5 Steps to Handling an Unhappy Caller
We can usually determine an Unhappy Caller Within the first few second of a call. When you encounter an Unhappy Caller, it´s important to Listen the caller before trying to defuse the situation, sometimes the caller just want to vent his frustration and, after he is given the chance to express displeasure, he will allow you to solve the issue with no further anger.
Unhappy callers tend to go on tangents
Keeping notes will help you to find an answr to the problem more efficiently
While the Caller is speaking, it may be helpful to write down the key point of his problem
Taking Notes
It will also allow you to maintain your focus
Follow Chapcare policies for handling difficult patients
When a caller is
threatening you
When a Caller Threatens you
If the policy allows it, dissconect the call when they cross the line
Remain Calm
Remain Calm
It is important to remain calm during a difficult call to prevent the situation from escalating
Focus on using an even tone while speaking, using an agitated or anfry tone will infuriate the caller even more
Remember the Caller is not angry at you. It´s the situation that is making the patient angry
Having a little empathy can go a long way
Put Yourself in their shoes, How wuold you fell if this happened to you?
Take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves while the caller is talking
Repeat information
When the Unhappy caller has finished talking, it is important to make them fell as if you are on their side
Apologize about the problem, convey empathy and then sumarize their main points
it will not only make the caller feel that you are actually listening, it will also give him a few moments to calm down
Many of us are used to pu a caller on hold , blelieving that the hold time will aloow them to calm down, Actually, the opposite is true. The Hold Time will add to the caller frustration, escalating the situation
Avoid the Use of Hold
Some callers believe that Hold time are used to talk rudely without being heard
Others believe that they are put on Hold so we don´t have to deal with the problem
While on Hold, the caller´s imagination will have plenty of time to think up negative reasons for why they are on Hold
Instead of using Hold while you research the problem, talk to the Patient, let them know you are trying to Help and what you are doing about it
Talking to an Unhappy caller will help to calm them, as they fell you care enough to guide them trough the process
Once you have a solution to the problem, it is time to take action
Make the Caller Happy
Give them options, don´t tell the caller you can´t help them, focus on what you can actually do
Go the Extra Mile, Before ending the call, sincerely ask if there is anything else you can help with
Make the Caller Smile, Compliment the Caller For being a Chapcare Patient, if you can put a smile on their face, you have Done Agreat Job