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Rates... & Stuff

Monthly Service Fee

Components of our Bills

Energy Charge

  • Monthly Service Fee
  • Energy Charge (kWh)
  • Wholesale Power Adjustment (WPA)
  • Demand (kW)
  • Operation Round-Up
  • State Tax
  • Monthly fixed amount the member pays to have an active service.
  • Amount is different for each rate class.
  • This charge helps pay for all of the fixed costs to run the REMC and physically get electric to their homes, whether or not they use a single kWh. (Ex: office building, poles, trucks, computers, etc.)
  • Charge for the total electric (kWh's) used for the month.

kWh's Used

x rate

Energy Charge

  • Rate changes seasonally (Summer, Winter, Shoulder)
  • Summer and Winter rates are higher because it is more expensive to produce and purchase electric during those seasons.

Name Change

This was previously referred to as "Facilities Charge." However, with us building a new facility, there was concern that the name would be misleading and people would think that charge is ONLY to pay for our new building. So we updated the name to "Monthly Service Fee."

Other Bill Components

Wholesale Power Adjustment (WPA)

Demand Charges (kW)

  • Operation Round-Up
  • Taxes (7%)
  • Security Light
  • Transformer Charge (GSLGTRF only)
  • Best way to think of demand:

usage = total electric used over a certain period of time.

demand = most electric used at any given time.

  • Also, a charge for the total electric (kWh's) used for the month.
  • Calculated each month
  • (You all read that email I send out thoroughly, right?)
  • Can be positive or negative
  • It's Purpose is to be able to adjust our rates based on changes in the costs of electric from Hoosier Energy. Our rates are designed to collect enough revenue based on an assumed cost of electric. If the cost of electric goes up or down due to numerous factors (inflation, fuel costs, wars, etc), this provides a mechanism to ensure we are not overcharing or undercharging our members.

kWh's Used

x WPA rate

WPA Charge

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