Presented by :
PARTH DAVE (IU2141230037)
MEGH BHATT (IU2141230012)
What does ICT mean ?
- Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is the convergence of computing, telecommunication and governance policies for how information should be accessed, secured, processed, transmitted and stored.
- ICT has become an umbrella term in many parts of the world as digital communication links replace analog links -- and the demand for professionals who have the knowledge and skills to manage the convergence of these links grows.
ICT Tools
- ICT tools stand for Information Communication Technology tools. The ICT tools means to digital infrastructures like computers, laptops, printers, scanners, software programs, data projectors, and interactive teaching box.
- The ICT devices are the latest tools, concepts and techniques used in student-to-teacher, student-to-student interaction for example: - clicker devices, mobile applications, flipped classroom) for information and communication technology.
Types of ICT Tools
Types of ICT Tools
ICT Tools are classified into the following categories :
1) Informative tools
2) resignation devices
3) Constructive tools
4) Communicative tools
5) Collaborative tools -
- Informative tools are applications that provide large amounts of information in various formats such as text, graphics, sound, or video.
- Informative tools can be regarded as a passive repository of information (Chen & Hsu, 1999).
- Examples include tools and information resources of the existing multimedia encyclopedia of the Internet.
Resignation Devices
- Resignation devices/situating tools are systems that place the students in the environment where it involves a context and the occurrence of a situation.
- Examples of such systems include simulation, virtual reality, and multi-user domains.
- Constructive tool is a general purpose tool that can be used to manipulate information, construct their own knowledge or visualize students understanding.
- Construction tools such as Microsoft Word or Powerpoint has a strong impact in the educational environment and is widely used in most organizations in the form of memos, reports, letters, presentations, record routine information, giving businesses the most (McMahon, M. 1997.)
- In learning a second language , Microsoft Word manage to help students to make correct sentences and texts as well as modern word processors include spell checking and dictionaries and grammar checkers.
- Communicative tools are systems that allow easy communication between teachers and students or between students outside the physical barrier classroom.
- It is including e-mail, electronic bulletin boards, chat, teleconference and electronic whiteboard.
- Synchronous communicative tools such as chat or video conference enable real-time communication while using the tools of communicative asynchronous (eg e-mail and electronic whiteboard) is a system in which exchange of messages between people are not 'live' but somehow delayed.
- Collaboration tools of ICT is currently the focus of much interest and emerging as development of new tools that make online collaborative projects draw a realistic option for a distributed group work.
- Internet can be used for many collaborative activities such as meetings, discussions are taking place, working in the document, information dissemination, and other tasks.
- Interactive electronic whiteboard is not just used as tools for meeting and development, but recently became the most popular tool among teachers.
Advantages of ICT Tools
ICT methods and concepts are growing day by day, here are some advantages of ICT:
- Bridging the cultural gap
Disadvantages of ICT Tools
ICT also have a few demerits:
- Destructive and immoral content
Disadvantages of ICT Tools
Importance of ICT Tools
- ICT helps pupils to develop new skills and become more creative.
- ICT stimulates the development of imagination as well as initiative.
- It is a valuable tool for producing work, both in terms of content and form.
- It improves pupils' academic performance as their classroom experience also improves substantially.
Importance of ICT Tools
We hope you liked our presentation and the information we gave you will be useful to you.