increased. Later, he suffered an acute throbbing pain on the left chest which affected his left thumb. The pain got worse at night and was relieved after sleep. Two days ago, Mr Smith had a hissing in his right ear. He also sweated at night and experienced muscle weakness. Today, he is unable to speak clearly.

Reading comprehension

Reading comprehension

Part II:

  • Reading comprehension
  • Proofreading
  • citation and referencing

Suggested time allocation: 30 minutes

Reading comprehension

Some problems found in the answers

  • not actually answering the questions
  • irrelevant information included
  • relevant information missing
  • problematic answers
  • misunderstanding of the content
  • grammar

Reading comprehension

H.G. Wells's War of the Worlds inspired the producers to make films about outer space.

Not actually answering the questions

Q3. What inspired the producers to make films about outer space?

What became a classic?

H.G. Wells's War of the Worlds became a classic.

Reading comprehension

irrelevant information included

Q6. What is the Roswell Case?

An alien spaceship crashed near Roswell in the state of New Mexico. They claim the US government was actually able to examine the bodies of the aliens.


An alien spaceship crashed near Roswell in the state of New Mexico.

Reading comprehension

relevant information missing

Q7. What do the US authorities say about the Roswell Case?

The US authorities say that is nonsense.

How nonsense?

Reading comprehension

Problematic answers

Q5. What does 'them' (in line 29, page 1) refer to?

The alien creatures and their spaceship.

Can spaceships abduct and examine the people?

Reading comprehension

Problematic answers

Q2. What is 'extraterrestrial life'?

the life about outer space

it seems that someone has moved to outer space and it is about what he does every day.

Reading comprehension

Problematic answers

Q2. What is 'extraterrestrial life'?

some kind of intelligent life outside Earth

'life outside Earth' is already good enough

There is nothing to do with whether this kind of life-form is intelligent or not

Reading comprehension

Problematic answers

Q6. What is the Roswell case?

Roswell Case is a case which US government has examined the bodies of aliens in a place next to Roswell where the alien spaceship crashed.


According to this answer, Roswell Case is a case which US government has examined the bodies of aliens. The crash of the alien spaceship is extra information.

Reading comprehension

Misunderstanding of the content

Q5. What does 'them' (in line 29, page 1) refer to?

large numbers of people/ people who claimed to have seen alien creatures and their spaceships

large numbers of people have actually claimed to have seen alien creatures and their spaceships, and these large numbers of people have even claimed to have been abducted and examined by them

Reading comprehension: Answers


Q1. When did people find out that Mars could be another planet like Earth?

In the nineteenth century

Reading comprehension: Answers

Q2. What is 'extraterrestrial life'?

Morphology: how words are constructed e.g stems, prefixes and suffixes

Reading comprehension: Answers

extra - terrestrial

Reading comprehension: Answers

extra - terrestrial

Life outside the Earth

Reading comprehension: Answers

Q3. What inspired the producers to make films about outer space?

H. G. Wells's War of the Worlds

intelligent origin

Reading comprehension: Answers

Q4. What does it mean by 'with an intelligent origin'?

US CIA: Central Intelligence Agency

The CIA seal features several symbols: an eagle for alertness, a shield for defense, and a compass rose for global intelligence collection.

Reading comprehension: Answers

intelligent origin

Reading comprehension: Answers

Q4. What does it mean by 'with an intelligent origin'?

Originally for collecting information

Reading comprehension: Answers

Q5. What does 'them' (in line 29, page 1) refer to?

Alien creatures

Q6. What is the Roswell case?

An alien spaceship crashed near Roswell in the state of New Mexico.

Reading comprehension: Answers

Q7. What do the US authorities say about the Roswell Case?

The US authorities say it is nonsense and that people saw weather balloons and test flights of secret weapons rather than aliens

Q8. What is 'unique'?

The only one

From Etymology Dictionary

Reading comprehension: Answers

one reason; unusual

Q9. Give one reason why Earth is considered to be an unusual planet?

  • sheltered by Jupiter
  • located in a rare asteroid-free zone
  • contains a wide range of elements for the existence/survival of complex organisms.

Reading comprehension: Answers

for survival

Q10. What are the criteria for the survival of planets like Earth?

  • have stable conditions 'necessary' for evolution to take place
  • presence of heavy metals
  • small, stable and not hit by rays and rocks

Assignment 2

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